View Full Version : [FA] Skill redesign? GM pls read :)

03-23-2015, 09:49 AM
I've come to realize FA's main attribute to the game is being the support class (heals), however FAs at higher levels and party members with 6-8k hp it's difficult to heal due to their high HP, Also Healing in War is completely useless that makes FA's just a slower, no sp version of WI's. Maybe you guys can change the heal skill to % of the target's MAX hp, Just a thought.
Also currently FA's IMO are the weakest class in 1v1 pvp (Not including PK) and this is because of the decrease in AMP of the lances and cannons. Shadow shot being one of our highest dps skill has become just a filler skill in pve.
I dont believe FA's are being looked into as thoughtful as other classes such as FB's

thx for your time :)

03-23-2015, 11:32 AM
I know it's not fair to do this but judging by your forum join date and your reasoning behind why FA's need a skill redesign, I'd have you say you have not played for long. I'd give you a list of reasons why your suggestion is not needed but all I really need to say is that you're wrong in every aspect other than the fact that heals are useless in war.

03-23-2015, 03:31 PM

03-23-2015, 08:10 PM
i do feel bad on how bad a FA is when i see videos like this:


03-24-2015, 12:43 AM
I know it's not fair to do this but judging by your forum join date and your reasoning behind why FA's need a skill redesign, I'd have you say you have not played for long. I'd give you a list of reasons why your suggestion is not needed but all I really need to say is that you're wrong in every aspect other than the fact that heals are useless in war.
i joined the forum because i wanted to comment, however my FA/WI was created in 2008, im pretty well experienced in the game.
however, please explain why FA redesigns are not needed.

03-24-2015, 12:44 AM
i do feel bad on how bad a FA is when i see videos like this:


anyone with http://nevarethzone.cabal.co.kr/character/info/16/%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%B9 that gear can be that good. pls.
he linked his gear in the comments section
the guy has 70% rate. 129% amp 244% dmg
i think any one with those stats can be that good
the reason im complaining is because i've been pvping FB,BL,WA,FS and losing when i out gear them by a mile. my base attack amp and crit dmg are all higher and our deff are near the same. that's why i think FA's are weakest.

03-24-2015, 02:02 AM
anyone with http://nevarethzone.cabal.co.kr/character/info/16/%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%B9 that gear can be that good. pls.
he linked his gear in the comments section
the guy has 70% rate. 129% amp 244% dmg
i think any one with those stats can be that good
the reason im complaining is because i've been pvping FB,BL,WA,FS and losing when i out gear them by a mile. my base attack amp and crit dmg are all higher and our deff are near the same. that's why i think FA's are weakest.

- Your archer must be pretty strong if it has 2.8k base
- Same for having 3.5k defense
- You're trying to fight classes that are good at standing pvp with a class that is not good at standing pvp then complaining because you lose
- I notice you didn't mention wizards or gladiators, if you beat them in standing pvp wouldn't they be weaker?
- Do you have the same HP as a warrior or a blader?
- Do you have the same damage reduce as a shielder?

Side note: standing pvp means literally nothing, it's a game of chance.

03-24-2015, 02:03 AM
i'll be surprised if your FA can absolutely win over those sword classes
that's not how sword and magic classes were created

03-24-2015, 05:00 AM
This is actually very related request. HP of all classes were rapidly increased when all armor parts got hp bonus + hp from rune, however FA heal stayed unchanged like 7 years ago. Back then could have warriors and shielders 4-5k hp max. Other classes way lower. Heal for 4500 (single-party-single heal) was pretty perceptible. ANd now it is like nothing. Trying to heal up someone with 10k hp is quite hard job. FA is also the only one char which 'special skill' doesnt work in tg. (just imagine for example fb without debuffs). Ye, fa in bm3 can increase his healing skills by 100%, but for the price of loss huge amount of dmg, which means this synergy is in the final useless. (i mean, you can keep you party members alive but it is like -1 party member cuz of dmg loss). So, heal should be increased OR added new heal which can heal based on percentual hp of healiing target OR added something like full heal (like holy water of vitality) with acceptable cooldown. And Tonberry, im pretty sure you dont mean to compare this fa to nonkorean players. As were wrote above, with his set could do it any class within similiar time. They could even solo manti after all, so its kinda higher tier of game.

03-24-2015, 05:16 AM
yeah, my argument was extreme exaggeration; however, when a long range class complains about not being able to tank tank classes in bloody ice standing pvp, it irks me a bit. i mean, in free style pvp and in nation war, fa is by far the most troll class out of them all next to fb and bl. fast casting time that allows you to be mobile when targeted, quick move (which is basically blader's old intuition), and unroot makes a decent fa harder to deal with then a WA/FS/WI/GL by far.

i dont think heal should be buffed up. 4500 hp heal is 4500 hp heal no matter what -- just because max hp increased doesnt mean 4500 heal's net value decreased any. you stay alive with 4500 hp heal for same duration regardless of if you have 5000 max hp or 8000 max hp.

only thing i would give FA is something that contributes to dungeon runs in a form of a legitimate debuff or a good short party buff. they currently offer nothing to end game tier dungeons.

03-24-2015, 06:17 AM
Yep, this standing pvp is just a big mistake, range classes are not supposed to stay at one place so it is not so big surprise that in standing pvp they have some disadventages.
And even heal should be considered as good party skill like before, when 3k dmg single hit from custodi was maximal dmg output of a mob.
I agree that fa is most annoying bich in tg, im one of them after all, in most cases unkillable if he dont want to. And yes, fa should get... something, with which this class can be more useful for party, better heal/buff/synergy, or in all future dungeons (+E3) will be this class just a fifth wheel in a car.

03-24-2015, 06:21 AM
anyone with http://nevarethzone.cabal.co.kr/character/info/16/%EB%A6%AC%EC%98%B9 that gear can be that good. pls.
he linked his gear in the comments section
the guy has 70% rate. 129% amp 244% dmg
i think any one with those stats can be that good
the reason im complaining is because i've been pvping FB,BL,WA,FS and losing when i out gear them by a mile. my base attack amp and crit dmg are all higher and our deff are near the same. that's why i think FA's are weakest.

I like how you don't even mention that he has 459 penetration

also standing pvp is imba af in this game, you wanna win standing pvp? reroll a sword class

03-24-2015, 06:49 AM
I say all fa needs is a bm3 synergy d buff that's it besides that they good

03-24-2015, 07:01 AM
I say all fa needs is a bm3 synergy d buff that's it besides that they good

fa has one of the if not strongest bm3 and here you want to give them a bm3 debuff?

fa needs nothing, well maybe a tad more base but thats ok too

03-24-2015, 09:18 AM
I say all fa needs is a bm3 synergy d buff that's it besides that they good

I'm not sure how necessary that is considering most fa don't use synergy and even know how the single target mechanic works.

03-24-2015, 03:12 PM
People does not seem to realize FA power. IDK why so little play FA while to my knowledge, I would vote for FA to be the 2nd strongest class (after FB) in pvp and the best class overall.
Anyone care to explain that FA stats ???? 459 pene. Is it possible?

03-24-2015, 03:18 PM
I would really like to see that stats in NA war :) Guessing 8k crit on bm3 hit

03-24-2015, 03:19 PM
Well I said that because people don't want fa for like example eod 3 because they don't provide any major dps boost to pt in other words a good d buff all other class have one except fa I'm just saying

03-24-2015, 03:34 PM
Well I said that because people don't want fa for like example eod 3 because they don't provide any major dps boost to pt in other words a good d buff all other class have one except fa I'm just saying
Cause apparently having blind and defense down debuffs aren't good enough. Oh wait, NA baddies think attack rate and accuracy are irrelevant.
I can agree with FA being irrelevant in end game dungeons for healing purposes but FA not providing any major dps boost? You've got to be kidding me. FA bm3 outshines every bm3 in the game. I'm not saying I don't agree with you that an FA can easily be replaced with another useful class but FA certainly does not lack dps.

03-24-2015, 03:47 PM
FA 2 synergies do have debuffs, although not too sure how useful it would be in eod 3.


atk range -1 to opp and -3% atk for opponent, those are debuffs.
in war it's even better 3% of 3k atk is 90 atk which is rather significant imo

03-24-2015, 03:54 PM
every class in this game is a dps char except fs. fb will become a dps class in the upcoming update.

03-24-2015, 05:04 PM
I would really like to see that stats in NA war :) Guessing 8k crit on bm3 hit

8k crit is in all likeliness wildly wrong. I can do 10k's on some bloody spirit warriors with 108 cdi and 120 pen. Sooooooo yeahhhhhhhh

03-24-2015, 06:16 PM
I would really like to see that stats in NA war :) Guessing 8k crit on bm3 hit

considering that FA scored 3k+ in war on a daily basis yeah 99% of the cabal population would get 1-3 shot. the gear gap between kr and na is just ridiculous.

03-24-2015, 06:34 PM
wiz is master race sorry



03-24-2015, 08:10 PM
Holy cow, 3k+ on war how could it be possible lol. 330 kills O.O.
I was saying FA do 8k normal on people not in BS

03-25-2015, 02:50 AM
In KR they basically just fk each other in the face for 50 minutes. In NA we play cat and mouse for stacking small bases for 50 minutes. regards

03-25-2015, 06:29 AM
In KR they basically just fk each other in the face for 50 minutes. In NA we play cat and mouse for stacking small bases for 50 minutes. regards

That we do ! LOL... we used to just go face to face. but that's long gone, maybe some people don't like dying . lol

03-25-2015, 08:57 AM
Veradrix pots made fa heal obsolete like vouchers made farming obsolete. <:

03-25-2015, 11:57 AM
Veradrix pots made fa heal obsolete like vouchers made farming obsolete. <:

You're retarded

03-25-2015, 02:00 PM
Anyone have a KR nation war they want to share? best if it is WI.

03-25-2015, 03:11 PM
sure buddy

03-25-2015, 03:47 PM
Holy there's so many people. NA->Korea merge when???

03-25-2015, 04:48 PM

03-25-2015, 05:06 PM
dang fs $ucks LOL

03-25-2015, 06:59 PM
I mean Korean NW video not picture.

03-25-2015, 11:29 PM
op pw5 is op

03-26-2015, 04:20 AM
i meant somthing to increase dps type of d buff sigh * i thought it was obvious >.>

03-26-2015, 07:14 AM
i meant somthing to increase dps type of d buff sigh * i thought it was obvious >.>
I rest my case about NA baddies. How does blind not increase dps? You get hit less = less likely to die = pull more hits off = even less consumables you have to use up. I thought that was obvious for someone who liked to save every single digit of alz.

03-26-2015, 08:24 AM
you try so hard to bait all the time lol

03-26-2015, 09:08 AM
you try so hard to bait all the time lol
Again, if there weren't NA baddies, there would be nothing to bait. damn, is this how it feels to do what miavii does?
You try so hard to act like a douchebag when reality strikes or someone disagrees with you lol

03-26-2015, 09:17 AM
Again, if there weren't NA baddies, there would be nothing to bait. damn, is this how it feels to do what miavii does?
You try so hard to act like a douchebag when reality strikes or someone disagrees with you lol

that hoe doesn't even deserve attn, he was garbage at this game, also extremely unintelligent so I guess that's a thing.

03-26-2015, 03:34 PM
I rest my case about NA baddies. How does blind not increase dps? You get hit less = less likely to die = pull more hits off = even less consumables you have to use up. I thought that was obvious for someone who liked to save every single digit of alz.

lol "blind increases DPS"? now i've heard it all. and on top of that this guy is calling other people baddies? go look up the definition of dps b4 calling out other people

03-26-2015, 04:20 PM
lol "blind increases DPS"? now i've heard it all. and on top of that this guy is calling other people baddies? go look up the definition of dps b4 calling out other people
I want to think that you define DPS as dealing as much damage as you can in x amount of time. Thus by increasing dps, your damage increases. While that's true, do you not take survivability into account? If no, why do people tend to use vitality pots and protection of veradrix rather than superior odds in end game dungeons? How are you going to maximize your DPS if you die at any given time?

03-26-2015, 04:29 PM
have you actually ran these end game dungeons?

03-26-2015, 04:31 PM
have you actually ran these end game dungeons?
obviously not, have you good sir?

03-26-2015, 04:46 PM
what's your ign? i dont think you have.

03-26-2015, 04:47 PM
silly you, it's toasterstrudel! and did i not just say I have not ran them?

03-26-2015, 04:49 PM
oh ok, sorry. so you've never ran end game dungeons before.

03-26-2015, 04:51 PM
i don't even play this game.

03-26-2015, 05:02 PM
ahahaha XD

03-26-2015, 05:44 PM
yall are wrong,attack rate increase dps,def rate increase def and INT is the new STR for sword classes. prove me wrong.

03-26-2015, 10:23 PM
If you mean dps in a whole war then your def stats can count as dps. If you count dps in like 5 sec then it is not (or situation like dungeon when you dont get kill and just stand there and dps). Dps= damage overall per second so whatever u get in your attack point/50*60.
I would love to see more korean NW video. Where can I find so i dont bug you guys?

03-26-2015, 10:31 PM

03-27-2015, 08:06 AM
stop blinding me with them korean myths D:

Lord Kronius
03-27-2015, 05:45 PM
FA was t5 bringer for the past year+ consecutively.

03-27-2015, 09:45 PM
FA was t5 bringer for the past year+ consecutively.


03-27-2015, 10:22 PM
FA was t5 bringer for the past year+ consecutively.

Isn't Toto a blader? I don't remember how long ago but wasn't Achilles a warrior? How about zTPz?


And Yieh.

03-27-2015, 11:06 PM
Isn't Toto a blader? I don't remember how long ago but wasn't Achilles a warrior? How about zTPz?

And Yieh.

i think hes talking about the kr FA...

03-28-2015, 08:17 AM
i think hes talking about the kr FA...
i think you're an idiot.........
how would he know if a fa in kr is consistently bringer for 5 years. pretty sure he was referring to mafia but his statement was useless since there have been many other bringers.

03-28-2015, 12:10 PM
i think you're an idiot.........
how would he know if a fa in kr is consistently bringer for 5 years. pretty sure he was referring to mafia but his statement was useless since there have been many other bringers.

well u have to be an idiot to say mafia been bringer for the whole year since TP took bringer everytime he wanted.

03-28-2015, 12:12 PM
i think you're an idiot.........
how would he know if a fa in kr is consistently bringer for 5 years. pretty sure he was referring to mafia but his statement was useless since there have been many other bringers.

He will always be bias to Mafia ..... but yes in the Year+ Toto, TP and others were also bringer.... #getyourfactsstraight

03-28-2015, 12:12 PM
well u have to be an idiot to say mafia been bringer for the whole year since TP took bringer everytime he wanted.
i hope you're calling lord kronius an idiot because i never stated that mafia had consistently been bringer. i said his statement was useless cause there have been other bringers.

03-28-2015, 12:14 PM
i hope you're calling lord kronius an idiot because i never stated that mafia had consistently been bringer. i said his statement was useless cause there have been other bringers.

if the shoe fits wear it,wut chu gonna go?

03-28-2015, 12:17 PM
TIL how to read

03-29-2015, 12:17 PM
i hope you're calling lord kronius an idiot because i never stated that mafia had consistently been bringer. i said his statement was useless cause there have been other bringers.

Yea i meant Lord Kronius #irrelevantplayer

03-29-2015, 01:07 PM
OP here, so i read through everything and yeah i guess i agree that while standing still FA's aren't supposed to out dps fb's and other sword classes.
However heals based of a % of a char's life would be a huge improvement in high lvl dungeon gameplay and maybe FA specific debuffs and party buffs :P

03-29-2015, 01:58 PM
30% hp heal in war to stronk

03-29-2015, 02:32 PM
However heals based of a % of a char's life would be a huge improvement in high lvl dungeon gameplay and maybe FA specific debuffs and party buffs :P
And how much % do you think that should be? Have you considered how broken that would be in nation war?

03-29-2015, 10:20 PM
^ye, fa would be healer on tg. Isnt it what this class is supposed to be anyway? Heal is the only NERFED sklil in tg. Main skill of support class doesnt work on a place, where should be support most significant. RIP logic. Maybe with x10 ct like bm it should be gud.

03-29-2015, 11:16 PM
soo many noob post n like gm gona do anything? get over with it or dont play it @@.n who would need fa heal in nw btw? there is hp pot for nw. isnt that good enough?

03-29-2015, 11:36 PM
ITT: no one who has tried to kill a tanky force shielder while they get spam healed.

03-29-2015, 11:46 PM
there is hp pot for nw. isnt that good enough?
i dont usually quote so when i do, its only some serious nobrain shlt like this. Are you really trying to compare hp gear to potential heal?

03-29-2015, 11:50 PM
R u really cry for heal? Lmao

03-29-2015, 11:52 PM
wtf am I reading

03-30-2015, 12:20 AM
it would be nice innovation for tg, and with x10 ct even possible and not so op. No more than for example elemental enchant with fire blade. w/o heal is fa in tg just raw dmg dealer, which is kinda weird for support class tho.

03-30-2015, 03:03 AM
unroot and buffs aren't support at all

03-30-2015, 04:52 AM
healing being viable option in nation war sounds like a terrible idea imho.

imagine 5 FAs rolling together unrooting each other, healing each other, and shot mah laser the entire war while spamming quick move.

03-30-2015, 06:28 AM
I kinda see what the op is saying at least with the heals in nw specially since fa are supposed to do some support. But if they made the heals better the cd on those 2 skills would have to go way up when you enter nw and the % of hp would have to be kinda low like 10-20%. I don't really care either way but would be an interesting change. They could always change it again if it was too much anyways. I'm just glad fb fire enchant is changing so they can't heal 1/3 of their hp and regen like crazy every time i'm about to kill them.

03-30-2015, 10:52 AM
unroot and buffs aren't support at all

Crazy talk.

03-30-2015, 12:41 PM
I'm just glad fb fire enchant is changing so they can't heal 1/3 of their hp and regen like crazy every time i'm about to kill them.

yea now instead they will have 12 seconds to absolutely shiet on your face. root -> hard luck -> EE....??? where'd my HP bar go?

03-30-2015, 01:29 PM
everyone is overrating fb pen ee, especially the fact that most fb don't even have large amounts of pen to begin with

Lord Kronius
03-30-2015, 02:02 PM
Ok maybe it was a slight exaggeration to say consecutively, but he did have it the majority over all the other bringers.
All the bringers you mentioned, toto, yieh, tp, do not score like Mafia.
So if Mafia wanted it all year, (like u said about tp) he could have had it.
Also.. who gives a f about cap bringer? lmao cmon now.

Lord Kronius
03-30-2015, 02:04 PM
He will always be bias to Mafia ..... but yes in the Year+ Toto, TP and others were also bringer.... #getyourfactsstraight

Btw.. why would i be bias to mafia? i'm curious as to why your brain thinks the way it does lol.

Just because Kurama and Kira trash you, and i sometimes kill u, doesn't mean i was doing it on purpose like they were.
So salty jay.

03-30-2015, 02:24 PM
Btw.. why would i be bias to mafia? i'm curious as to why your brain thinks the way it does lol.

maybe cause you everyone's d???

03-30-2015, 04:15 PM
everyone is overrating fb pen ee, especially the fact that most fb don't even have large amounts of pen to begin with

doesnt force bladers have the most penetration out of all the sword classes with fire blade?

03-30-2015, 04:36 PM
Btw.. why would i be bias to mafia? i'm curious as to why your brain thinks the way it does lol.

Just because Kurama and Kira trash you, and i sometimes kill u, doesn't mean i was doing it on purpose like they were.
So salty jay.

Thanks for that, glad you guys had fun, I did to killing you all with my subpar gears with an FB FA and FS vs one Wiz, but this just reinforces my point.... You are biased to Mafia, and when did I even mention the potatoes in my comment? Your backing up people who really don't care about you either....who's the salty one again? #getrekt

Lord Kronius
03-30-2015, 05:19 PM
Thanks for that, glad you guys had fun, I did to killing you all with my subpar gears with an FB FA and FS vs one Wiz, but this just reinforces my point.... You are biased to Mafia, and when did I even mention the potatoes in my comment? Your backing up people who really don't care about you either....who's the salty one again? #getrekt

Dude..... i never singled you out like that.... it was kurama and kira, we just happened to be in the same vent. Why would i do that to you? What do i have against you? Do you not remember when it was me you and fresh in the same vent working together as a team?? I mentioned the "potatoes" because i have no idea why you're trying to bash me on the forums, when we used to be cool.
as for them not caring about me, it's not about caring it's about recognizing them dude. All i was saying is Mafia is the best bringer i've seen. I mean Yieh is a very good bringer and so is BR.... TP is good as well, but dude, mafia? gimme a break. It's Mafia hands down. I just have fun and i try to stay ethical about it.
Unlike the guild you're in. where racism, purchasing friends and trolling you if you don't accept their offer to join their guild, are at it's finest.

03-30-2015, 05:35 PM
doesnt force bladers have the most penetration out of all the sword classes with fire blade?

yea I believe so, but I'd rather fb gain pen and lose their heal because honestly that heal is quite annoying. that means they also die faster as well so that's a thing. don't get me wrong they do hurt but I think you'd need 2 pen bracelets first and pen 1 2 3 maxed out before it makes a huge diff. at least you can't ee in bm1 right? I personally don't think it's a big deal as I believe their pen values are lower than other classes. if wiz got a +100% pen buff i'd be so happy

ANYWAYS the real reason I hate fb ee is because of that stupid heal is the point I'm trying to get at

03-30-2015, 05:45 PM
Dude..... i never singled you out like that.... it was kurama and kira, we just happened to be in the same vent. Why would i do that to you? What do i have against you? Do you not remember when it was me you and fresh in the same vent working together as a team?? I mentioned the "potatoes" because i have no idea why you're trying to bash me on the forums, when we used to be cool.
as for them not caring about me, it's not about caring it's about recognizing them dude. All i was saying is Mafia is the best bringer i've seen. I mean Yieh is a very good bringer and so is BR.... TP is good as well, but dude, mafia? gimme a break. It's Mafia hands down. I just have fun and i try to stay ethical about it.
Unlike the guild you're in. where racism, purchasing friends and trolling you if you don't accept their offer to join their guild, are at it's finest.

Adding fuel to the fire I see, and we're fine, all I said was that you're bias to mafia... i stated the obvious duh... and again You mentioned people who are irrelevant to the thread .... #comeonnow

03-30-2015, 06:03 PM
yea I believe so, but I'd rather fb gain pen and lose their heal because honestly that heal is quite annoying. that means they also die faster as well so that's a thing. don't get me wrong they do hurt but I think you'd need 2 pen bracelets first and pen 1 2 3 maxed out before it makes a huge diff. at least you can't ee in bm1 right? I personally don't think it's a big deal as I believe their pen values are lower than other classes. if wiz got a +100% pen buff i'd be so happy

ANYWAYS the real reason I hate fb ee is because of that stupid heal is the point I'm trying to get at

See this is the point I was trying to make back then.

And yeah you can't EE in bm1.

03-30-2015, 07:36 PM
Dude..... i never singled you out like that.... it was kurama and kira, we just happened to be in the same vent. Why would i do that to you? What do i have against you? Do you not remember when it was me you and fresh in the same vent working together as a team?? I mentioned the "potatoes" because i have no idea why you're trying to bash me on the forums, when we used to be cool.
as for them not caring about me, it's not about caring it's about recognizing them dude. All i was saying is Mafia is the best bringer i've seen. I mean Yieh is a very good bringer and so is BR.... TP is good as well, but dude, mafia? gimme a break. It's Mafia hands down. I just have fun and i try to stay ethical about it.
Unlike the guild you're in. where racism, purchasing friends and trolling you if you don't accept their offer to join their guild, are at it's finest. Your level of hypocrisy is on another level and last I checked jay's wiz is in your Sei.

03-30-2015, 09:14 PM
Look at these fuc.ks talking about the FA class like they know it. Sorry no FA from this current generation will be considered as part of the coven anymore. Skill redesign my a.ss, we dont need that, we need someone to step up and show how to roll it like we did back in the days.

03-30-2015, 09:25 PM
look at miavii thinking he actually knows how to FA joke of the year LOL

03-30-2015, 09:41 PM
It's just not me who think I know. -.- Even the GM's know better to sticky my guide. Don't hate on a supreme. We demand our names to be glorified.

03-30-2015, 09:42 PM
>implying gms know anything about playing fa

03-30-2015, 09:44 PM
Now if you can build my golden statue. I would really really really appreciate it. Thank you.

03-30-2015, 09:45 PM
See this is the point I was trying to make back then.

And yeah you can't EE in bm1.

I'll reply when I feel like it

03-30-2015, 09:48 PM
Oh how dare you ignore my command? Don't you test me mortal azn. Or I will shrink your peni.s again.

03-30-2015, 10:07 PM
Lol what a loser. #thebullywinsagain

03-30-2015, 10:27 PM
Now if you can build my golden statue. I would really really really appreciate it. Thank you.

i got chu

03-30-2015, 10:51 PM
Rafa hand it to doomer. I want him to kneel and present it to me. I want him to realize how privileged he is to be facing a god. The one and only being who made people in this game ...tools.

03-31-2015, 01:18 PM
this game is 99% retard :|

03-31-2015, 05:43 PM

04-04-2015, 10:16 PM

04-05-2015, 12:49 PM
FA BM1 should be redone mmaybe remove the fact that all skills lose thier special ability. Also the damage between ppl should be divided; atleast 75 percent dmg of 1v1. Or I agree that they need abase increase. Discuss........ lol.

04-05-2015, 06:06 PM
FA BM1 should be redone mmaybe remove the fact that all skills lose thier special ability. Also the damage between ppl should be divided; atleast 75 percent dmg of 1v1. Or I agree that they need abase increase. Discuss........ lol.


04-05-2015, 06:16 PM
isn't that miavii's trophy? I don't think she would appreciate you handing it over to another person. specially if you aren't giving it to doomer for him to bow down and bestow it upon the goddess that miavii is

04-05-2015, 08:03 PM
This.... When Miavii fks with peoples head in forum. Oh I love et!!!

04-05-2015, 08:23 PM
miavii? sounds like some unimportant f@g

lets pretend to know fa mechanics post rising cabal ya!!!!

04-05-2015, 08:28 PM
miavii? sounds like some unimportant f@g

lets pretend to know fa mechanics post rising cabal ya!!!!
When Miavii fks with peoples head in forum. Oh I love et!!!

04-06-2015, 03:58 AM

It's not retardedness that's the problem here. It's those who don't have a se.x life because of having small peeeeeeeen like Doomer. My possible solution. Go back to Asia? You might have a chance. Rawr and take that advice who knows it might be stickied... Hopefully -.-

04-06-2015, 04:33 AM
FA BM1 should be redone mmaybe remove the fact that all skills lose thier special ability. Also the damage between ppl should be divided; atleast 75 percent dmg of 1v1. Or I agree that they need abase increase. Discuss........ lol.
Our only battle mode that allows us to use combo mode w/ aura. Back in the days we used multi shooter on fewer targets, dunno if it changed now but I found it useful on 1on1 pvp. GD and sonic used to deal massive crit damages up to 3.8k (out of nw) on a player. I think that applying skill effects is asking too much in a pvp/pk scenario. What could go wrong is when you start using your dps combo, you know, the critical shot + lances/cannons in bm1. That's stupid. With all that base magic boost, using big skills will be more destructive.

04-06-2015, 07:16 AM

It's not retardedness that's the problem here. It's those who don't have a se.x life because of having small peeeeeeeen like Doomer. My possible solution. Go back to Asia? You might have a chance. Rawr and take that advice who knows it might be stickied... Hopefully -.-
Sounds like a butthurt response (there should be a emoticon for #butthurt)

04-06-2015, 07:24 AM
I've come to realize FA's main attribute to the game is being the support class (heals), however FAs at higher levels and party members with 6-8k hp it's difficult to heal due to their high HP, Also Healing in War is completely useless that makes FA's just a slower, no sp version of WI's. Maybe you guys can change the heal skill to % of the target's MAX hp, Just a thought.
Also currently FA's IMO are the weakest class in 1v1 pvp (Not including PK) and this is because of the decrease in AMP of the lances and cannons. Shadow shot being one of our highest dps skill has become just a filler skill in pve.
I dont believe FA's are being looked into as thoughtful as other classes such as FB's

thx for your time :)


04-06-2015, 07:49 AM
agree but at the very least take out the 4 targets maximum rule in bm1; in war i wanna kd as many ppl as i can since the 190s are like 50v50 and that multishot capped at 4 targets doesnt seem very usefull unless its 1v1. the dmg will still be split regardless how many targets but i think 4 is to small compair it with WI bm1 and u'll know whats better. Other than our BM1 which hasnt changed for like maybe 7 years i think fa is fine tbh maybe alittle more base as someone else said; we ant as powerfull as we used to be but w.e

04-06-2015, 08:53 AM
Sounds like a butthurt response (there should be a emoticon for #butthurt)

After all this time you still don't know how to tame a forum predator. I expected improvement. Use the f@g, , or whatever the cake is a lie against me rather than the petty attempts we "usually" read. Have you people given up hope to silence me?


04-06-2015, 09:23 AM
agree but at the very least take out the 4 targets maximum rule in bm1; in war i wanna kd as many ppl as i can since the 190s are like 50v50 and that multishot capped at 4 targets doesnt seem very usefull unless its 1v1. the dmg will still be split regardless how many targets but i think 4 is to small compair it with WI bm1 and u'll know whats better. Other than our BM1 which hasnt changed for like maybe 7 years i think fa is fine tbh maybe alittle more base as someone else said; we ant as powerfull as we used to be but w.e

Perhaps they might consider tweaking it in the future who knows. One class becomes better than the others with every expansion. Those who stayed long til this day to play this game should know that. FA was once powerful because we had a strong community to support it no matter how they nerf it, now I really don't see the support for whatever reason. FA bm1 could have been a problem before but we did not complain because we found effective ways to use it than rely on it being a multi hitting skill. With the addition of Arrow Barrage and a short buff to evade out of combo damages I see plenty of opportunities and scenarios where this bm could be of good use

04-06-2015, 10:36 AM
After all this time you still don't know how to tame a forum predator. I expected improvement. Use the f@g, , or whatever the cake is a lie against me rather than the petty attempts we "usually" read. Have you people given up hope to silence me?

after all this time you haven't realize I don't care to tame you? why bother lying using f@g when I can use the truth #butthurt. You can lie however you want but I obviously am annoying enough with just #butthurt. I like being petty. Thank you thank you.


04-06-2015, 10:38 AM
after all this time you haven't realize I don't care to tame you? why bother lying using f@g when I can use the truth #butthurt. You can lie however you want but I obviously am annoying enough with just #butthurt. Thank you thank you.


No. It's because you can't. Right? Well I guess its stupid of me to ask a question I already know the answer. No one can tame me btch I'm the top dog here

04-06-2015, 10:39 AM
i love going to a group of ppl and spam cannons on bm1 its awesome.theres no perfection on this game cuz theres always a tweak. imo FA bm1 is not that bad it comes down to the person who uses it. i am new to FA but i sure love using bm1.

04-06-2015, 10:41 AM
No. It's because you can't. Right? Well I guess its stupid of me to ask a question I already know the answer. No one can tame me btch I'm the top dog here

we already know you are stupid. I like to make you guess. Can I? Can't I? keep guessing since you ask the question. LOL

I like how all I said was #butthurt and people end up calling themselves stupid.

See you all in the summer. Bye.

Remember #butthurt

04-06-2015, 11:14 AM
Oh wow that's a different one. I kinda like the "all I said was #butthurt and people end up calling themselves stupid". See you got a hidden talent I want you to use it more. But that escape plan "see you all in the summer" needs to be modified. You're not fooling me. Giving up again?

04-06-2015, 06:56 PM
All this fighting and I'm still stuck on FB's having apparently lost their DPS standing as well as their penetration because fire blade. But what the hell do I know, I haven't played an FB like ever. I need a captain, or adult... I'm really not sure which anymore...

04-07-2015, 04:10 AM
It's not fighting. I guess it's more like there's nothing much to do in the game so we go to the forums to see if there's something interesting to know about. We get to see a lot of trollers, complainers and very few occasions some drama. I'm one of those goofs, I play around with trollers though, like I feed on them to test their limits. And it works. But its not fighting -.- unless someone is actually really angry enough to send me a death threat.

Let me do my job to make fun of the trolls and ya'll do your best to keep the discussions constructive. ;)

04-07-2015, 09:02 AM
Oh, well alright then.

04-11-2015, 02:50 PM

This is a Korean FA soloing Pluma with heals. Pretty legit.

04-13-2015, 06:22 PM
Wow this thread still alive O_O , pointless thread.

04-13-2015, 06:30 PM
Wow this thread still alive O_O , pointless thread.
This thread was pretty much ready to die out anyways given how no1 posted the last two days.
Maybe if people stopped posting "pointless" stuff like you just did, the thread would really die.