View Full Version : What if # 1 {Severs}

Immortal Dilemma
06-07-2010, 10:07 AM
Okay i was thinking with a friend of mines and me and her thought of a "what if" here it goes probably already mentioned but im just gonna say it...What if ESTsoft or the players decided to merge servers both Venus and Mercury into the GreatNation?! or even better have a Server where both could go with 50 channels.The players would all get a server item from the GM and we could always use it when we go to the joint server,both Venus and Mercury would still be there but the joint one would hold both (think about the lag there) and its fee free..

Whats your take on this "What if.."

06-07-2010, 10:16 AM
theres 10 threads about this already
servers* btw