View Full Version : Quit sale

03-14-2015, 01:19 PM
I've quit and there's nothing calling me back so I figured I'd sell my stuff in case someone wants it rather than let it rot.

Chars to sell : 190FB (somewhat geared, good runes maxed, hr15 60% in), 18x WI, 15x FS, 15x FA

some pets, kred, costumes, some upgrading items available, craft mats, etc.

Message me what you're looking for I'll see if I have some of it

03-14-2015, 02:47 PM
How much for fb with k red and costumes

03-14-2015, 07:32 PM
FB kred pets costume, msg me or mail me ign [F_ckYou]

03-19-2015, 07:43 PM
charm and eof8 are reserved, rest is still up.

costumes available : halloween dress, dancing temptation (both costume and mask), weapon skin : halloween for orb/crystal (broomstick on WI)
pets available : lv10 husky, lv10 rudolph, lv10 cutie lai

FB comes with tera set +10 (gloves are +13) amp/cdi, +15 redosm blade 36cdi, +15 topaz craftsman crystal, leth and killian. Battle crafting up to 5.5k on helms, 4k on boots. Basic crafting at 8k+

send offers, dont ask me how much

03-21-2015, 07:54 PM