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View Full Version : Ideas for what cabal can do.

06-29-2015, 10:04 PM
So i seen a thread where people were talking about how cabal recycles its old content to artificially prolong the games non-existant life.
but some immature people went way off topic.

so here are some ideas for what cabal can do to actually bring in new players and rejuvenate the game.

the EST developers could easily lower the level cap back down to 180 ( a nice round number - the extra 20 levels make no sense at all, all of the benefits from 190 and 200 could easily be given to the players at much lower levels, its ridiculous )
after they do that, why not remove the dungeon levels and increase the drop rates for items, not by an absurd amount
just enough to where the player feels satisfied and rewarded for actually doing a dungeon. As it stands you can run over 500 of the same dungeon
and get nothing. Which is horrendous when you look at other games like destiny or final fantasy XIV, where gear progression and the loot from dungeons actually helps a player. now since gear progression is easier the dungeons should be more readily available and not sold at an NPC for 2.8m-5m because all you are doing is throwing away money just trying to complete the dungeon. with dungeon entries easier and cheaper to get they should also lower the strength of some dungeons like eod3 and remove the awakened dungeons which i see nobody running as much as EST would like you to run because they are simply too hard. I'm all for a challenge but these dungeons make you feel like an ant trying to push a 2 ton boulder up the face of a cliff.

Ok so now the dungeons are better for everyone and everyone can get by without resorting to spending thousands of USD just to be able to play the game appropriately. Now it's time to remove damage reduce and evasion, seven years ago osmium was the best gear and you could run anything in it, now you can barely get by even with +9 forcium/archridium. Wizards used to be strong then they added in unnecessary stats and made vamping in BM2 almost impossible if you don't spam spirit shield. Seven years ago there were shops galore and people buying and selling gear that today. After vamp is configured to be more suiting for actual pve, why not raise the base exp you get from the maps by at least 300% just a little over double the exp we get now. EST developers can raise drop rates of epic items in maps such as runes, dungeon entries, crafting supplies and slotted 7% amp forcium or archridium. Meaning people have a choice between finding their fortune in dungeons or grinding in maps.

So dungeons, maps, leveling and playing the game are much more rewarding for the player which in turn would bring in more people to the game which would bring a positive flux into the economy with people getting more items to sell and more people buying them.

Let's take a look at crafting and map sizes now. Firstly crafting needs to be more refined and not so heavily dependent on items that require you to pay an arm and a leg to chloe to obtain. Don't get me wrong I think chloe is a good idea but the materials needed and the obscene amounts of amity and alz to register an item is atrocious. they EST developers could break crafting up into different categories like Core Alchemist to craft bikes/boards and special armor graded upgrade cores ( Forcium Upgrade Core - as an example ) Artisan to make any accessory ( you could craft a BoF 1-8 or vampiric ear ring +1-8 and so on ) Apothecary to craft potions that heal you for more than 700 HP or MP and other buff potions like fury potions. Cartographer to craft your dungeon entries in bulk. Tailor to craft any and all armor. Blacksmith to craft any and all weapons.
On to map sizes, Ok since people can now grind efficiently and effectively, there might be an over crowding issue which can be easily remedied just by making the maps atleast 4x as big as they are now. This would put more grinding spots for people and nobody should have any issues.

Small tidbit - The dungeon timers need to be removed entirely, you shouldn't have to be made to feel like if you don't complete it within a couple minutes your toon is failed, which has happened.

06-29-2015, 10:30 PM
They can't do anything. Cabal's time has come and go. All MMO's have a lifetime. Commercially, WoW has done infinitely better than Cabal and it will soon come to an end as well. The natural commercial successor for Cabal Online will be Cabal II.

06-30-2015, 01:15 AM
You think Cabal 2 is fun ?

What if I told you, it's a linear piece of crap with broken combat, broken +ing system, broken crafting and quest/story asian crap.

Go play a game where only visuals matter, and spending hundreds of dollars for exclusive costumes or accessories just to show off.

Have fun while I go back to sci-fi titles like Mass Effect, SWTOR, or Ponts Ferrum: Pluma Nake Chronicles.

06-30-2015, 04:56 AM
the developers from 7 years ago must be fired off already

06-30-2015, 05:27 AM
You think Cabal 2 is fun ?

What if I told you, it's a linear piece of crap with broken combat, broken +ing system, broken crafting and quest/story asian crap.

Go play a game where only visuals matter, and spending hundreds of dollars for exclusive costumes or accessories just to show off.

Have fun while I go back to sci-fi titles like Mass Effect, SWTOR, or Ponts Ferrum: Pluma Nake Chronicles.

What if I told you how racist you are? And again, who do you think you are to preach to people about what they want to do with their own time?

06-30-2015, 07:29 AM
Cabal 1 was a product meant for worldwide release.

No cultural barriers.

Cabal 2 through its themes, his designs and the cringes, is rather promoting innocence or virginity.
Not everyone loves the "Anime simulator 2k12".

Sometimes products aren't meant to go over seas.

Perhaps there was no value for outer market and that's why EST put minimal development assets for its NA release.

We needed rock guitar again, not some boring piano organs loop to make you cry.

06-30-2015, 07:36 AM
Cabal 1 was a product meant for worldwide release.

No cultural barriers.

Cabal 2 through its themes, his designs and the cringes, is rather promoting innocence or virginity.

We needed rock guitar again, not some boring piano organs loop to make you cry.

You're sort of spewing crap

If I had a better PC I would probably play Cabal II. Hell, if I had more time to play MMO's I'd probably play Final Fantasy XIV instead.

06-30-2015, 07:52 AM
Cabal 1 was a product meant for worldwide release.

No cultural barriers.

Cabal 2 through its themes, his designs and the cringes, is rather promoting innocence or virginity.
Not everyone loves the "Anime simulator 2k12".

Sometimes products aren't meant to go over seas.

Perhaps there was no value for outer market and that's why EST put minimal development assets for its NA release.

We needed rock guitar again, not some boring piano organs loop to make you cry.

cabal only meant to be played by asians. If ur not asian you can't participate in competitive plays cause only ur asian can dash fade combo. Since cabal only made for asian your arguement that cabal 1 made for worldwide is invalid

06-30-2015, 08:24 AM
Well the term farming refers to american chicken growers.
Grinding comes from singer T-Pain.
And Santa claus is america invention of terrorism.

So yes there was a market niche for NA and my argument is valid.

06-30-2015, 08:37 AM
You're sort of spewing crap

If I had a better PC I would probably play Cabal II. Hell, if I had more time to play MMO's I'd probably play Final Fantasy XIV instead.

it's more like he has a one sided point of view and refuses to see anyone else's point of view
yeah he's spewing bs but that was to be expected, also "fun" is subject to one's enjoyment which he doesn't understand. unless he was attempting to troll; if he was god damn he's horrible at it

ayeee at least he's not a grave robber

06-30-2015, 09:27 AM
I've played the game you dudettes.

You like games with Junk items, no exploration, generic fantasy, nothing that stands out really of any other MMOs ?

Fine, try that product.

The 5 years gap between KR and NA botched release seems fine to ya'll?

At least it's free I guess.

06-30-2015, 09:39 AM
Wait for american gaming press coverage and review.

I bet 10m that it doesn't get any higher score than 7.9

06-30-2015, 11:15 AM
Wait for american gaming press coverage and review.

I bet 10m that it doesn't get any higher score than 7.9

wtf does 10m have to do with this
I never said I was going to play the game, but you're retarded so you must think that I am.

None of these f.ags posting are even except 10m cept me, so your posting is quite irrelevant.

tl;dr pots you're a fuc.king dumbass

Does sei kick for stupidity?

06-30-2015, 11:29 AM

Fine you win this thread with incomparable aggressiveness.

See you in the next one.

Gotta work now.

06-30-2015, 11:33 AM
Somethings off with this guy.

06-30-2015, 11:58 AM
Aight. Typing on phone isnt kewl.
When im back home i'll swing it back at ya'll

Im just warning tha players that we got duped and the waiting killed our hype with high expectations on c2.

When I wrote 10m. It wasnt a reference of guild.
Just any amount.

06-30-2015, 01:27 PM
wtf does 10m have to do with this
I never said I was going to play the game, but you're retarded so you must think that I am.

None of these f.ags posting are even except 10m cept me, so your posting is quite irrelevant.
tl;dr pots you're a fuc.king dumbass
Does sei kick for stupidity?

Haven't you seen his other retarded posts ?
Oh don't worry I'm sure sei will get tired of his mindless ramblings his failings and annoying play by plays in guild chat not mention the constant crying and complaining and also contradicting what people tell him when he asks for advice

As for c2 it's rather enjoyable atm it's a nice change after mindlessly playing c1 for so long :)

06-30-2015, 01:55 PM
There will always be a flame burning inside each and everyone of us. It's either intense lovin or excruciating hate.

In the end, it doesn't even matter. As long as we keep the forums alive. We gonna show the new players coming in july that the game isn't dead.

06-30-2015, 07:31 PM
Every thread this guy posts on needs to be contaminated, he was cool at first now he's just crazy

06-30-2015, 07:40 PM
... rly Lulu ? Thought you hated me since I ever existed.

Too bad I can see your post while I'm not logged in.

You're on my ignore list.

I'm quitting General Discussion.
Next stop will be Off-Topic.

06-30-2015, 07:57 PM

06-30-2015, 08:13 PM
... rly Lulu ? Thought you hated me since I ever existed.

Too bad I can see your post while I'm not logged in.

You're on my ignore list.

I'm quitting General Discussion.
Next stop will be Off-Topic.

>>says is on ignore list
>>doesn't ignore

06-30-2015, 11:33 PM
Aight. Typing on phone isnt kewl.
When im back home i'll swing it back at ya'll

Im just warning tha players that we got duped and the waiting killed our hype with high expectations on c2.

When I wrote 10m. It wasnt a reference of guild.
Just any amount.

I figured later; didn't feel like editting.

Should really consider general ed 101 though.

07-01-2015, 02:03 AM
>>says is on ignore list
>>doesn't ignore
He reminds me of that guy with the polar bear avatar.. his name started with an S.. Lorkan banned him and I always trolled him for being dumb LOL

07-01-2015, 05:58 AM
July has finally come.
I'm pretty sure there's something more than a simple item shop rotation on its way.

Plz Lluvia announce sumthin :C

Edit: damn it. I posted in GD. I was supposed to go Off Topic and name my daily medications for extremum retardundo.

07-01-2015, 06:06 AM
Its so boring at work. Today is Canada's day. Rainy. Can't wait to go play my 5 EODs for 5 more sealed cores tonight. :)

07-01-2015, 06:34 AM
Its so boring at work. Today is Canada's day. Rainy. Can't wait to go play my 5 EODs for 5 more sealed cores tonight. :)

07-03-2015, 07:02 PM
Downloaded Cabal II today. My PC won't run it ;(

oh well :>

07-05-2015, 07:34 PM
You guys crazy lol