View Full Version : Solution to "incomplete download" or other downloader problems

11-01-2013, 07:20 PM
I recently had an issue downloading the client myself. It would reach 5% or so and just finish. Trying to run it would result in different errors every time and it took me nearly an hour just to get it to continue past 5%ish. The GMs provide non-helpful information easily found on the FAQ that do not help. As such I have taken the download and uploaded it to Mediafire for those that need another download page. (The primary download page for Cabal, as we all know, only has ONE download location and that is from ESTsofts servers. Back when I first played you had 3 options. The ESTsoft servers, Torrent or download.com. Since they no longer have the last 2 options, we are pretty screwed if the ESTsoft servers are acting up.)
You are free to check it with whatever hastag or anti-virus programs you want, but the file is the EXACT same one as the download page has. Nothing has been touched on it and I guarantee it's safety.

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/l18hkwk371iq23l/CABAL_AM_130801_Setup_2+%281%29.exe
(I attempted to upload it for a virus scan, but the file is too large and crashed the webpage repeatedly. I guess your just going to have to trust me and my charming good looks.)

Rate this thread well so we can get it stickied so more people notice!

12-03-2013, 05:51 PM
Risking it because any other suggestion i could find was complete BS and the installers for the downloaders that were linked broke at 99% of installing.

ESTsoft really needs to fix there stuff.

12-04-2013, 08:02 AM
Good way to get keylogged just saying .....

12-04-2013, 08:40 AM
I did mention to simply turn off anti-virus and firewall. Only way I can download.