View Full Version : Why are SOME Staff/Support Robots?

10-31-2013, 01:32 PM
I'm not gonna bash the entire Cabal staff cause I know some actually put in there time and dedication but jesus for the few who literally do nothing to try and improve their game please find a job you actually enjoy working at for the sake of the people that pay to play and more importantly for yourself.

Frustrating to see people half as.s it for the job they applied for. That's what you get payed for so either do your job right or consider something that's more suitable to your likings. And by your likings i mean something you are motivated on working with not just sitting back passively and waiting for your paycheck.

Hope I don't get banned for this and some actually take the constructive criticism to heart instead of looking for some type of revenge.

10-31-2013, 03:36 PM
GM's have lives too,I doubt they lose sleep over this game

10-31-2013, 03:45 PM
GM's have lives too,I doubt they lose sleep over this game

Umm... okay? What does that have to do with anything i just mentioned.

10-31-2013, 04:10 PM
Umm... okay?, What does that have to do with anything I just mentioned.

the title of your thread?

10-31-2013, 04:14 PM
the title of your thread?

What about it?

Anyone can be productive without stressing yourself or loosing sleep.

11-01-2013, 07:13 AM
What about it?

Anyone can be productive without stressing yourself or loosing sleep.

So why are you asking why GM's use HD bots for automated responses?

11-01-2013, 07:39 AM
I'm not gonna bash the entire Cabal staff cause I know some actually put in there time and dedication but jesus for the few who literally do nothing to try and improve their game please find a job you actually enjoy working at for the sake of the people that pay to play and more importantly for yourself.

Frustrating to see people half as.s it for the job they applied for. That's what you get payed for so either do your job right or consider something that's more suitable to your likings. And by your likings i mean something you are motivated on working with not just sitting back passively and waiting for your paycheck.

Hope I don't get banned for this and some actually take the constructive criticism to heart instead of looking for some type of revenge.

So because they don't want to type the same thing 300 times a day they do t care? I'd Like to see you type the same paragraph 300 times a day and not want to use a cookie cutter responce after 1 day
It's funny people like you think you have a clue what the Gms do and you have no idea
It is rather cute you think they stand around touching themselves all day and do nothing
Ad for your paying comment that is 100% your decision to spend money it has no bearing on the Gms ideals or proccesses because spending money is not a requirement to play the game

11-01-2013, 08:20 AM
So because they don't want to type the same thing 300 times a day they do t care? I'd Like to see you type the same paragraph 300 times a day and not want to use a cookie cutter responce after 1 day
It's funny people like you think you have a clue what the Gms do and you have no idea
It is rather cute you think they stand around touching themselves all day and do nothing
Ad for your paying comment that is 100% your decision to spend money it has no bearing on the Gms ideals or proccesses because spending money is not a requirement to play the game
I am fully aware of what "GMs" do. It seems you're the one having issues understanding what they do. Not all do the same thing. Ive been around the MMO scene long enough to know when a game is being cared for.

And for the record I'm not blaming the entire staff but there are a few that aren't willing to go past the typical copy and paste response which is quite irritating. People are people and no one needs to be treated like dirt. I understand that they have to deal with stupid people like yourself every day but not everyone is as immature ;).

Paying or not people are investing their time into the game. And the support team or "GM's" as you like to put it lol are being payed to do exactly that support or assist people. Not just treat them like apes. Just because It's the internet doesn't mean you should respect people any more or any less.

If you're going to apply for a job whether it's serving people at a restaurant or being a CEO of a company it's your duty to give it your all because you're the person who applied for that job and YOU are being payed to do that job. If the job you're doing doesn't satisfy you or the pay doesn't satisfy you then what the hell are you doing there in the 1st place? Someone with more respect for the job can be doing it.

11-01-2013, 08:23 AM
So why are you asking why GM's use HD bots for automated responses?

Why are you even here if you don't understand the thread?

11-01-2013, 09:22 AM
I am fully aware of what "GMs" do. It seems you're the one having issues understanding what they do. Not all do the same thing. Ive been around the MMO scene long enough to know when a game is being cared for.

And for the record I'm not blaming the entire staff but there are a few that aren't willing to go past the typical copy and paste response which is quite irritating. People are people and no one needs to be treated like dirt. I understand that they have to deal with stupid people like yourself every day but not everyone is as immature ;).

Paying or not people are investing their time into the game. And the support team or "GM's" as you like to put it lol are being payed to do exactly that support or assist people. Not just treat them like apes. Just because It's the internet doesn't mean you should respect people any more or any less.

If you're going to apply for a job whether it's serving people at a restaurant or being a CEO of a company it's your duty to give it your all because you're the person who applied for that job and YOU are being payed to do that job. If the job you're doing doesn't satisfy you or the pay doesn't satisfy you then what the hell are you doing there in the 1st place? Someone with more respect for the job can be doing it.

Other then the lack of efforts on events I have not seen the lack of care from the gms
Every ticket or question I ever had was responded and taken care
Promptly and correctly

The gms care more then you think but they can only do whet the devs let them do they do not have free reign
Stupid people Like me ? Please don't let your ignorance blind you don't let my lack of internet feelings make you see things in fact the only people I respect here and talk nice too are the gms because I know what kinda crying they deal with on a daily basis from people like yourself
How is copy and pasting a responce treating people like apes ? God forbid they try to speed up there ticket times to help more people ......

11-01-2013, 09:38 AM
Other then the lack of efforts on events I have not seen the lack of care from the gms
Every ticket or question I ever had was responded and taken care
Promptly and correctly

The gms care more then you think but they can only do whet the devs let them do they do not have free reign
Stupid people Like me ? Please don't let your ignorance blind you don't let my lack of internet feelings make you see things in fact the only people I respect here and talk nice too are the gms because I know what kinda crying they deal with on a daily basis from people like yourself
How is copy and pasting a responce treating people like apes ? God forbid they try to speed up there ticket times to help more people ......

Who asked you or better yet who cares who you're nice to lol? I doubt you gain any respect from anyone worth mentioning and I'm sure in some way you get butt hurt about it. That's why you're the way you're.

How would you know what they deal with? You're the furthest thing from experiencing what support team experiences. Sitting in the forums all day reading threads isn't equivalent to what the support team does. Sorry bro.

"How is copy and pasting a responce treating people like apes ? God forbid they try to speed up there ticket times to help more people"

Speaking of being blind lol. And this why you'll never work as support in any half decent company.

11-01-2013, 09:53 AM
Who asked you or better yet who cares who you're nice to lol? I doubt you gain any respect from anyone worth mentioning and I'm sure in some way you get butt hurt about it. That's why you're the way you're.

How would you know what they deal with? You're the furthest thing from experiencing what support team experiences. Sitting in the forums all day reading threads isn't equivalent to what the support team does. Sorry bro.

"How is copy and pasting a responce treating people like apes ? God forbid they try to speed up there ticket times to help more people"

Speaking of being blind lol. And this why you'll never work as support in any half decent company.

You must he new here I dont get butt hurt lol I just refuse to sugarcoat things for people
How would I know what they deal with? Maybe cause I talk with them lol
Oh I'm sorry I was not aware that speed and efficiency was treating people like apes lol
So glad you know do much about my life and what kinda company I can work for
Speaking of work they are paying me stupid good money to play on theese forums

11-01-2013, 10:33 AM
OP is clearly retarded.

11-01-2013, 10:36 AM
The OP doesn't realize the quantity of HD tickets they get, and what % of those HDT's are stupid or pointless. If you don't understand something, ask how it works. Don't complain that it's not working if you don't understand how it works.

11-01-2013, 10:39 AM
The OP doesn't realize the quantity of HD tickets they get, and what % of those HDT's are stupid or pointless. If you don't understand something, ask how it works. Don't complain that it's not working if you don't understand how it works.

It's funny how he implies that the community that's been here for a long time knows nothing but yet he's not understanding.

11-01-2013, 11:21 AM
The OP doesn't realize the quantity of HD tickets they get, and what % of those HDT's are stupid or pointless. If you don't understand something, ask how it works. Don't complain that it's not working if you don't understand how it works.

Come on man he knows everything about cust service and support issues he clearly works in a high volume place with 3000 tickets pending

11-01-2013, 12:30 PM
Lorkan;414888']Send us your resume or post it here, we don't mind looking at it.

Is a job requirement living under a bridge?

11-01-2013, 12:36 PM
Is a job requirement living under a bridge?

+1 For my ginger ninja future past post

11-01-2013, 12:38 PM
You heard it here folks howfy is now a professionally commissioned GM troll. Get me a job at est so.i can.release cabal 2 mayne

[GM] Lorkan
11-01-2013, 12:47 PM
You heard it here folks howfy is now a professionally commissioned GM troll. Get me a job at est so.i can.release cabal 2 mayne

Send us your resume or post it here, we don't mind looking at it.

11-03-2013, 04:26 PM
You must he new here I dont get butt hurt lol I just refuse to sugarcoat things for people
How would I know what they deal with? Maybe cause I talk with them lol
Oh I'm sorry I was not aware that speed and efficiency was treating people like apes lol
So glad you know do much about my life and what kinda company I can work for
Speaking of work they are paying me stupid good money to play on theese forums

Nah i'm not new here i know exactly what your character is like. That type of person is the type that nobody likes. You come on forums to steam out cause you can't in real life. Based off previous threads and from what i understood is you don't even play the game anymore so me and im sure many others wonder wtf you're doing here? Prove you talk to them. Otherwise bull shet. There's a difference between being productive and being a dik. I've come to the conclusion you don't understand the difference. People can be productive without copy pasting the same message every time.

Get at my level son.

11-03-2013, 04:27 PM
OP is clearly retarded.

Says the guy who doesn't understand the topic. Logic OP!

11-03-2013, 04:29 PM
The OP doesn't realize the quantity of HD tickets they get, and what % of those HDT's are stupid or pointless. If you don't understand something, ask how it works. Don't complain that it's not working if you don't understand how it works.
Yah cause this game is soooooo extremely active. Retard. How would you even know what is going on behind the scenes you god damn hypocrite. You sit here pretending to know what is actually happening seriously? You sound like a stupid person.

11-03-2013, 04:31 PM
Lorkan;414888']Send us your resume or post it here, we don't mind looking at it.
Just hold Ctrl + V I'm sure that summarizes it.

11-03-2013, 05:41 PM
Nah i'm not new here

Obviously you are with the quad-posting......

....and this


11-03-2013, 05:43 PM
Obviously you are with the quad-posting......

....and this


Apparently not obvious enough. You smart bro.

11-03-2013, 05:46 PM
Apparently not obvious enough. You smart bro.

Did you ever figure out if your attack complimented your crit damage?

11-03-2013, 09:12 PM
Says the guy who doesn't understand the topic. Logic OP!

I understood the topic. You're the one that doesn't understand gaming logic. Please, go home, you're retarded still.

11-05-2013, 09:11 AM
Nah i'm not new here i know exactly what your character is like. That type of person is the type that nobody likes. You come on forums to steam out cause you can't in real life. Based off previous threads and from what i understood is you don't even play the game anymore so me and im sure many others wonder wtf you're doing here? Prove you talk to them. Otherwise bull shet. There's a difference between being productive and being a dik. I've come to the conclusion you don't understand the difference. People can be productive without copy pasting the same message every time.

Get at my level son.

No-one likes me? Lol that's funny guess my guild who was loyal till the end didn't like me lol learn wtf your talking about before you open your mouth
Trust me I'm exactly the same in person I say what I want and dont sugarcoat things yet again knowing nothing about me making assumptions is funny really
Well I'm sorry if I log in game from time to time so I stay on the forums to ser what's going on and it's also Lotsa fun to play with people like you
I dont need to prove anything to someone that can't understand productivitys and company protocalls it's simple really why they copy and paste the responces 1 it's faster 2 that's what the company wants them to do
Get on your level no thanks I don't like to go down

11-05-2013, 11:04 AM
I think you have misplaced anger.

You wouldn't be posting anything if you received the answer you wanted to hear even if it was a copy and paste template. You're mad coz you didn't get what you want.

11-05-2013, 11:07 AM
dang someone is butthurt :D

11-05-2013, 02:30 PM
Get at my level son.
It's hard to stoop to the bottom of the chum bucket.

It's fun and all to read spam like this whole topic, but it grows old year after year.

11-14-2013, 03:46 AM
I wish the GMs would actually try to help people, instead of accusing them of something that they did not do. My account is wrongfully banned now cause they chose not to help me. :(

11-14-2013, 11:25 AM
I wish the GMs would actually try to help people, instead of accusing them of something that they did not do. My account is wrongfully banned now cause they chose not to help me. :(

Was obviously something on the account that triggered your ban might wanna look into that

11-14-2013, 12:11 PM
Was obviously something on the account that triggered your ban might wanna look into that

While white, idk if I know you by your character In game or just by forums, but the system can mistakenly block people. It happened to me sometime in 2012, idk if the system was fixed after that. Guess not. But I was randomly blocked. Meanwhile, after an hour, I got a response saying it was a mistake and I was then unblocked.

But if your not unblocked within that hour or two and get a message from a gm and they have no evidence that it was a mistake then it's not a mistake. Something happened on your account that got you blocked/ban

11-14-2013, 12:38 PM
Yes sometimes there is a false positive but when you send the hd ticket in the gms re investigate. The ban and take the appropriate actions needed ie stay banned or unbanned
Obviously there was something not right if they told him too bad so sad

11-14-2013, 01:16 PM
Yes sometimes there is a false positive but when you send the hd ticket in the gms re investigate. The ban and take the appropriate actions needed ie stay banned or unbanned
Obviously there was something not right if they told him too bad so sad


11-15-2013, 02:36 AM
I can only guess that by trying the multitude of passwords I have (I never remember which I use for which game) and giving up to request for the info is what caused it to be banned. The basic reply i got, was that I had attempted to hack into an account, which the only i tried to access was my own. SO I got banned for "hacking" my own account. And instead of trying ot help me resolve the issue, they practically tell me to get lost. I was gone for about 1 year and decided to play again and forgot my info.

[GM] Lorkan
11-15-2013, 11:36 AM
I can only guess that by trying the multitude of passwords I have (I never remember which I use for which game) and giving up to request for the info is what caused it to be banned. The basic reply i got, was that I had attempted to hack into an account, which the only i tried to access was my own. SO I got banned for "hacking" my own account. And instead of trying ot help me resolve the issue, they practically tell me to get lost. I was gone for about 1 year and decided to play again and forgot my info.

Provide your character name and server or the ticket number. I'll investigate this issue further.

11-19-2013, 04:38 AM
Emyrus is the character name I don't remember the server. The ticket number 47274 is where it started. I sent many other tickets after trying ot figure out if i was hacked or what had happened. I was told of something later (by another gm on facebook) that lead me to believe that while I was trying to access my account (forgotten info), it flagged me as hacking. I never hack, never have nver will. But I had forgotten my info altogether and could not remember for the life of me the pw. Also something that happen have happened, I have a nick name that I got by irl. When I was redoing my info, I noticed that I had used my nick name instead of my real first name. I changed that. That may have caused a flag? Either way I hope that info is enough.

[GM] Lorkan
11-19-2013, 09:41 AM
I reviewed your ticket history. I reviewed the answer provided by our staff. Your issue was handled correctly and enough information was provided to explain why your account was blocked.

Your account was blocked on 01-20-2012. The first ticket you sent was on 01-21-2012, titled "Blocked accout? or OGP not transfered?" Your last login was 01-13-2012.

Block Date: 01-20-2012
Block Reason: Unauthorized Account Access
Block Type: Permanent

Answer Provided:

"After an extensive and thorough investigation, we were able to verify that your account has been linked to an unauthorized access of another player’s account."

11-19-2013, 10:00 AM

11-19-2013, 12:43 PM
Lorkan;416668']I reviewed your ticket history. I reviewed the answer provided by our staff. Your issue was handled correctly and enough information was provided to explain why your account was blocked.

Your account was blocked on 01-20-2012. The first ticket you sent was on 01-21-2012, titled "Blocked accout? or OGP not transfered?" Your last login was 01-13-2012.

Block Date: 01-20-2012
Block Reason: Unauthorized Account Access
Block Type: Permanent

Answer Provided:

"After an extensive and thorough investigation, we were able to verify that your account has been linked to an unauthorized access of another player’s account."

See he went investigate for you!
Lorky so nice!

K close thread!

11-19-2013, 02:54 PM
Impossible. My account would have never been used in such a manner. (by my autorization) It had to have been due to my attempting to get the account info back. Cause why would it have happened the day before my ticket? I tried to access my account and could not get in. I dled it and tried to log into my character. It told me unable. I ticketed it, and that was the response I get. It happened to close to the same time for it to be a coincidence. I may not know how this stuff works, but there is no way my account was used for illegal access the day before I return. I was gone for an entire year (near enough) explain that? I am no hacker, I don't know how to hack. All I wanted was my account back which has been accused of being used for illegal intrusion. How can that be when I was gone? Look at my last log in time when I was in the game before I returned. It may not have been a year, but near enough. If it was used for an illegal, they sure timed it perfectly... I believe that if it were possible to check, the ip address would not even match. (between the 2 access points) if they did, then somehow my attempt at access was pinged as a hack. I don't know how to explain it. But this issue was never resolved as I was not assisted in the slightest. I believe that a GM is supposed to assist players who have been wronged. I have been seriously wronged here and I am receiving no assistance?

[GM] Lorkan
11-19-2013, 04:48 PM
We are here to provide you with the best possible service possible within our protocol. It may not be the answer you wish to hear, but that is the best possible answer we are able to provide.

The information we've gathered lead us to believe that your account was involved in the issue stated above. I'm sorry that I can't just take your word on this.

I'm sorry for saying this but, I find it hard to believe your excuses.

You were gone for a year. Yet, your account/character last logged in 01-13-2012.
A day after your account gets blocked, you submit a ticket regarding a request for an OGP transfer or inquiry about your blocked account.
You believe that you were blocked because you tried to regain access to your account.

Just a heads up to anyone who wanted to be smart. Just because you didn't get caught in the act, it doesn't mean you will not get caught.

11-19-2013, 07:37 PM
That was close timing. At least you gave me more info then any other. The date on when I sent the ticket is indeed my return. Someone "had" hacked my account and "used it" for this sake. I would think you may find it strange that I would submit tickets for assistance on my account around what a week later? I am glad you cleared up the other mess about it being me that got it blocked while trying to retrieve it. Still doesn't answer the question as to why it was flagged the day before I sent the ticket though. I sent it either the day of or the very next day. It was very aggrivating when I could not access my own account. (I have never been hacked before till now) The worst part is, that I am a victim of a hack, and because that coward used my account I have been banned. Over a year nearly 2, and I still can't get any help with it :( I wish yall could do more. I don't know what to do, I rather not give up really.

11-19-2013, 09:23 PM
lorkan, you're arguing with a wall bro

11-20-2013, 03:45 AM
That was close timing. At least you gave me more info then any other. The date on when I sent the ticket is indeed my return. Someone "had" hacked my account and "used it" for this sake. I would think you may find it strange that I would submit tickets for assistance on my account around what a week later? I am glad you cleared up the other mess about it being me that got it blocked while trying to retrieve it. Still doesn't answer the question as to why it was flagged the day before I sent the ticket though. I sent it either the day of or the very next day. It was very aggrivating when I could not access my own account. (I have never been hacked before till now) The worst part is, that I am a victim of a hack, and because that coward used my account I have been banned. Over a year nearly 2, and I still can't get any help with it :( I wish yall could do more. I don't know what to do, I rather not give up really.
iight let me explain something too u .... although u may not be the one who committed these acts (may not be lol ) ur account was still used to commit them therefore your account is guilty of crime and has to go to jail ... since GMs have nooo proof that u were actually aways.

so if u still wana play ... make a new account .. lvlin is not hard any more lol but im goin to have to kill u ... for makin me take Lorkan's side on this T_T
contradicted beliefs T_T Lorkan does his job

11-20-2013, 06:46 PM
I just hope none of you guys fall victim to hackers like i have. I didn't even realize it was possible to do this honestly. (using someone else's account for a hack) Part of the reason, is I am fighting for the character/name. I actually wish they were more understanding on this matter. I do know that hackers get banned, I fully understand that. But when someone is hacked, then their account is used for a hack, they have to suffer for the actions of another? Seems a bit strange to me. To his previous reply (the Gms) I didn't even have the client down loaded on my pc on the 13th. Coincidental timing on their part.

11-20-2013, 06:49 PM
I just hope none of you guys fall victim to hackers like i have. I didn't even realize it was possible to do this honestly. (using someone else's account for a hack) Part of the reason, is I am fighting for the character/name. I actually wish they were more understanding on this matter. I do know that hackers get banned, I fully understand that. But when someone is hacked, then their account is used for a hack, they have to suffer for the actions of another? Seems a bit strange to me.

Too many hackers used the phrase. "Not me, my friend/brother/sister's bf/dog/hamster/Jesus/home depot guy used my account to hack. I'm innocent" excuse to get away of their crimes.

11-20-2013, 08:01 PM

Oh really now. Cool story bro.

11-20-2013, 10:43 PM
I'm not gonna bash the entire Cabal staff cause I know some actually put in there time and dedication but jesus for the few who literally do nothing to try and improve their game please find a job you actually enjoy working at for the sake of the people that pay to play and more importantly for yourself.

Frustrating to see people half as.s it for the job they applied for. That's what you get payed for so either do your job right or consider something that's more suitable to your likings. And by your likings i mean something you are motivated on working with not just sitting back passively and waiting for your paycheck.

Hope I don't get banned for this and some actually take the constructive criticism to heart instead of looking for some type of revenge.

yea, totally agree. -.-

i send a tiket

different gm but equals answer and no solution.
but nothing mourn :D

11-21-2013, 03:26 AM
I understand what you were saying. I am sure many have made excuses in the past. Thing is, I am the only 1 with legal access to the account. So your comments will remain inaccurate. I fell victim to a hack, and because of that jerk I have lost my account. There is no justice for the innocent, they just point accusing fingers and tell you there is nothing they will do. I really hope that no one else has this problem ever in the future. I don't know what to do personally. I am near enough worried about playing any games anymore just because some other jerk could hack me again and get that account banned too...

[GM] Lorkan
11-21-2013, 09:13 AM
yea, totally agree. -.-

i send a tiket

different gm but equals answer and no solution.
but nothing mourn :D

Please provide the Ticket #.

11-21-2013, 10:38 AM
Lorkan to EstSoft CEO '-'