View Full Version : Att gm stop the hackers

05-30-2010, 09:03 PM
Dear GM;

This needs to be stopped, everyday someone is getting hacked. We have spammers in every channel and now we have to worry about our accounts being hacked and deleted. It is your job to protect the players of this game. We do our best to prevent it by not giving our info out to other people, we use the subpass words but yet these hackers find away around it. What are u guys doing to prevent this? How do you expect people to play this game let alone spend their money when you guys are doing nothing to protect us. This is a shame that Est soft does not care for their players, I sometimes believe that Est soft has something to do with all the account hacking going on. Just think about it for a min, spammers are on all channel and you never see a GM deleting them, second they are always shouting that website where people get their info taken and then account hacked, and then we got people using hacking programs to log on peoples accounts and then deleting them. We never had to worry about all this account hacking issue with ogp, yes there was some but not like this everyday. Don't give us the lame excuse that you are short handed just as you do with the help desk tickets, this company makes enough money to hire people to monitor the game, if not then bring back the GA let them handle reporting the botters and the spammer that way Est Soft can stop these account hackers.

So my question to you Est Soft what are you going to do about this? If you continue to do nothing you will lose the people that play this game which means no profits for you.

05-30-2010, 09:08 PM
Dear GM;

We never had to worry about all this account hacking issue with ogp, yes there was some but not like this everyday.

You MUST be new around here, obviously.

05-30-2010, 09:15 PM
Now we are not saying the GMs are not helping the community, because i'm pretty sure they are. BUT i think their staff is short handed and thats why they dont have the time to get in game to stop this themselves. We should really get dedicated players that are against hackers to become GAs. I really dont understand why the GAs were taken out of the game in the first place. During OGPs rule hacking was minimized because you always had someone to report it to. As well as glitching and all that. Now i really dont know. It just makes me feel like our voices are not being heard here. Est i have something to say directly to you also. Get a gm to go in game and sit in bloody ice for 24 hours. You WILL see who are the dedicated players if thats one of the problems in choosing a GA.

As Luna...(or w/e her forum name is) said if you dont make some major improvements, you will lose most, if not all of your community.

On a side note: Est said GAs had an unfair advantage over other players because they got costumes and pets before they came out...well um...they are kind of the owners of the game now, cant they change it?

05-30-2010, 09:18 PM
You MUST be new around here, obviously.

NO I am not. I have been playing since open beta. I got hacked 1 time in ogp, but people here in est soft are been hacked not just 1 time but multiple times, ogp did not have people promoting scamming sites only the alz or botting sites.

05-30-2010, 09:23 PM
I'll agree that this forum is in far worse shape than OGPs, however I can't agree to the other half.
At least not at this point in time anyways. I don't think you truly understand what happened during the infamous alz rip situation.
While I'm not saying you don't have a point, I just think you're drawing a wide assumption.

05-30-2010, 09:31 PM
I'll agree that this forum is in far worse shape than OGPs, however I can't agree to the other half.
At least not at this point in time anyways. I don't think you truly understand what happened during the infamous alz rip situation.
While I'm not saying you don't have a point, I just think you're drawing a wide assumption.

What does the alz rip have to do with people getting hacked? I am not talking about alz here i am talking about the hackers and deleted there are 2 different situation and one does not have to do with the other. The point is that EstSoft is not doing nothing about this. The Gm dont even get on any more, tickets are not being answer and if they are its 3 months later, So what are they doing? NOTHING !!!!

05-30-2010, 09:34 PM
What does the alz rip situation have to do with peoples accounts getting hacked? And how can you say this is an assumption? Have you been in game the past month? I'm sorry but your just ignorant if you really don't agree with anything we are saying. Ignorant or you like hackers. It has already been established that hackers are "taking over the servers". Maybe its not as bad in venus, but in mercury hackers are roaming freely. We are just trying to figure out ways to minimize the hacking.

It has gotten "to that point".

05-30-2010, 09:37 PM
Alz rip is like being hacked...

They really need to hire more GMs that accept to work during vacation times and weekends...

05-30-2010, 09:41 PM
GM's are noobs.

05-30-2010, 09:43 PM
Alz rip is like being hacked...

They really need to hire more GMs that accept to work during vacation times and weekends...

The alz hack is over, the problem now is people's accounts getting hacked and deleted

05-30-2010, 09:45 PM
There is NO alz hack anymore. They are not going to hire any more GMs either, if they did that WE WOULDN"T BE HAVING THIS [CENSORED] CONVERSATION!
If you have an IQ lower then 5 do not reply in this thread.

06-01-2010, 12:23 PM
I'm ignorant because I have a different opinion than you? Good luck getting your point across to a GM with that mindset.
Alz rips affected the general population to the point where every day or every couple of days the entire servers would be buzzing about it. This went on for a few months.
During this time quite a lot of people got randomly hacked and lost their items, or were simply kicked off their accounts to find their alz missing.
I've been online quite frequently as of late and have heard nothing of the sort aside from with Matrimoney. I haven't been on Mercury since the switch.
So my bad if I misunderstood you.