View Full Version : WTF Santas!?

12-21-2014, 07:29 AM
Ok for one this event is growing very lame quick because of high levels comin in and swooping everything from people. Two i thought when u did the most damage to these santas or any creature for that matter u got the drops not the guy rollin up next to it at the last second of death Makes hunting them very lame and a waste of time. So compared to the events EU and others are doing wtf is going on in US or "Global version". Pls fix it isnt worth it to keep missing out on drops do to nubs comin in and swooping drops from people that rly need it. Ty

12-21-2014, 08:31 AM
most, if not all, events for like past 2 years have been free looting. although i agree it's unfair for higher level to come by and just ks your drops but one way to counter this is to play with friends. In the end, it doesn't even matter cause cabal's population is gradually dying out. yay for sh.it community right?

12-21-2014, 12:12 PM
i hope they keep killing you, to be honest. i hate people who stick to lower tiers and scare away all the new players in tg.

of course higher level players would have advantage, you chose to stay at lower tier and that is the price you pay.

12-21-2014, 12:25 PM
you missed the entire point of this thread. it was to suggest the gms to change the item loot to dps rather than free for all looting. nowhere did the the original poster complain about being killed by higher levels. even if op was complaining about that, i'm not sure where you got the assumption from that he's a funded lower tier war farmer. did you stop and think that maybe he could be one of those new players in tg

12-21-2014, 02:18 PM
did you stop and think that maybe he could be one of those new players in tg

absolutely not, because i see that his forum account was made in october 2010.

12-21-2014, 02:50 PM
lol, you're making me sound like i'm smart.
The point of this thread was about OP suggesting/complaining, call it what you will, about changing event looting rules. you randomly come along, see his forum creation date and thought it would be a good idea to derail this thread by assuming out the ass that he's a low level tier war farmer. But hey while we're playing this assumption game, since your forum account was made roughly 1 year ago, are you one of these new players in tg that gets bullied? Maybe when it's used against you, you'll see how fallacious your assumption was cause we all know you're this bad boy warrior that's rolling in 14+ amp gears.

While we're at this, did you not use to farm t3 as a geared warrior? How ironic is it to hate yourself for chasing off the new tg players?

12-21-2014, 03:03 PM
dont care, too many people complaining the events are not being tailored to them, only takes couple weeks to get to 170+, etc etc

12-21-2014, 03:20 PM
i must be blind. please tell me where op stated that he was entitled to event drops or that the event should be tailored to him and or the low levels. All he wants are drops that he deserves because he did the work by having the most dps on the santa's, how hard is that to understand?

12-21-2014, 03:30 PM
same thing happens when a 5x char loots item from the event boss killed by a 190 at Port Lux
you're 190 you should go find Santa in AT or PI

12-21-2014, 04:34 PM
dont care cry more

:U <-- me drinking your tears of QQ

12-21-2014, 04:54 PM
you have ignorant written all over your face. I don't see how i'm even crying but okay LOL.

ironically, you hate people who scare away newer players but it's people like you who do so. thanks again for proving my point about the cabal community even though all you've manage to do is avoid each of my posts.

12-21-2014, 09:54 PM
you have ignorant written all over your face. I don't see how i'm even crying but okay LOL.

ironically, you hate people who scare away newer players but it's people like you who do so. thanks again for proving my point about the cabal community even though all you've manage to do is avoid each of my posts.

I'll have to agree with protroll geegeegee on this one (rare occurrence).

12-22-2014, 01:22 AM
who cares , it's a hunt . blah blah blah ^_^

12-22-2014, 02:46 AM
welcome to capitalism

12-22-2014, 03:32 AM
ironically, you hate people who scare away newer players but it's people like you who do so. thanks again for proving my point about the cabal community even though all you've manage to do is avoid each of my posts.your point is moot, i have already established he is a player who has played for 4+ years.

the poster also already lost credibility with this statement:

So compared to the events EU and others are doing wtf is going on in US or "Global version". Pls fix it isnt worth it to keep missing out on drops do to nubs comin in and swooping drops from people that rly need it. Tylast time i checked, EU and NA events are the same (and ran by same exact people), so pretty bad example of Q_Q

encouraging new players to play and helping them vs looking at players condescendingly when they have stagnated and complain about high levels after having 4 years to level are two completely different things.

12-22-2014, 08:03 AM
dont care cry more

:U <-- me drinking your tears of QQ

12-22-2014, 04:32 PM
last time i checked, EU and NA events are the same (and ran by same exact people), so pretty bad example of Q_Q

Kind of a random question but why is the EU population so much bigger than the NA population, when they're both run by the same people?

12-22-2014, 04:43 PM
Kind of a random question but why is the EU population so much bigger than the NA population, when they're both run by the same people?

Might have to do with the eastern side of the erf being closer to Asia and koreans so more people over there here about the non-mainstream mmos. + North murica is more console oriented than pc.

12-22-2014, 04:45 PM
Kind of a random question but why is the EU population so much bigger than the NA population, when they're both run by the same people?
because NA is 4-5 years younger than EU
and Vietnam just got it new Cabal VN version this year

12-22-2014, 06:43 PM
yooo you guys care more about this thread than op


12-23-2014, 12:29 AM
As one of those so called "higher ups" that comes in and KS's your santa, or takes your drop, my deepest apologies. However, I put you guys in the same category as a small dog with no bite. More often than not, those less geared or lower lvls are the first ones to try and PK/KS/ or overall jack the santa since the beginning of the event. Its cute to watch you guys odd circle time and time again to no avail. I do believe "rebellion" guild is filled with such ankle biter canines. So, since that is the way this event started, I have adopted what the decorum of the server has been and that is... Get a santa at all cost. Yes, long ago, it used to be whoever had the most DPS would get the drop, but it hasn't been like that for years, and probably wont go back to that method. Until then, farm events with caution, keep odd circles, evasion pots, SP pots, 30% amp pots, vitality pots, and friends in your back pocket. You never know when you gonna need em.

Happy Hunting

12-23-2014, 05:03 AM
I wish I was able to find a Santa to KS.