View Full Version : WA weapon

08-23-2014, 03:40 PM
Okay so this is old and probably everyone know it but I just want to see what is everybody thinking about the fact that WA only have 1 weapon?
Whenever it drops it is like 2x other weapon and the fact that you only need 1 sehh or seh, 1 scroll and +15 once and even extreme upgrade is cheaper make WA so cheaper to build (since now the cost of +15 and sehh, scroll is majority)

08-23-2014, 04:17 PM
pretty sure you just answer your own question with the most common response you will probably get, lol.
not sure what build warrior go for but if they only have 1 weapon, their choice are very limited they can either go amp or cdi craft. whereas other classes can mix it around......there's like nothing to discuss lol

08-23-2014, 09:21 PM
and geegeegee is an idiot. but right u answered your own question.