View Full Version : Welcome to T1 -_-

03-22-2014, 06:47 AM
This is why Procs hate Caps in T1 and so much pro legit proc players quit T1. It happens often. There's so much I feel GMs don't do squat about it. So like others I've stop reporting cause its pretty much pointless. I been on Cap T1, conversations about hacks and stuff are treated like a norm and some talk about it openly in party chat. People laugh it off on cap side quote from a player "lol procs gonna be so mad". I've tried to tell people still it happens to me so much people don't believe me. Infiltrated my friends guild turned him against me till this day. There is still Galibi the no cool down user recently caught him in the act pked me in ch1 before pvp count down finished. Welcome to T1:

03-22-2014, 06:56 AM
Here's the most recent one just a couple days old. Despite GM's warnings and patrols in war this stuff happens. AOE build hacker building at cap base. No one is there but all towers building same time. Goes for the same with L guards bases all 8 build at the same time.8314

All of these Take place in Cabal (NA) TITAN (EN) server

03-22-2014, 11:00 PM
welcome to the world of Red Skull cabal

03-24-2014, 07:34 PM
Hackers hated me :D

Old pics when there was a hacker every war in T1 3 out of the 6 wars id get hit by something stupid.

Was constantly being range attacked by some anonymous hacker i had to constantly run that war to prevent from being killed, team mate witnessed attacks as said in chat:

A buddy warns me he has eaves drop on people in a viet guild planning to hack my account part of it mentioned in chat:
3 weeks later my account got blocked due to failed sub pass.

War gets called under 5 min went on cap side to check. all noobs 2 lvl 70ish people that were under geared on cap side. Caps all noobish people vs 6 Over powered procs and some others. No one got 30 called game (watched radar, someone one was going base to base either killing it in 1 sec or just clicking on it to change it without killing guardians)

*Note: Even tho I'm low lvl I was considered over powered my score was all gained by damage.

03-24-2014, 09:04 PM
Not sure why you're complaining about "GM's doing nothing"... every person I've reported got banned within a week. Taking screenshots of towers being built with no builder (which by the way happens by lag often, hacking not as often) does not give the GM's enough information to ban someone. Nor does taking a screenshot of proc losing in 10 minutes (which has happened in T4 before, no hacking necessary). I'm sure you know that when even "noobish" people work as a team, they can put up a fight against "overpowered" players.

Talking about hacking is not the same as hacking.

I would suggest actually getting someone on your screen hacking. Without a war ID, how are GM's supposed to know who was hacking? If (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?39544-T4-WI-Hacker) you (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?39286-T4-FB-Hacker) look (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?39285-T4-FS-Hacker) at (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?39284-T4-FA-Hacker) all (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?38946-T4-FA-Hacker) of (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?38805-If-this-isn-t-hacking-I-don-t-know-what-is) the (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?38778-Second-best-force-archer-in-mission-war!) players (http://forum.cabal.com/showthread.php?38742-T4-Hacking-FB-(Proc)) I've reported, you'll notice I show the war ID (or player name), along with a video of *exactly* what they were doing. None of the vague "they took bases really fast" or "they talk about hacking in party chat". I do experience a lot of that, but it isn't worth reporting because anecdotes don't constitute proof.

03-25-2014, 12:05 AM
Well I assume GMs patrol war but it appears not since hackers got the ballz to do that kind stuff in war still. If you ever been to T1 you would understand how jacked up that war is. And that base build thing is not lag. Ive seen that happen many times. In the past I caught a FS starting it up. They just start a build on 1 tower and all of them start building the same thing at once even if that fs ran away it still continues to build.

BTW: For some dam reason my cabal crashes when I run fraps as soon as I press the record button. So I don't have fraps like you. I can only screen shot. Comp is high performance and built for gaming have more than 300gb of free space.

03-25-2014, 05:43 AM
Well I assume GMs patrol war but it appears not since hackers got the ballz to do that kind stuff in war still. If you ever been to T1 you would understand how jacked up that war is. And that base build thing is not lag. Ive seen that happen many times. In the past I caught a FS starting it up. They just start a build on 1 tower and all of them start building the same thing at once even if that fs ran away it still continues to build.

BTW: For some dam reason my cabal crashes when I run fraps as soon as I press the record button. So I don't have fraps like you. I can only screen shot. Comp is high performance and built for gaming have more than 300gb of free space.

You do realize there's like 5 different programs to record in game play right?

03-25-2014, 04:30 PM
Well I assume GMs patrol war but it appears not since hackers got the ballz to do that kind stuff in war still. If you ever been to T1 you would understand how jacked up that war is. And that base build thing is not lag. Ive seen that happen many times. In the past I caught a FS starting it up. They just start a build on 1 tower and all of them start building the same thing at once even if that fs ran away it still continues to build.

BTW: For some dam reason my cabal crashes when I run fraps as soon as I press the record button. So I don't have fraps like you. I can only screen shot. Comp is high performance and built for gaming have more than 300gb of free space.

You couldn't take a screenshot of the FS that was doing it?

And did you try debugging Fraps at all or did you just have it fail and then throw up your arms? My computer isn't "high performance", I think I've put the specs somewhere in another post... 3.3GHz i3 Ivy Bridge, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650, 8GB of RAM... nothing special.

For what it's worth, I've tried other recording programs and Fraps is the only one I could get to work.

You do realize there's like 5 different programs to record in game play right?

There's also this.

03-29-2014, 06:54 AM
Nope didn't know there were other recording programs iI only knew of fraps. Btw the FS pic I took got accidentally deleted when cabal update got bugged and had to reinstall, thought I didn't have anything important on there. Even my picture with bringer title at 65 along with a few of my high dmg scores. Debugging, tried that... no change. Whats the names of the other video recording programs?

03-29-2014, 08:27 AM
Are you that dumb? You Google "what to use to record in game videos" or anything of the like and you get 100 pages easy. Screenshots prove nothing.

03-29-2014, 09:02 AM
Are you that dumb? You Google "what to use to record in game videos" or anything of the like and you get 100 pages easy. Screenshots prove nothing.

Well he does think 300gbof free space means it's performance built so .....

03-29-2014, 02:40 PM
Well he does think 300gbof free space means it's performance built so .....

I missed that.

04-12-2014, 03:34 PM
It means I can take a lot of high def vids with lots of room to spare. Not much of a introvert thinker arn't u... Besides since u know, why don't you tell me.

04-14-2014, 06:02 AM
LOL I just got threatened. read chat if u can...8366

07-04-2014, 03:23 PM

04-18-2016, 12:51 PM
umm...is t1 still active? thinking about playing.