View Full Version : This is My FB: T0ShirO

06-01-2015, 07:47 AM
For months, literally, I've been trying to create a forum account with no success but FINALLY after 10 or 20 accounts, one has made it through.

Sent in a ticket and got my forum account approved after a week of wait time to showcase my FB gameplay which is long past due. Grab a bag of popcorn and a pop and enjoy :cool:.

The quality isn't the greatest but I truly believe the music and the gameplay makes up for the bad quality.

May the trolling begin... :cool:



^^ is this how you post videos?

If you enjoy this there are 4 or 5 other ones in the same channel. Again the quality is trash because my computer is also trash.

06-01-2015, 11:52 AM
You are a very good fb and your movements are beautiful. Just when I thought this Generation is all talk, bullsh1t and spending... you come and show me -and probably others- once again the beauty of this game. It's players like you that I admire and look up to.

Now If I would create a list of promising players who have transcended such unimaginative limitations I would include you among the ancient predecessors who have amazed me with their majestic playstyle.

#I approve this video

06-01-2015, 12:09 PM
Dang omg u r so spartans lv liek this is so good i dont evne knw how u did this ALL HEIL KING FB AOSGJOWG

06-01-2015, 01:35 PM
Dang omg u r so spartans lv liek this is so good i dont evne knw how u did this ALL HEIL KING FB AOSGJOWG
Wait.. what?.... wait...

yeeee.... YEEEE...



06-01-2015, 01:37 PM
You are a very good fb and your movements are beautiful. Just when I thought this Generation is all talk, bullsh1t and spending... you come and show me -and probably others- once again the beauty of this game. It's players like you that I admire and look up to.

Now If I would create a list of promising players who have transcended such unimaginative limitations I would include you among the ancient predecessors who have amazed me with their majestic playstyle.

#I approve this video

Ty sir. How very kind of you.

06-01-2015, 03:31 PM
Either miavii's comment on this thread is sarcastic af, or i'm honestly not seeing how that showcased anything special. all of this has been done since '10. not saying ur terrible but the video shows what the average player should be capable of doing, assuming you had decent ping

06-01-2015, 04:02 PM
Either miavii's comment on this thread is sarcastic af, or i'm honestly not seeing how that showcased anything special. all of this has been done since '10. not saying ur terrible but the video shows what the average player should be capable of doing, assuming you had decent ping

Shocking... We have Toaster and his negativity in a thread.

Don't you have a hobby bro or a life?
Anyways, link us your video.

And don't post you blinking/fade dashing on dummies please like most of you do.

06-01-2015, 04:31 PM
or better yet lets freestyle.

Hit me up in game, I'm sincerely interested in seeing what you consider good.

06-01-2015, 04:31 PM
Shocking... We have Toaster and his negativity in a thread.

Don't you have a hobby bro or a life?
Anyways, link us your video.

And don't post you blinking/fade dashing on dummies please like most of you do.

i wasn't even being negative about this? maybe you're starting to take my comments too personally lmao. again, i never said you were a bad fb, i was just genuinely confused as to why miavii thinks you're so AMAZING, or at least, put it that way. and trust me, i would if i had a high level character to play.

edit: lol @ videos that don't have to do with dummies. you think comboing on mobs is any different

another edit: made a short video so you and others don't have to cry about how i'm all talk. not saying this video is any better than your's cause again, this is all average and what the typical player should be capable of doing. on a side note, your video was one year old when the debuff casting times weren't shortened so meh. anyways, i managed to sum up 80% of your long @ss video into 8s, you're welcome for any prospective viewers. my quality might be bad because i have a shtty computer but my music makes up for it. inb4 negativity


06-01-2015, 05:24 PM
i wasn't even being negative about this? maybe you're starting to take my comments too personally lmao. again, i never said you were a bad fb, i was just genuinely confused as to why miavii thinks you're so AMAZING, or at least, put it that way. and trust me, i would if i had a high level character to play.

edit: lol @ videos that don't have to do with dummies. you think comboing on mobs is any different

another edit: made a short video so you and others don't have to cry about how i'm all talk. not saying this video is any better than your's cause again, this is all average and what the typical player should be capable of doing. on a side note, your video was one year old when the debuff casting times weren't shortened so meh. anyways, i managed to sum up 80% of your long @ss video into 8s, you're welcome for any prospective viewers. my quality might be bad because i have a shtty computer but my music makes up for it. inb4 negativity


wow ur bad
this is more than 720p and there's no music

06-01-2015, 05:25 PM
i wasn't even being negative about this? maybe you're starting to take my comments too personally lmao. again, i never said you were a bad fb, i was just genuinely confused as to why miavii thinks you're so AMAZING, or at least, put it that way. and trust me, i would if i had a high level character to play.

edit: lol @ videos that don't have to do with dummies. you think comboing on mobs is any different

another edit: made a short video so you and others don't have to cry about how i'm all talk. not saying this video is any better than your's cause again, this is all average and what the typical player should be capable of doing. on a side note, your video was one year old when the debuff casting times weren't shortened so meh. anyways, i managed to sum up 80% of your long @ss video into 8s, you're welcome for any prospective viewers. my quality might be bad because i have a shtty computer but my music makes up for it. inb4 negativity


Haha! its all starting to make sense now. Typical of internet warriors.
That video is a joke lmao! Can't believe you are comparing your debuff/dash on a mob that doesn't do anything besides stand there to live gameplay in war/freestyle.
Get out of here dude lol.. seriously...

All bark but no bite.

06-01-2015, 05:28 PM
Haha! its all starting to make sense now. Typical of internet warriors.
That video is a joke lmao! Can't believe you are comparing your debuff/dash on a mob that doesn't do anything besides stand there to live gameplay in war/freestyle.
Get out of here dude lol.. seriously...

All bark but no bite.

can't believe you dedicated a quarter of a video to showcase your fb with debuffing on mobs, it's all so different. it's not like you were doing anything different in war? you were dash fading and debuffing in combo and using z to auto retarget when you couldn't do so manually. please explain to me how different it is. and again, this is all i can do as I don't have a high level character. you can deny everything i said is wrong but again, i never said you were bad, you just took what I said way too personally. musta hit some of those nerves hard i guess LMAO

06-01-2015, 05:36 PM
can't believe you dedicated a quarter of a video to showcase your fb with debuffing on mobs, it's all so different. it's not like you were doing anything different in war? you were dash fading and debuffing in combo and using z to auto retarget when you couldn't do so manually. please explain to me how different it is. and again, this is all i can do as I don't have a high level character. you can deny everything i said is wrong but again, i never said you were bad, you just took what I said way too personally. musta hit some of those nerves hard i guess LMAO

You are overthinking it. I like a challenge, you made it seem like you were a lot better, i offered to pvp. Simple as that. Get over yourself buddy. Either accept the pvp or shut up.

Talk about complicating things lol... drama queen much bruh?

06-01-2015, 05:38 PM
whoaa i wish i can do that

06-01-2015, 05:41 PM
do i have to repeat myself so many times? I was interested in what miavii said and why they said what they did because, in MY opinion, it was what every average player should be capable of doing. if you don't believe me, please ask some people in sei or heck, even spartans, to watch your video and give you a response on what they think. i never tried to challenge you flame you by calling you terrible or bad. but you on the other hand, insist on challenging me even though i've stated several times i do not have a high level to play.

06-01-2015, 05:57 PM
nvm though not really interested anymore. miavii did a good thing; ego boost your typical na fb so they turn out to be more aggressive and less humble. good luck with playing a wizard, i'm sure you'll exceed the lvl you attained with your fb in terms of skills. have a nice rest of your day.

06-01-2015, 06:30 PM
nvm though not really interested anymore. miavii did a good thing; ego boost your typical na fb so they turn out to be more aggressive and less humble. good luck with playing a wizard, i'm sure you'll exceed the lvl you attained with your fb in terms of skills. have a nice rest of your day.

Sorry if you are sensitive to me asking for a challenge lol. Guess PvP is me being not humble and aggressive.

Damn it.. I'm such a bad character.

06-01-2015, 07:43 PM
When I pvp'ed Lulu back during the days (we as FA's) he used the mob to target and cast Art of Sniping (back when it had a cast time) whenever I enter his range. That I considered clever thinking. I know Turcox did the same method of using mobs to freestyle Spur right T0shi? seeing that you have been a youtube follower I would assume you got ideas from his tactics.

Not too many people can apply that debuff and dash/fade on combo mode on moving pvp targets, til this day even those named as top of their class/tiers are just pay to win models. It is sad that they praise those with expensive end game gears instead of those who can actually show how to work the combo mode system. Good ping and connectivity is being used as an alibi when in fact it's a requirement to those who want to run and experience the best of this game.

On the bright side I'm glad to see that players like you are still out there. The last person I've seen before you was a wizard named TeaParty and he too can demonstrate some promising feats with his class.

06-01-2015, 07:48 PM
Dont bother with the trolls, you seem very confident to call out for a freestyle. I would suggest you search this wizard I talk about on my previous post, challenge him and show these forumers what that fun we saw and fell in love with in this game.

06-01-2015, 09:24 PM
When I pvp'ed Lulu back during the days (we as FA's) he used the mob to target and cast Art of Sniping (back when it had a cast time) whenever I enter his range. That I considered clever thinking. I know Turcox did the same method of using mobs to freestyle Spur right T0shi? seeing that you have been a youtube follower I would assume you got ideas from his tactics.

Not too many people can apply that debuff and dash/fade on combo mode on moving pvp targets, til this day even those named as top of their class/tiers are just pay to win models. It is sad that they praise those with expensive end game gears instead of those who can actually show how to work the combo mode system. Good ping and connectivity is being used as an alibi when in fact it's a requirement to those who want to run and experience the best of this game.

On the bright side I'm glad to see that players like you are still out there. The last person I've seen before you was a wizard named TeaParty and he too can demonstrate some promising feats with his class.

Couldn't agree more. If it weren't for "freestyle project" probably would have quit Cabal by now. Saw that video around the same time i decided Cabal was getting boring. Had no clue you could basically live in combo without actually needing to stop to buff/debuff and all that stuff. That video was the coolest thing ever 3-4 years back. After watching that 100 times, i decided that was my goal. To become better or at least as good. Who knows if I ever will cause we never played. Heard he was hella good though.

Funny thing is I messaged him on youtube asking him to train me long time ago haha! He had quit by that time so I was on my own. But yeah.. that video basically inspired me to try and become one of the better FB's in N/A. Now that is a bit hard cause everyone has mega geared characters and ultimately gear > skill.

06-01-2015, 10:52 PM

I can debuff in combo against players, too. So I am good? I like this Cabal. =]

06-02-2015, 08:10 AM

I can debuff in combo against players, too. So I am good? I like this Cabal. =]

You down ppl to half hp in less then 10 seconds by spamming 3 filler skills and then erasing the other half with an assasination crit. You dont have to be good silly willy :>

06-02-2015, 09:58 AM
There aren't many areas to improve as a player besides what has been shown. Rest is all gear which I don't possess nor do i really care much about anymore. Guess knowing timings of your buffs/debuffs lol...

Debuffing in combo saves me time. While i debuff out of combo the other person probably got 1-2 hits on me already. Debuffing in combo might save me a sec or half or sometimes more if you are doing more than 1 debuff. Thats a filler worth of damage or a big skill worth of damage.

If I posted a video where I crit for 7-10k I bet so many people would be awed. It's interesting how this community works. If u don't have gear then you aren't good lol. Thats cabal skill for you.

Yes debuffing/dash fading to get a last hit is easy but thats not the point. How consistent are you and are you doing it where it matters? Cause when i play cabal or whenever i join war you'll rarely see me debuffing out of combo, even guards. If i can do it in combo then I'm probably doing it already, consistently. Even changing my blades I do in combo. There aren't days where I'm thinking.. okay today too lazy. It's part of my gameplay, it's my basics. Made it my style.

Believe it or not most people don't do it. Some probably do but it's like once in a life time. Ive seen 0 FB taking advantage of those mechanics in war. There are a few wizards who appreciate blink in combo. That may not seem like much but those details are the difference between the good players and the awful ones. Why do you all think Romp is at the top of the food chain even after months, probably years of inactivity lol. I'm sure there are wizards out there who are equally geared as him at this point and he's still outscoring those players.

Thats cause he takes advantage of the combo system. Those milliseconds matter in competitive play. That's how I see it. Now if you are too lazy then that is fine, idc, better for me cause I'm not that geared.

But don't make it seem like everyone in this game knows how to dash/fade step consistently, where it matters.

06-02-2015, 12:06 PM
Mobile games are more fun than this nao

06-02-2015, 12:12 PM
Ya this game is pretty old. The problem is there aren't better games by a huge margin and people have already worked hard to gear up. Probably why most wont leave it.

06-02-2015, 12:23 PM
Are you sure this is you? I aint trying to be mean but i remember you in war and you kinda scked.

06-02-2015, 12:45 PM
Are you sure this is you? I aint trying to be mean but i remember you in war and you kinda scked.

Who else would it be? That's my youtube channel. I still have those edited videos and the unedited version on this PC. Whats your IGN?

We can play some freestyles just hit me up in-game.
Honestly if you aren't seyrisa, yieh, faii or cherrysweet on his alt then i feel you are either trolling (which is most likely considering the forum name) or mad that i kill you in war.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was option 2 I'm aware a lot of people hate me in war.

06-02-2015, 12:49 PM
Lets change the META of the forums. Less talking and more playing hehe...

Lord Kronius
06-02-2015, 02:43 PM

06-02-2015, 04:18 PM
Who else would it be? That's my youtube channel. I still have those edited videos and the unedited version on this PC. Whats your IGN?

We can play some freestyles just hit me up in-game.
Honestly if you aren't seyrisa, yieh, faii or cherrysweet on his alt then i feel you are either trolling (which is most likely considering the forum name) or mad that i kill you in war.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was option 2 I'm aware a lot of people hate me in war.

I quit already. Alot of people probably hate you in war cuz you tend to laugh at them after killing them like 10v1 and just runs away wen u c those players you can easily kill. I was a wiz and u never came close to killing me.

06-02-2015, 05:15 PM
or better yet lets freestyle.

Hit me up in game, I'm sincerely interested in seeing what you consider good.

Let's get it? first to what?

06-02-2015, 05:22 PM
The video shown is mediocre, the combo you use is bad though.. on a wiz you did like 2.5k on dps skills but you used assassinate instead of spamming dps skills?

06-02-2015, 05:30 PM
Let's get it? first to what?

I take it back my cabal isn't working today RIP

06-02-2015, 06:40 PM
Are you sure this is you? I aint trying to be mean but i remember you in war and you kinda scked.

1 troll down lol. What was the score like 8-0? At several points he didn't even touch my hp, literally... hahaha!

06-02-2015, 06:47 PM
I take it back my cabal isn't working today RIP

I'm sure.

Listen bruh.. I don't really have the time nor the patience to deal with negativity. This entire forum is 5 people lol and out of those people its always the same toxic and cancerous ending to every thread. My goal was to start a new standard to the new players and the fb's who think they know the basics but really don't.

If you don't like me or my style of gameplay, thats fine. I tried tbh. those are videos i posted where i literally tried to play the best that i can. It's not enough for you all apparently, sorry i guess im a typical player.

You know my name, hit me up and we can have a little fun.

This is my last response to the trolls. I'm out of food guys. If it's productive then I'm willing to respond otherwise, CHAO!!!

Talk is cool but it gets old. Action is cooler and thats where i shine, win or lose.

06-02-2015, 07:01 PM
Confirmed he can't freestyle, he tries to make it 1-2-3 pvp, he won by outgearing and asked what was wrong and why I was losing LOL

06-02-2015, 07:12 PM
Confirmed he can't freestyle, he tries to make it 1-2-3 pvp, he won by outgearing and asked what was wrong and why I was losing LOL

LOL! You go " lets fight naked", i said "ya okay", He was obviously naked, I removed my armor to make it fair and as soon as the fight begins he puts on his gear LMAO@that chobo, degrading, stunt!!!

He goes "k remove weapons", we both removed weapons and used the ones that nipperlug drops. We both used those and he still looses. It wasn't even close. I had a 98% hp.

I chased you down for like 1-2 mins straight and all you did was run so i said fak it i'll just let him come to me since he's just gonna do that boring and typical crap where people stand around a corner and start combo then dash around that corner then FK. Sure enough, thats what he does every fight like pony with 1 trick up his sleeve.

To his credit he did nearly kill me one time but the rest were total annihilation. Like 2 fights he literally left me with full bar of hp. That isn't being outgeared bro that is just you not knowing how to re-target. Don't blame simple mistakes on gear.

You were nothing but excuses and still are. Btw you also tried to cheat by putting back your gear mid fight. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

TL;DR He complained about gear, we got naked, I beat him like 8 times... bad... He beat me 0 times.

06-02-2015, 07:25 PM
I need a tl;dr summary
none of you can be as bad as Rafa(at least I think)
Comboing past 11 sure is hard ;)

06-02-2015, 07:54 PM
LOL! You go " lets fight naked", i said "ya okay", He was obviously naked, I removed my armor to make it fair and as soon as the fight begins he puts on his gear LMAO@that chobo, degrading, stunt!!!

He goes "k remove weapons", we both removed weapons and used the ones that nipperlug drops. We both used those and he still looses. It wasn't even close. I had a 98% hp.

I chased you down for like 1-2 mins straight and all you did was run so i said fak it i'll just let him come to me since he's just gonna do that boring and typical crap where people stand around a corner and start combo then dash around that corner then FK. Sure enough, thats what he does every fight like pony with 1 trick up his sleeve.

To his credit he did nearly kill me one time but the rest were total annihilation. Like 2 fights he literally left me with full bar of hp. That isn't being outgeared bro that is just you not knowing how to re-target. Don't blame simple mistakes on gear.

You were nothing but excuses and still are. Btw you also tried to cheat by putting back your gear mid fight. Pretty pathetic if you ask me.
lol you beat me through gear/honour everytime, though I do get more hits in. Record the fight and post on forums so people can laugh at you lol

06-02-2015, 08:07 PM
retarget ez, u just press 1 button

06-02-2015, 08:36 PM
retarget ez, u just press 1 button
It's freestyle pvp haha you actually gotta click

06-05-2015, 12:54 PM
I approve.........of the music. And can we get some new videos up in here?