View Full Version : Blended rune

04-08-2015, 08:03 PM
Can Defenseless I II III pop at the same time?

04-09-2015, 04:53 PM
as far as I know, yes.

04-09-2015, 07:36 PM
it's possible ! but u mostly only get 2 popping at a time

04-09-2015, 10:39 PM
back when i was in venus years ago.thats the only time i have seen it happen lol

04-09-2015, 10:44 PM
back when i was in venus years ago.thats the only time i have seen it happen lol

Can Defenseless I II III pop at the same time?

Can Defenseless I II III pop at the same time?

Can Defenseless I II III pop

at the same time?



04-09-2015, 10:53 PM

and theres enso trying to be a smart as$ lol predictable dumb f.uk.
they r not lvl 1,2,3 but its possible 3 blends can pop up on a combo or in bm if ur lucky enough.

04-09-2015, 11:07 PM
and theres enso trying to be a smart as$ lol predictable dumb f.uk.
they r not lvl 1,2,3 but its possible 3 blends can pop up on a combo or in bm if ur lucky enough.

So let me get this straight. Your plan is:

- you say something stupid
- someone points out that it was stupid
- "haha look someone corrected me"

You're right, you're a genius. (I guess.)

04-10-2015, 05:08 AM
I saw a picture of someone having both cure I and II on their blended rune tab (it is not from NA, it is from vietnam server) So I think any other blended can stack like that. But still idk if they can pop at the same time or not, they might put some restriction on so that only 1 of the 3 runes of the same type can pop at 1 time.

BTW if it can, i have never seen it on me (or any combination of 2 shieldsmash) so that weird ???

04-10-2015, 07:30 AM
and theres enso trying to be a smart as$ lol predictable dumb f.uk.
they r not lvl 1,2,3 but its possible 3 blends can pop up on a combo or in bm if ur lucky enough.
don't see how enso is being a smart as$, all i see is you being salty because he knows how to read.
there was absolutely no point of your screenshot nor did it prove that I II III of the same kind of blended runes could activate at the same time anyone with half a brain could figure out that 3+ blended runes can pop up one at a time within the duration of a bm or a combo

04-10-2015, 01:10 PM
don't see how enso is being a smart as$, all i see is you being salty because he knows how to read.
there was absolutely no point of your screenshot nor did it prove that I II III of the same kind of blended runes could activate at the same time anyone with half a brain could figure out that 3+ blended runes can pop up one at a time within the duration of a bm or a combo

like u said some1 with half a brain should know if 3 or more can pop up at the same time even if its the same rune then its possible it could happen.yeah the SS is not a lvl1,2,3 but it proves that its possible.just cuz its not exactly wut providen1990 is asking about doesnt mean its not relevant to the thread.
i see you guys always try to find the smallest opportunity to flame on forum,its sad and pretty pathetic imo.i aint gonna waste my time trying to reply again cuz u guys aint worth it.

04-10-2015, 01:49 PM
like u said some1 with half a brain should know if 3 or more can pop up at the same time even if its the same rune then its possible it could happen.yeah the SS is not a lvl1,2,3 but it proves that its possible.just cuz its not exactly wut providen1990 is asking about doesnt mean its not relevant to the thread.
i see you guys always try to find the smallest opportunity to flame on forum,its sad and pretty pathetic imo.i aint gonna waste my time trying to reply again cuz u guys aint worth it.

I don't think you understood the question. Whether or not runes can activate consecutively (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/consecutively), is not relevant at all to whether or not runes can activate simultaneously (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/simultaneously) (colloquially referred to as "at the same time"). It's okay to be wrong without resorting to insults or accusations, sir.

04-10-2015, 06:22 PM
I can't tell if you're purposely being stupid or not.

ACTUALLY I'll use a quote you said during monster invasion:
you got a problem with that? eh prolly something like u got a prob with that? sounds more right.