View Full Version : FB Hall of Fame

10-20-2013, 10:28 PM
Since there's an FA version why not have one for every class?

Who're some top end names of players you've known in your cabal lifetime?

My list (not in any order, just spouted out):
Tomaboy (One of the strongest FB's in his time)
toca4ever (Most successful mFB)
DrifterX (The first full +15 forci set FB as well as skilled in most things)
LFB (it was LordForceBlader I think; Skilled enough and widely known in war to make it to the list)
DevilCry (Venus member of CriticaL that always dominated in nation war)
Valdoroth (hey that's me :O, one of best debuffers/upkeeps and event maker)
HFB (Successful hybrid FB that performed exceptional in most wars)
TurcoX (Loud mouthed, but wasn't bad)
Exp (Hero currently, and slowy rising)
Rockstar (Every FB's gear wants forever ago)
Tomo (through other means he can be added)
Elyon (was one of the top geared FB for a long time)
Blager (Highest crafter probably in all NA)
Tridevil (Widely known as a strong FB, performing well enough to his top peers in war)
xLanx (In the same boat as Tridevil, with a little more skill)

Pretty sure I could think of more later, but it's late and I went braindead. I'll add more laters when I think them up.

10-21-2013, 09:18 AM

10-21-2013, 12:06 PM

10-21-2013, 01:36 PM

I wouldn't call latle worthy of the hall of fame. I can't recall him ever doing anything great or special.

10-21-2013, 03:41 PM
HFB and Peaches? :(

10-21-2013, 05:23 PM
Tomo end of thread

10-21-2013, 06:30 PM

I wouldn't call latle worthy of the hall of fame. I can't recall him ever doing anything great or special.
I can't believe I forgot rockstar. And I remember idrax, but never knew them as greatly known/accomplished except farming t4.

HFB and Peaches? :(Eh HFB maybe so. Sorry peaches wasn't/ is not yet. Have to put it up to vote I guess on the populous.

Turco was good enough to probably put up there, but he always had (has) a big head about it. The original owner of Elyon was also probably one, being one of the few 14% forci owners back in the day, and had 2 at that (though the predecessor was great as well).

Tomo is more of a byproduct from one of those on the list (I think actually was one but bought/rename/etc. if I'm not mistaken). So doesn't technically count imo.

10-21-2013, 08:24 PM
Jam2 best fb off all time wachal know bout da strugga

10-21-2013, 08:49 PM
the struggle of a hero

10-21-2013, 08:58 PM
I can't believe I forgot rockstar. And I remember idrax, but never knew them as greatly known/accomplished except farming t4.
Eh HFB maybe so. Sorry peaches wasn't/ is not yet. Have to put it up to vote I guess on the populous.

Turco was good enough to probably put up there, but he always had (has) a big head about it. The original owner of Elyon was also probably one, being one of the few 14% forci owners back in the day, and had 2 at that (though the predecessor was great as well).

Tomo is more of a byproduct from one of those on the list (I think actually was one but bought/rename/etc. if I'm not mistaken). So doesn't technically count imo.

And HFB use to kill turco (if he didn't relog before death)

10-21-2013, 09:06 PM
WOAH im on the list!? Im really grateful Val Thanks :D But what do I deserve for this occasion?

10-21-2013, 09:20 PM
WOAH im on the list!? Im really grateful Val Thanks :D But what do I deserve for this occasion?

BEST MFB teacher

10-21-2013, 09:32 PM
WOAH im on the list!? Im really grateful Val Thanks :D But what do I deserve for this occasion?
Your name has come very widely known as the most successful MFB that ever was around. Too bad the newer updates ruined that possibility for the class though. :)

I was actually pondering about your name Exp and contemplating adding it to the list. Perhaps in more recent times you've made it to the list. :D I know how far you've come for the most part, and it's further than I was ever able to (my fault 100% though haha).

I know I'm missing several more though.

10-22-2013, 04:59 AM
Nexio/Nexium's list
Ppl I thought were great coming up in Venus


But can't forget the greatest fb ever to hit venus!! Kenmei (this a joke)
Then xfer to merc
And my Hero Exp

10-22-2013, 06:15 AM
How dare you insult ken nex he was one of the top 100

10-22-2013, 08:31 AM
Nexio/Nexium's list
Ppl I thought were great coming up in Venus


But can't forget the greatest fb ever to hit venus!! Kenmei (this a joke)
Then xfer to merc
And my Hero Exp

Ken!!! ROFL i remember him , i used to roll him with no effort

also i liked lan he was good
i remember when i dropped tri before i retired

good times, good times

oh btw you cant forget 1stClassGenesis <-- one of the best FB in history back in teh day

10-22-2013, 08:38 AM
what about xDeathKun?

10-22-2013, 03:33 PM
And I remember idrax, but never knew them as greatly known/accomplished except farming t4.

I don't know how legit idrax was (mostly because I couldn't ever tell WTF happened when he beat me), but he used to wipe the floor with me in pvp...

10-22-2013, 04:18 PM
no bankaihitsu?


10-22-2013, 04:37 PM
Since there's an FA version why not have one for every class?

Who're some top end names of players you've known in your cabal lifetime?

My list (not in any order, just spouted out):
Tomaboy (One of the strongest FB's in his time)
toca4ever (Most successful mFB)
DrifterX (The first full +15 forci set FB as well as skilled in most things)
LFB (it was LordForceBlader I think; Skilled enough and widely known in war to make it to the list)
DevilCry (Venus member of CriticaL that always dominated in nation war)
Valdoroth (hey that's me :O, one of best debuffers/upkeeps and event maker)
HFB (Successful hybrid FB that performed exceptional in most wars)
TurcoX (Loud mouthed, but wasn't bad)
Exp (Hero currently, and slowy rising)
Rockstar (Every FB's gear wants forever ago)
Tomo (through other means he can be added)
Elyon (was one of the top geared FB for a long time)
Blager (Highest crafter probably in all NA)
Tridevil (Widely known as a strong FB, performing well enough to his top peers in war)
xLanx (In the same boat as Tridevil, with a little more skill)

Pretty sure I could think of more later, but it's late and I went braindead. I'll add more laters when I think them up.

*Toma (Yes...I actually logged into forums for the first time in months just to make that correction :P )

Tomo/Chaos slays all. True story

10-22-2013, 04:50 PM
Ken!!! ROFL i remember him , i used to roll him with no effort

also i liked lan he was good
i remember when i dropped tri before i retired

good times, good times

oh btw you cant forget 1stClassGenesis <-- one of the best FB in history back in teh day

you always claimed to roll so many people but i only see you getting rolled, even loki dropped you which is sad

10-22-2013, 05:15 PM
lol the idrax im talking about is the one from 2008. he was p real. And word bankaihitsu, kaziel, deathkun

10-22-2013, 06:03 PM

10-22-2013, 06:07 PM

Expeezy/Exp/Hero deserves the top FB title

10-22-2013, 10:45 PM
That is probably the most elaborate beefed up video of LiD in all Cabal in all servers that has ever been made. It definitely deserves a title of sorts.

10-23-2013, 03:43 AM
I can't believe I forgot rockstar. And I remember idrax, but never knew them as greatly known/accomplished except farming t4.
Eh HFB maybe so. Sorry peaches wasn't/ is not yet. Have to put it up to vote I guess on the populous.

Turco was good enough to probably put up there, but he always had (has) a big head about it. The original owner of Elyon was also probably one, being one of the few 14% forci owners back in the day, and had 2 at that (though the predecessor was great as well).

Tomo is more of a byproduct from one of those on the list (I think actually was one but bought/rename/etc. if I'm not mistaken). So doesn't technically count imo.

Pfttt. HFB vs Turcox was awesome. #2011


10-23-2013, 04:47 AM
Pfttt. HFB vs Turcox was awesome. #2011


You know whose Forcy gloves and suit those belong to right? :D

10-23-2013, 08:46 AM
You know whose Forcy gloves and suit those belong to right? :D


10-23-2013, 03:56 PM

no mine T.T

10-23-2013, 05:22 PM
Kaz da tankiest FB Bringer :(

10-23-2013, 05:27 PM
no mine T.T

Oh well Idc

Kaz da tankiest FB Bringer :(

Who dat?

10-24-2013, 01:12 PM
I dont really see a lot of mention about more recent cap fb's here so just gonna go ahead and mention my list of cap t5 fb's till date whom i have had the chance to play with :>

Alucard - Granted a farmer, but his consistent 800+ scores deserves a mention.
Kyoshiro - Not well known prolly but one of the most useful fb's in cap side. Helped us carry a lot of normal and bonus wars.

10-24-2013, 01:48 PM
Oh yea Tenrie deserves a mention here as well

Lord Kronius
10-24-2013, 02:11 PM
Joke thread lmao

10-24-2013, 06:55 PM
I've not been to war in awhile. Also recall that there's more to the game than just war to determine HoF. Performance as a team in and outside pvp environment is looked at. I've heard that alucard scores high, but scoring high doesn't always mean a good team player, or a good player. Kyoshiro, I've seen the name many times, but again I've not been on nor warred in long enough to really see a lot of those people. I've only based on my past, and notice that a majority of the list I wrote don't even play anymore.

01-10-2014, 10:25 PM
logic says the more alz you have the more skilled you are... sike...freestyle ftw....

01-10-2014, 11:29 PM

01-11-2014, 06:19 AM


01-11-2014, 10:37 AM

I've never heard of either of those two (or is it one?) players.

01-11-2014, 03:10 PM
how does one define skill? pure skill that is... because someone is a tank and can tank on multiple people in war and score high because of it doesn't mean they're skilled because they can score high... knowing what to do in war and when to do it? i suppose it can be considered skill... curious but... who are the best freestylers out there? no gear... just simply skill... o_O curious as to what everyone thinks...

01-11-2014, 05:25 PM
Know what to do and when to do it simple :0

01-11-2014, 08:02 PM
how does one define skill? pure skill that is... because someone is a tank and can tank on multiple people in war and score high because of it doesn't mean they're skilled because they can score high... knowing what to do in war and when to do it? I suppose it can be considered skill... curious but... who are the best freestylers out there? no gear... just simply skill... o_O curious as to what everyone thinks...
Indeed. As jam said, the ability to use combo efficiently and knowing when and what to debuff and when to use ranged would be a skilled player. Knowing the mechanics of your class are involved in being skilled. I wouldn't consider myself highly skilled on all fronts. I'm a little more on the debuff end of things and pve, than ability to take out targets and players quickly and score high in war. The next update may assist me there in score though :D. One of the limitations for many people is internet connection speed. There are those who can't even combo because their latency is too high. Mine is typically good enough I can get fade in combo if I hit combo key twice, sometimes once. Whereas some of my good friends are able to hit it on 1 key press 100% of the time with no problem. I want to say I've mentioned this in the past, but there's never any one person best in all catagories. "Skilled" typically is referred to pvp and your effectiveness as your class to kill and survive. Better dmg output than input when fighting players and not guards. That's the normal "skill" people refer to, which goes along with that tankiness you mentioned.

The skilled players would normally be looked at as the players that can freestyle in lesser gear than their opponent and win 3/4 the time. (lack of crits tend to be that 1/4).

There are 2 modes of freestyle as I see: Raw Freestyle, and normal freestyle. Raw Freestyle is combat skills only. No shorts and no debuffs. Normal freestyle is any skill is allowed. Neither allow Aura or Battlemodes obviously.

The problem with normal pvp, is that the HP is so low that it's almost entirely relied on who crits most. I wish PvP mode boosted HP at least 3x so that the time limit is used more. I STILL think that people should just straight up stop doing standing pvp unless testing dmg. I simply auto-freestyle now. If they QQ. That's their problem they don't know how to pvp.

If you want to practice more, go join ch 20. It's more fun if you don't bm and use combo only. Not to mention you get honor for getting kills!

01-12-2014, 08:00 AM
Indeed. As jam said, the ability to use combo efficiently and knowing when and what to debuff and when to use ranged would be a skilled player. Knowing the mechanics of your class are involved in being skilled. I wouldn't consider myself highly skilled on all fronts. I'm a little more on the debuff end of things and pve, than ability to take out targets and players quickly and score high in war. The next update may assist me there in score though :D. One of the limitations for many people is internet connection speed. There are those who can't even combo because their latency is too high. Mine is typically good enough I can get fade in combo if I hit combo key twice, sometimes once. Whereas some of my good friends are able to hit it on 1 key press 100% of the time with no problem. I want to say I've mentioned this in the past, but there's never any one person best in all catagories. "Skilled" typically is referred to pvp and your effectiveness as your class to kill and survive. Better dmg output than input when fighting players and not guards. That's the normal "skill" people refer to, which goes along with that tankiness you mentioned.

The skilled players would normally be looked at as the players that can freestyle in lesser gear than their opponent and win 3/4 the time. (lack of crits tend to be that 1/4).

There are 2 modes of freestyle as I see: Raw Freestyle, and normal freestyle. Raw Freestyle is combat skills only. No shorts and no debuffs. Normal freestyle is any skill is allowed. Neither allow Aura or Battlemodes obviously.

The problem with normal pvp, is that the HP is so low that it's almost entirely relied on who crits most. I wish PvP mode boosted HP at least 3x so that the time limit is used more. I STILL think that people should just straight up stop doing standing pvp unless testing dmg. I simply auto-freestyle now. If they QQ. That's their problem they don't know how to pvp.

If you want to practice more, go join ch 20. It's more fun if you don't bm and use combo only. Not to mention you get honor for getting kills!


01-13-2014, 05:23 AM

01-13-2014, 06:15 AM
Bro. That's old system for bossing. Not to mention that soloing a boss is mostly gear related. The only skill involved is timing debuffs perfectly. Its cool and all but not exactly applicable.

01-14-2014, 12:15 PM
Ez game is ez