View Full Version : Why do people run away on their bikes?

08-15-2014, 06:19 PM
Especially in nation war when you at low hp in open area and there are most likely 5 other people hitting you. What even more confusing is when people use that 2.7sec cast time to get on a BLUE bike, like wtf? you can dash fade faster than that. More funny if you fa. why spend the .5-1second to get off bike and unroot, give other class time to silence and you end up die anyway?! and if you wiz and do this........just uninstall, pls.

08-15-2014, 06:48 PM
Because just maybe, You won't get the kill, That's why.

08-15-2014, 07:55 PM
That because u wont get knocked down, stunned... when u on a bike

08-15-2014, 09:20 PM
Because just maybe, You won't get the kill, That's why.
Valid point, but the "maybe" is probably a 1/100 chance.

That because u wont get knocked down, stunned... when u on a bike
even so, the 2.7sec you spend on going on bike you can get root or suppress. The same is true if you don't get on bike but if you fade and then dash then you're at least 8~9 range away, which lowers your chance of getting root and suppress. I guess what I trying to say is why do people just straight get on their bike when they about to run. and let me emphasize again, on their BLUE bikes, not even rw3.

08-15-2014, 10:17 PM
Valid point, but the "maybe" is probably a 1/100 chance.

If you're fighting someone and you can start to tell that they're "out-dpsing" you no matter how minutely, Run.

There's no shame in strategic withdrawals, Maybe you'll catch them slippin' when they're chasing you or maybe they'll be dumb and follow you when you run to your allies.

But I agree with you, A good knockdown or stun will help you escape 10x faster than jumping on a blue bike.

08-16-2014, 03:48 AM
People use bikes because no one is afraid of fb root anymore, it's useless 60 percent of the time against honor levels and immune pots. If you don't have root to worry about bike is super useful to get away because the only thing you have to worry about is suppresion.

08-16-2014, 12:05 PM
People use bikes because no one is afraid of fb root anymore, it's useless 60 percent of the time against honor levels and immune pots. If you don't have root to worry about bike is super useful to get away because the only thing you have to worry about is suppresion.

and "root" from FA/WA/FB(bm3) which can knock you off the bike as well..... so funny when that happens lol

08-16-2014, 12:36 PM
Because most Wizs that run after low hp people have less chance of killing them when they are on a bike especially at north/south smalls and the zigzag at omega/alpha

08-16-2014, 02:11 PM
Especially in nation war when you at low hp in open area and there are most likely 5 other people hitting you. What even more confusing is when people use that 2.7sec cast time to get on a BLUE bike, like wtf? you can dash fade faster than that. More funny if you fa. why spend the .5-1second to get off bike and unroot, give other class time to silence and you end up die anyway?! and if you wiz and do this........just uninstall, pls.

i always said ppl who do this are just lame/pathetic.

08-16-2014, 02:32 PM
Because most Wizs that run after low hp people have less chance of killing them when they are on a bike especially at north/south smalls and the zigzag at omega/alpha
not sure if I explain incorrectly but I already mentioned in first sentence about people who do that in open areas that are nowhere close to the north/south smalls or the alpha/omega zigzags. Like, i see some fb n fa in t5 low hp, hop on bike at like middle of e2/e3, what???

08-16-2014, 03:10 PM
Most people I see use the bike to run stay alive though.
Most of the fb are nub who cant use their root right and you can still move when silence and bike +15 is faster than dash fade
You have to decide when to use the bike if you can stay alive after that cast time and the fb already root then use it
Top player in bm3 get chased by nub WI and cant do anything because he cant out run the WI and heal.

08-16-2014, 03:23 PM
Most people I see use the bike to run stay alive though.
Most of the fb are nub who cant use their root right and you can still move when silence and bike +15 is faster than dash fade
You have to decide when to use the bike if you can stay alive after that cast time and the fb already root then use it
Top player in bm3 get chased by nub WI and cant do anything because he cant out run the WI and heal.

Holy sht. For the first time, I see you actually giving some logical input on something and not asking a random question haha

..But yeah. Getting on a bike to flee doesn't automatically make you a noob or stupid. Can go either way imo. Sure if it's done in the open or next to an FB etc -- the guy's dumb, he'll die, and GG
Other than that though, it's situational is all.

08-16-2014, 04:38 PM
i enjoy riding my christmas sled bike just to troll at the zig zag area, successfully escaping within tens of hp left.

08-16-2014, 06:35 PM
Most people I see use the bike to run stay alive though.
Most of the fb are nub who cant use their root right and you can still move when silence and bike +15 is faster than dash fade
You have to decide when to use the bike if you can stay alive after that cast time and the fb already root then use it
Top player in bm3 get chased by nub WI and cant do anything because he cant out run the WI and heal.
u cant outrun a wiz unless ur going from omega/alpha to mid.most of the time every1 gets stuck unless ur in a bike lol

08-16-2014, 09:20 PM
If you're gonna die minus well die in style!

08-17-2014, 04:44 PM
That because u wont get knocked down, stunned... when u on a bike

Can't get knocked down or stunned while dashing, fading, or blinking either. And bike doesn't de-target every second and a half or so. Which, while easily mitigated at close distances, can be a pain while blink/dash comboing when the target is out of auto target range. Particularly in smalls where each blink or dash often isn't in the same direction as the target. I can tell you chasing even rw3 speed when it isn't specifically omega<->mid twist is pretty trivial, though hardly worth it unless they are important and there's no res in close proximity.

08-17-2014, 07:15 PM
FA's can knock you off of a bike, but I'm not saying how. :p

08-17-2014, 07:46 PM
Does it really matter ? =_=

08-17-2014, 11:21 PM
if you run in war your a lil b1tch u start a fight finish it or uninstall strategic withdraw is another word for being a

08-24-2014, 06:11 AM
people jump on there bikes to run cause not everyone uses macro to avoid every last twig on the map. Not sure about everyone else but I seem to get caught on every last twig on the map and dash for 2 feet if im lucky. So if your using macro's please post it here, that would be great.

08-24-2014, 12:46 PM
people jump on there bikes to run cause not everyone uses macro to avoid every last twig on the map. Not sure about everyone else but I seem to get caught on every last twig on the map and dash for 2 feet if im lucky. So if your using macro's please post it here, that would be great.

It's not hard to put your mouse where there's a clear path then hit dash/blink/fade. You just have to learn how far each one takes you and look ahead to plan a route. Just takes a little practice, not macros (which would not be incredibly helpful, anyway).