View Full Version : GM drop event

05-09-2014, 05:04 PM
So the event is forever now? We get free stuff every week?

[GM] Lorkan
05-09-2014, 05:19 PM
Kind of.


05-09-2014, 05:50 PM

05-09-2014, 06:00 PM
friday and saturday but good luck i finally made it to one and i cant click fast enough and theres just way to many people need to do one on chan 3/4 or give better odds rather then most people getting 0 while i see one person who got 10+ items

05-10-2014, 07:50 AM
The people getting 10+ are the spacebar macro users (No this is NOT ping related as a cover excuse. it's a fact they use macros). You can help improve your chances by adding a keymapping that allows you to click faster though, for example, Shift+Mouse Wheel Down. ^_^

05-10-2014, 08:14 AM
The people getting 10+ are the spacebar macro users (No this is NOT ping related as a cover excuse. it's a fact they use macros). You can help improve your chances by adding a keymapping that allows you to click faster though, for example, Shift+Mouse Wheel Down. ^_^

Mechanical KBs also do a pretty good job =] (Using the PS/2 port of course)

05-10-2014, 08:47 AM
Mechanical KBs also do a pretty good job =] (Using the PS/2 port of course)
While this is true, the game's supposed to have a limit on pickup speed actually (or else my mouse wheel would be ALOT faster).

My point was that there are cheaters that don't get in trouble for daily things like this, while some get in trouble for only few time occurrences. (For example that one guy who seems to win the Saints at least once every month or two or multiple times in a row)

05-10-2014, 11:06 AM
I often get 10+ items... the times I don't are when... wait for it... I have more network latency than usual.

05-10-2014, 02:57 PM
This event is getting annoy, if you are that guy who get 10+ items, you basically earn like 500-600m/week compare to another person who don't get anything that is a huge difference. And that is just because you have that "special way" (might not even be legal)to pick up stuffs faster than anyone else.

05-10-2014, 03:11 PM
This event is getting annoy, if you are that guy who get 10+ items, you basically earn like 500-600m/week compare to another person who don't get anything that is a huge difference. And that is just because you have that "special way" (might not even be legal)to pick up stuffs faster than anyone else.

It isn't anything special. It's just living geographically closer to the server. Also, drop events are only one thing in the game. There are many other ways to make much more than 600m a week. (I'll give you a hint: dancing in BI and warring are not on that list.)

If you have an idea that would change the fact that some people live closer to the servers and have better internet connection than others, I'm sure the GM's would love to hear it.

05-10-2014, 04:44 PM
Let assume there is no magic way to pick stuffs faster, so those that live near the server earn 600m/week more than those that not. Why would there be a need of a permanent event which base on ping? It is hard to come up with a way to get rid of the latency problem but it is easy to come up with an event that doesn't base on ping. BTW is macro legal for cabal?
I would like to ask how you make 600m/week? (we are not talking about using USD here so please leave it aside). Please keep in mind that who get 10+ item only need half an hour/week to get 600m/ week therefore if whatever it is that you do need too much time(like 20hours/week) then it is not ok at all.

05-10-2014, 06:26 PM
Let assume there is no magic way to pick stuffs faster, so those that live near the server earn 600m/week more than those that not. Why would there be a need of a permanent event which base on ping? It is hard to come up with a way to get rid of the latency problem but it is easy to come up with an event that doesn't base on ping. BTW is macro legal for cabal?
I would like to ask how you make 600m/week? (we are not talking about using USD here so please leave it aside). Please keep in mind that who get 10+ item only need half an hour/week to get 600m/ week therefore if whatever it is that you do need too much time(like 20hours/week) then it is not ok at all.

Farm dark bladers, farm forgotten ruin, run SoD, run EoD, run EoD2, boss hunt, run MO, farm MF (and run dungeons), farm LiD.

And regarding whether macros are legal, I think Valdoroth is more qualified to answer that than I am.

Why don't you have an issue with Saint's? That is also ping-bound. Also you would need to get pretty much 20 sup core highest to get 600m out of a drop event. I don't think they even drop that many of them. The most you can get with 10 items is 340m at current rates. Which is just over half of what you think people are making. In reality, I usually get 5 to 7 prem dx entries, 2 or 3 normal cores, 2 or 3 enhanced cores, and 1 or 2 superior cores. That's 30m + 1.4m + 25m + 30m = roughly 86.5m for each drop event I go to. Sometimes it's much less, sometimes it's a little more. Pretty different from 600m.

You're overreacting to one aspect of the game that gives people even less of an advantage as you might think. I save 2 - 3 hours of farming from the event. Are you really arguing that giving some people a 2 to 3 hour advantage per week is game breaking? Please. Go farm.

05-10-2014, 06:51 PM
The drop rates low farming is boring when your lucky to get 1-2 items per hour of farming when theres no thrill to it, to do these dungeons they cost a hefty amount of cash i spent 12m on entries and only ended up making 5.8m back so i actually lost alz running dungeons my only issue with the drop was they form into 2 channels split it up a bit into more channels give more people a chance it's the only stress reliever alot of people get.

05-10-2014, 06:54 PM
If the items they dropped were coded to require dice rolls on mass scale, then I think it'd be more fair. Saints should work the same I think, and remove the 30 second timer on it or reduce it to 10 seconds perhaps. It's not fair to the people who get killed 5-10 seconds b4 it can be picked up. Then again, life ain't fair, so why should video games be.

To answer about macros: They are legal IF they are 1 key NON repetition keystrokes (basically just remapping a key normally) Anything that can be self autonomous is illegal (against ToS illegal) to include spacebar on repeat, even if it's toggle when held.

Drops rates. Ha.
If you think that getting high drops are the fastest way to make alz, you're naive.
One of the most assured and fastest ways to make alz is upgrade cores. They are ALWAYS needed, and sell fast. They drop very often. Forcium and often sigmetal plain gears are used daily for skinning gears.
It's a fact that more than 2b alz flows through the AH everyday. That's alot of alz. +1 and higher items break down and give ucp. Stacks of ucp sell for a couple mil, and doesn't take long to make a stack. Same for FCP (anything slotted broken gives). You may not like it, but NPC is guarenteed alz for "crap" items that you normally just leave on the ground. Alz drops on the ground ALL the time and you're just an idiot to leave free money on the ground. You've ALL seen botters in the past that make millions and sell them to alz buyers and they get ALOT of alz just from dropping on the ground. You wouldn't leave a dollar bill on the ground would you? Same concept. Making alz is easy. It's just how you spend it that makes the huge difference. Don't buy what you don't need.

05-10-2014, 07:03 PM
The drop rates low farming is boring when your lucky to get 1-2 items per hour of farming when theres no thrill to it, to do these dungeons they cost a hefty amount of cash i spent 12m on entries and only ended up making 5.8m back so i actually lost alz running dungeons my only issue with the drop was they form into 2 channels split it up a bit into more channels give more people a chance it's the only stress reliever alot of people get.

I didn't say they were exciting ways to make money, or had "thrill". But if you want to make money, sitting in one spot killing the same mobs over and over (dark bladers or forgotten ruin mobs) will make you money faster than most dungeons. You're playing a Korean MMO after all, remember that. If you farm the dungeon entries, they are free.

There are ways to make money if you're willing to work for it. Sitting around chatting with your friends, while fun and relaxing, does not produce alz.

05-10-2014, 09:56 PM
There are 2 events/week so you need to get 300m in one event to get that 600m/week. I admit that I oversaid that amount but around 400m/week is reasonable. Take a look at your example, if you take the max of your data then it is a lot more. And remember it is 10+ not 10.
You are those people that get 10+ item every events so it should be good for you, why don't you think about those that can't get anything? The problem with this event is that people don't have equal (or at least close to equal) chance to get an item. If you can fix that than it is fair (like what Val said). The word fair is what I am arguing for (I did not say anything about game breaking).
For the saint weapon problem, it comes with an update which our GM couldn't do anything about while drop event is another thing. You should see the difference. Although I want to change the way people get the saint by the roll thing that Val said also.
The reason I ask for the way to get 600m was that if you need 3 4 hours/day which is 21-28hours/week to get equal to someone spend half an hours/week then it is just wrong. Again I am looking for the fair word.
If the world is not fair (which is true) make game also not fair (might not have to be true) then I cant say anything else.

05-10-2014, 10:55 PM
GM's still gotta ask devs to do the stuff for the most part.

i sell stuff
05-11-2014, 12:21 PM
If the items they dropped were coded to require dice rolls on mass scale, then I think it'd be more fair. Saints should work the same I think, and remove the 30 second timer on it or reduce it to 10 seconds perhaps. It's not fair to the people who get killed 5-10 seconds b4 it can be picked up. Then again, life ain't fair, so why should video games be.

To answer about macros: They are legal IF they are 1 key NON repetition keystrokes (basically just remapping a key normally) Anything that can be self autonomous is illegal (against ToS illegal) to include spacebar on repeat, even if it's toggle when held.

Drops rates. Ha.
If you think that getting high drops are the fastest way to make alz, you're naive.
One of the most assured and fastest ways to make alz is upgrade cores. They are ALWAYS needed, and sell fast. They drop very often. Forcium and often sigmetal plain gears are used daily for skinning gears.
It's a fact that more than 2b alz flows through the AH everyday. That's alot of alz. +1 and higher items break down and give ucp. Stacks of ucp sell for a couple mil, and doesn't take long to make a stack. Same for FCP (anything slotted broken gives). You may not like it, but NPC is guarenteed alz for "crap" items that you normally just leave on the ground. Alz drops on the ground ALL the time and you're just an idiot to leave free money on the ground. You've ALL seen botters in the past that make millions and sell them to alz buyers and they get ALOT of alz just from dropping on the ground. You wouldn't leave a dollar bill on the ground would you? Same concept. Making alz is easy. It's just how you spend it that makes the huge difference. Don't buy what you don't need.

I went to the event once and stood by the fewest amount of people and couldn't even pick up an upgrade core med...
Didn't even bother doing it again.

Possible Solution: What if they made the drops temporary like 3-7 days or account bound? People who can pick up items get their drops, but don't make as much alz.

As for the saints thing, maybe 30 seconds should be kept. It kills off the weaker players (might give FS/GL and advantage, but w/e)
Maybe they could even add a calculator that bases the % chance that you pick it up is based off of how much damage you did to the boss. What are your opinions on these ideas?

05-11-2014, 04:01 PM
3-7 days seem a good idea, while account binding is not, since GM cant throw it for you to loot:cool:

05-11-2014, 10:00 PM
About how to make ALZ for farmer(who got tons of time playing), the best now is EA, get a WI and booster and boom you get 3 chaos core/run (1.5 for each person, 1 run is about 10mins so you make like 9-2.5 = 6.5m per 10mins, also keep in mind you can sell more than 6m)10 hours/day, give it a month and you get that 10bil title. It does require some gear to start with but not much. If you can solo lycan then it is x2 profit :)

Of course you can always get a job and buy ALZ with USD and make a lot more but let take this out of the problem.

05-11-2014, 10:18 PM
About how to make ALZ for farmer(who got tons of time playing), the best now is EA, get a WI and booster and boom you get 3 chaos core/run (1.5 for each person, 1 run is about 10mins so you make like 9-2.5 = 6.5m per 10mins, also keep in mind you can sell more than 6m)10 hours/day, give it a month and you get that 10bil title. It does require some gear to start with but not much. If you can solo lycan then it is x2 profit :)

Of course you can always get a job and buy ALZ with USD and make a lot more but let take this out of the problem.
GG no life?

05-11-2014, 11:53 PM
People do that man, how do you think someone get 190 in less than a month?
AH also a great way to get money but you have to know what you do :)) if you want safe go for core it is guarantee profit (not much but if you watch core market closely you can make hundreds of million easily). The problem with core is that you will run out of space to store your core ^^. Basically if you put 1bil in core you will get at least 200m back (but again 1bil in core is a lot of space).
If you know many stuffs and good then you can make billions fast. Example SEH price 1week ago is 1bil now is 2b.

05-12-2014, 12:15 PM
It's not the fact that i'm lazy yes it's a korean game but it's a global server changes alot of things when it comes down to it. And yea cores drop alot in dungeons but to buy dungeon passes you need alz :p prices are always raising on maps and dropping on cores which changes alot. The game has a very very odd drop system even with 135% drop rate boost i dont get while someone who plays for free can run a dungeon one time and get a slot extender/bike card and so on. Theres really not balance between it other than luck which is ok but at the same time kinda kills the momentum to an extent. I'm not saying make everything drop easy which is not what i intend but somethings gotta give :/ and yes i pick up alz and gear roughly 100-200k for a full inv of gear to a shop + cores but been playing for about a 3 weeks and only made 20m i keep my maps i dont sell them and i keep uch and fch i used a bunch of ucm/fcm when i first started just to have some +9/-10 peices and made the mistake on buying some pointless lamps...and those godamn waters tryin to get a +7/sig epeletes close to 40-50m they should just be removed.....

05-12-2014, 12:26 PM
drop rates has no effect on what kind of drops you get from the chest.

it affects how often you get drops from normal mobs.

[GM] Lorkan
05-13-2014, 09:44 AM
Are you guys seriously complaining about getting free item?

05-13-2014, 09:57 AM
Didn't have to no life it to get 190 in time I work 50 hours a week and still got there in plenty of time
You just gotta know how to do it :)

05-13-2014, 11:24 AM
Only those that good at pick up stuffs are thankful for that Lorkan the others are piss about the event. This event create a gap between players. If you have read my posts you should understand my point. It is like you guy are giving advantage to a selected group of people.

I know there are ways to get to 190 in time fast (like raven in 9days) but I happened to know many people just farming EA non stop to get 180 and then 190 in AT pure solo grinding. Also you need to add the time that they don't grind as well (it is not like they grinding all the time they are in game)

05-13-2014, 11:32 AM
Only those that good at pick up stuffs are thankful for that Lorkan the others are piss about the event. This event create a gap between players. If you have read my posts you should understand my point. It is like you guy are giving advantage to a selected group of people.

I know there are ways to get to 190 in time fast (like raven in 9days) but I happened to know many people just farming EA non stop to get 180 and then 190 in AT pure solo grinding. Also you need to add the time that they don't grind as well (it is not like they grinding all the time they are in game)

So because you can't spam fast enough to get stuff your come here crying lol makes sense
If you don't like it dont go it's that simple
You are lucky the gms even log in and make a attempt to help people I remember when it was 6 months if not longrer between seeing gms in game

05-13-2014, 02:22 PM
Lorkan;431451']Are you guys seriously complaining about getting free item?

no they complain about getting nothing :D ....... to those who can't get anything just don't log out of channel where gms drop items so other ppl can get in that channel and get some items that's what i do

05-13-2014, 03:08 PM
just goes to show that this truly is a generation of entitlement.

'i am entitled to drops too' 'even though i am level 100 i am entitled to an event that is directed for me' and so on.

no such thing as equality in mmo.

05-13-2014, 04:11 PM
I dont even get the GM buff because so many people are around, and GM switches channel before he buffs me.

05-14-2014, 09:28 AM
I dont even get the GM buff because so many people are around, and GM switches channel before he buffs me.

Sounds like someone needs a tissue

05-14-2014, 10:34 AM
Sounds like someone needs a tissue
nah it sounds like someone needs a better computer/connection.

05-14-2014, 10:54 AM
nah it sounds like someone needs a better computer/connection.

Lol surely couldn't hurt

05-14-2014, 05:44 PM
just goes to show that this truly is a generation of entitlement.

'i am entitled to drops too' 'even though i am level 100 i am entitled to an event that is directed for me' and so on.

no such thing as equality in mmo.

Life aint fair, and neither are video games.

05-16-2014, 05:16 PM
i forgot everything .____. im too far gone to start back playing D: