View Full Version : Unlucky or just the norm?

11-25-2013, 08:30 AM
Since the update in august I've killed over 4k fgr bosses (yes I have no life, but that aside)

zero seh's
zero bike part lvl 3's
zero amp crafted w amp in slot
2 bike part lvl 2's

several sem's, bikes and amp gear, but nothing on the epic drops.

unlucky or is this just the norm? Seems like w over 4k kills on those bosses, something should have dropped by now for me.

11-25-2013, 09:22 AM
Bike Parts lvl 3 do not drop from FGR but I understand your frustration. I've ran over 1k CA6 and I have yet to even get a CR2...though there are people who have probably ran more than I have so I can't really complain. Anyways, to answer your question, you're probably unlucky; RNG hates you!

11-25-2013, 09:52 AM
Miss read mr. wormoy on the bike part lvl 3's, thought they did, but taking a 2nd look at the page, they dont. but still, seems like something better should have drop or more often then what has.