View Full Version : Inquiring Minds would like to know

10-18-2015, 05:49 AM

is buying alzs finally legal in game now. Because either you guys don't have common sense to who those people are...

I would like to give a shout to my Favorite people who might still play.

CasseyRene (not that undicover d*** rider Zero)
SweetHealer (not handoi)
FallenAngel (during global merge)

Lord Kronius
10-19-2015, 02:48 PM
Shoot, you left me off the list. #thatdisrespect

10-19-2015, 08:44 PM
Who is SoooRite

Also if you're talking about me I am definitely buying alz with my negative $260,000 sitting in the U.S. treasury

That's the only way I could possibly own these amazing osmium/s.tit gears and solo Rota :>


P.S. I listened to Ellie Goulding before she was popular

10-20-2015, 01:49 PM
Who is Lord Kronus?

Omg I thought for sure Cassey would respond before you (that's my booo)
But your a legendary FA also. And u.s treasury? Is that your way of saying you receive SSI or some type of benefit? Don't be like zero taking money out of gram's check.

10-20-2015, 02:01 PM
Cathy, does Han still play?

10-20-2015, 03:11 PM
Who is Lord Kronus?

Omg I thought for sure Cassey would respond before you (that's my booo)
But your a legendary FA also. And u.s treasury? Is that your way of saying you receive SSI or some type of benefit? Don't be like zero taking money out of gram's check.

Cathy, does Han still play?

Who are you again?

I've 260K in Federal loans :>

And who is Han

Also I don't think I've played since 2012...

10-20-2015, 06:16 PM
Han Solo obviously

10-21-2015, 01:54 AM
I can't reviel who I am then you would know..... Mainly Cassey will find out who I am and that would just ruin my fun.

Han the guy Miavii use to use gears from. I guess we all know why Miavii quit..

10-21-2015, 03:43 PM
Who are you again?

I've 260K in Federal loans :>

And who is Han

Also I don't think I've played since 2012...

I've seen you log in when I played don't lie

10-21-2015, 06:34 PM
I can't reviel who I am then you would know..... Mainly Cassey will find out who I am and that would just ruin my fun.

Han the guy Miavii use to use gears from. I guess we all know why Miavii quit..

No, han quit ages ago bro. He doesnt play any more either. Are the people you named, like all girls or wut?

10-21-2015, 06:49 PM
I've seen you log in when I played don't lie

No, han quit ages ago bro. He doesnt play any more either. Are the people you named, like all girls or wut?

Why da eff you two still play this

10-21-2015, 07:21 PM
Why da eff you two still play this

hilarious joke, neither cloud nor I play

10-21-2015, 11:18 PM
Soorite = Cassey hes the only dude that is competitive over FAs and still mentions me after years lmao

10-22-2015, 04:34 AM
"ruin my fun" lmao.

10-22-2015, 05:41 AM
Okay o

Which cass are you talking about?

10-22-2015, 12:32 PM
Please put away your little e p away zero. I haven't even played cabal in....... 2 months now and I'm only talking to you which I'm starting to think your illiterate or someone who is reading this to you is leaving stuff out... IDC what you and whoever that thinks sorite is me and I was never in Competition with any FA so don't flatter yourself. And if I was, you wouldn't been in that category LaRazz would have been. It was basically his FA that you let get get repoed. I'm not shocked if its one of your fanboys. But anyways stop stirring stuff and realize YOUR DONE WITH CABAL or vice versa. Your not even relevant but you seriously pull stunts just so I reply to you... Grow up k.

Lord Kronius
10-22-2015, 02:19 PM
-grabs a bucket of chicken wings.

10-22-2015, 03:05 PM
Please put away your little e p away zero. I haven't even played cabal in....... 2 months now and I'm only talking to you which I'm starting to think your illiterate or someone who is reading this to you is leaving stuff out... IDC what you and whoever that thinks sorite is me and I was never in Competition with any FA so don't flatter yourself. And if I was, you wouldn't been in that category LaRazz would have been. It was basically his FA that you let get get repoed. I'm not shocked if its one of your fanboys. But anyways stop stirring stuff and realize YOUR DONE WITH CABAL or vice versa. Your not even relevant but you seriously pull stunts just so I reply to you... Grow up k.

Hell yeah! Preach!

10-22-2015, 04:36 PM
Please put away your little e p away zero. I haven't even played cabal in....... 2 months now and I'm only talking to you which I'm starting to think your illiterate or someone who is reading this to you is leaving stuff out... IDC what you and whoever that thinks sorite is me and I was never in Competition with any FA so don't flatter yourself. And if I was, you wouldn't been in that category LaRazz would have been. It was basically his FA that you let get get repoed. I'm not shocked if its one of your fanboys. But anyways stop stirring stuff and realize YOUR DONE WITH CABAL or vice versa. Your not even relevant but you seriously pull stunts just so I reply to you... Grow up k.

Well dam

No, han quit ages ago bro. He doesnt play any more either. Are the people you named, like all girls or wut?


Cloud dude do you still play?

Cass didn't even tell me hey instead cunt want to call me a fanboy of zero.

Cloud, The people I named was during the global merge. Other than Cassey and Cathy you and your friend zero already said they are guys. Me myself I don't really believe it and you were pretty thirsty at one point like mind blown thirsty and we all know how some guys switch up when she's just not into you. When I say my name you all would sh1t yourself omfg.

10-22-2015, 09:20 PM
Please put away your little e p away zero. I haven't even played cabal in....... 2 months now and I'm only talking to you which I'm starting to think your illiterate or someone who is reading this to you is leaving stuff out... IDC what you and whoever that thinks sorite is me and I was never in Competition with any FA so don't flatter yourself. And if I was, you wouldn't been in that category LaRazz would have been. It was basically his FA that you let get get repoed. I'm not shocked if its one of your fanboys. But anyways stop stirring stuff and realize YOUR DONE WITH CABAL or vice versa. Your not even relevant but you seriously pull stunts just so I reply to you... Grow up k.
Was known as a reseller, 500+ runs of every dungeon,did war a lot and people considered me best FA. It's cute how wearing an eof8 from merc to venus gets you 1bil :) and that's only 1 example
You got your gears from pretending to be a girl apparently I'm relevant enough for you to message me on my inbox after months LOL

10-23-2015, 06:30 AM
your pathetic...

Cool so you knew the 27 people in Venus before merge. Really only known FAs I actually heard about was Et, Fiery rip hunny, stomp abd dearcha. Zero mentions of Zero. I won't even address the bs of an accusation that I have to pretend to be anyone or anything else to get gear or me even massaging you. You almost made me spin around in my chair with amusement. And newsflash if you have to explain why you are relevant then btch you are NOT! I can easily name one particular FA who spammed dungeons and still rock osm. Well you know who you are *prasie* but overlooked bc they didn't have a sponsor or pimp. I really don't understand how your friend put up with you. A$$holes enjoys other a$$holes company.

Please get your life and quit trying to make a name off of mine. Your response was cute I gotta give you that. It really was. But I'm about to start my day killing 5mins of my time just for you. But advice why don't you go click on your favorite website let's say walmart then you click careers then "apply" because sitting in your ass btching at me is not helping nana pay those bills.

#pathetic #bumass #WTFdoYouTakeMefor

Lord Kronius
10-23-2015, 07:47 AM
But advice why don't you go click on your favorite website let's say walmart then you click careers then "apply"

Thas fkd ^, my frinds mom works at walmart and shes p cool.


10-23-2015, 08:45 AM
your pathetic...

Cool so you knew the 27 people in Venus before merge. Really only known FAs I actually heard about was Et, Fiery rip hunny, stomp abd dearcha. Zero mentions of Zero. I won't even address the bs of an accusation that I have to pretend to be anyone or anything else to get gear or me even massaging you. You almost made me spin around in my chair with amusement. And newsflash if you have to explain why you are relevant then btch you are NOT! I can easily name one particular FA who spammed dungeons and still rock osm. Well you know who you are *prasie* but overlooked bc they didn't have a sponsor or pimp. I really don't understand how your friend put up with you. A$$holes enjoys other a$$holes company.

Please get your life and quit trying to make a name off of mine. Your response was cute I gotta give you that. It really was. But I'm about to start my day killing 5mins of my time just for you. But advice why don't you go click on your favorite website let's say walmart then you click careers then "apply" because sitting in your ass btching at me is not helping nana pay those bills.

#pathetic #bumass #WTFdoYouTakeMefor
You're a dude, you make alts to try to trash talk and peace! :D keep trying to lie about your gender online

10-23-2015, 08:46 AM
Oh and I've seen gorillas that are more feminine than you silly ape

10-23-2015, 09:18 AM
You're a dude, you make alts to try to trash talk and peace! :D keep trying to lie about your gender online

Oh and I've seen gorillas that are more feminine than you silly ape

ouch my last post had to sting. Now I'm being compared to a gorilla. *sadface* How will I go on. Oh wait... You know gorillas now? Know wonder why your in here trying to beat your chest as if it phases me.

Know what walmart is to damn good for you. Just apply at Target. Omg Lulu your like being so disrespectful right now, go to your nana's guest room and think about some better comebacks. Because your just not ready.

10-23-2015, 09:54 AM

10-23-2015, 10:48 AM
I quit because Lulu quit and no more borrowing gears from him.

10-23-2015, 10:49 AM
Oh and I've heard of Precizion back in the days from Venus. He was d talk yo!

10-23-2015, 11:13 AM
I quit because Lulu quit and no more borrowing gears from him.

You just loved borrowing didn't you.

10-23-2015, 12:24 PM
Who is Lord Kronus?

Omg I thought for sure Cassey would respond before you (that's my booo)
But your a legendary FA also. And u.s treasury? Is that your way of saying you receive SSI or some type of benefit? Don't be like zero taking money out of gram's check.


Lord Kronius
10-23-2015, 12:29 PM
Oh and I've heard of Precizion back in the days from Venus. He was d talk yo!

Presizion was the sht! One of the best Freestyle Fa's.

10-23-2015, 12:39 PM
Indeed sir. I lived long enough to tell the tales of each and every legends of this game.

10-23-2015, 01:07 PM
You do know Miavii is a lacky of Zero, rite?

I've been aware since like 2013

10-23-2015, 01:09 PM
i've been aware since like 2013

i told you!

10-23-2015, 01:15 PM
Sooo why talk to him?

10-23-2015, 01:36 PM
^ you know you can't fool your Mama, you came out from my vadjainaaaa! I know you ^^ anyway you look so worked up right now so I'm gonna stop. Still <3 u tho

10-23-2015, 02:25 PM
Cass he's talking to you. You can't win for losing.

I'm just pointing out some obvious sh1t.

10-23-2015, 09:00 PM
I'm gonna be a doctor and you guys are just losers

10-23-2015, 10:19 PM
I'm gonna be a doctor and you guys are just losers

Just don't let me catch you bumming out to Destiny.

10-24-2015, 07:00 PM
Well dam


Cloud dude do you still play?

Cass didn't even tell me hey instead cunt want to call me a fanboy of zero.

Cloud, The people I named was during the global merge. Other than Cassey and Cathy you and your friend zero already said they are guys. Me myself I don't really believe it and you were pretty thirsty at one point like mind blown thirsty and we all know how some guys switch up when she's just not into you. When I say my name you all would sh1t yourself omfg.

Look, i quit the game, whether you tell me or not who you are, or what you think of me, i really dont care. Much less any of this drama, i just asked if they were all girls, unless you're; XI Turco, DarrkD, Han, WULA, TeaParty, or Romp, those of which i have seen their skill first hand, i really dont care

10-24-2015, 08:41 PM
Cupid best fa. (y)

10-24-2015, 10:21 PM
FAs are trash

10-24-2015, 11:26 PM
FAs are trash

I know you got your words all twisted...

Spartans are Trash

No worries... I'm here when you need correcting

10-25-2015, 03:56 AM
I know you got your words all twisted...

Spartans are Trash

No worries... I'm here when you need correcting

Bro, just cause you got gear doesn't make you a good player.

Let me correct your logic.

"gear > skill"

I'm not complaining, about people spending USD but come on man.. dont talk shet about the people who don't. I'ts pathetic.

Fixing grammar for the grammar warriors*
Yes you outgear 99% of the people but that doesn't make them garbage. You just got the USD to waste or maybe you dont, maybe you just prefer to spend your life spendings on a game thats nearly dead. Who knows.

Get off your high horse , dude. You aren't nothing special.

People ride your dik cuz uve got the gear but lets be honest, ur garbage.

10-25-2015, 07:25 AM
We play games to enjoy the best of it and that's just what it is. Ya'll being salty over established players because you also want to have what they have but you can't obtain them so you push the hate button. The real winners of this game are the ones who enjoyed it. Enjoying don't necessarily mean being the best skilled player. Maybe for you but not for every1

10-25-2015, 07:28 AM
Just don't let me catch you bumming out to Destiny.

Omg. If you guys play add me. Can't wait to hear your voices. - mamamiayoe

10-25-2015, 08:07 AM
A friend of mine introduced me to the witcher. I kinda like it.

Mia I really don't know anyone who plays destiny other than you.

10-25-2015, 08:12 AM
I know you got your words all twisted...

Spartans are Trash

No worries... I'm here when you need correcting

Why even talk, when your skills on a fa are the same as lightone on a blader = absent. The reason Cabal didn't die as fast as it should of was solely due to the small community, look at everyone befriending or hating each other. Lol and freestyle, I truly haven't witnessed anyone that is simply amazing or too pro. Yea, I've seen decent freestylers but nothing an average player could come up with, with a decent net speed and fps. Also don't wazte tyme correcting my gramar miztakes because I never intended to play cabal to learn engrish. Why act so great, when its your gear that covers up your weak gameplay. I was never intimidated, I just laughed when I freestyled you on Train and you called backup cause you couldn't face me 1 v 1. Nice bringer title. I don't think your a bad guy, you raise a family and everything which I have deep respect for, but your in over your head if you think you were the best FA lol. I'll remember you as the best geared FA for sure, but skillwise most players I witnessed quit and went to other private servers cause they hated farming or players like Tenrai who lost interest in the game.

10-25-2015, 08:27 AM
Bro, just cause you got gear doesn't make you a good player.
assuming he even implied that he was good
Let me correct your logic.

"gear > skill"

I'm not complaining, about people spending USD but come on man.. dont talk shet about the people who don't. I'ts pathetic.
oh but you are complaining. are you not annoyed, rather, dissatisfied by how mafiaboss talks sht to people ;>mfw when spartans doesn't sht talk

Fixing grammar for the grammar warriors*
Yes you outgear 99% of the people but that doesn't make them garbage. love it how you assume based off of "spartans are trash" that mafia calls people trashYou just got the USD to waste or maybe you dont, maybe you just prefer to spend your life spendings on a game thats nearly dead. Who knows.
Get off your high horse , dude. You aren't nothing special.
Nor are you. Might want to recheck your grammar here, sir grammar trainee.

People ride your dik cuz uve got the gear but lets be honest, ur garbage.i'm mad too that people don't ride my =(

woahhhhhhh someone looks worked up over an ambiguous post

10-25-2015, 08:55 AM
Oh sensei Tenrai. He was my motivation.

A friend of mine introduced me to the witcher. I kinda like it.

Mia I really don't know anyone who plays destiny other than you.

It don't matter what u play. As long as u have teh ps4 to chat with me. It's always good to reunite with old gaming friends through things like that. But anyway I just wanna address a couple of things Rene. First your guild, do you feel the support because I feel like some are working against you. If I find out the majority of seireitei is fkin with u. I will do my best to pull you out and fight back, don't stay if u feel the same. Second, don't take anything personal in the forums. If zero calls u a dude then tell him u got the balls. Lastly, you and zero are FA's by heart, just like me, Han and the other ones. Know that I will not take sides, so don't hate me for admitting he's one of the best FA's.

10-25-2015, 10:42 AM
Destiny on Xbone anyone? i been doing hard mode kings fall NO PROBLEM

10-25-2015, 12:38 PM
It don't matter what u play. As long as u have teh ps4 to chat with me. It's always good to reunite with old gaming friends through things like that. But anyway I just wanna address a couple of things Rene. First your guild, do you feel the support because I feel like some are working against you. If I find out the majority of seireitei is fkin with u. I will do my best to pull you out and fight back, don't stay if u feel the same. Second, don't take anything personal in the forums. If zero calls u a dude then tell him u got the balls. Lastly, you and zero are FA's by heart, just like me, Han and the other ones. Know that I will not take sides, so don't hate me for admitting he's one of the best FA's.

Still no ps4 I don't even have my ps3 Ash has it. I'm pretty sure its just being used for hulu or Netflix. I left Sei a few months ago. Some think i's because of Manbear but he himself should be able to cosign that I have thought about leaving or just quitting cabal a long time ago. He just prolonged that when we were friends. I can honestly count my friends who I can really call my friends and not "cabal coworkers' there. I'll still say this again though, ever since members like Jath, Shadow, Kobi, Dranzer, Ely, and my list will go on Sei is not the same for me.... but I barely play so I just moved my FA to my old guild and log in from time to time. What they do I have no association with. I don't hate you because you say zero is the best FA. I just don't agree and I might roll my eyes at you and say klol okay! Didn't see anything that stood out. I would say you or Cathy not just because we were friends but the things I seen him do you 2 did also while we all rocked osm/shadow titanium.. Dungeons? IDK... But maybe you can clear this up. Because I don't even think he knows why himself and he doesn't give a straight answers. Why is he so fixated on me? LOL, it's like he switched over night. I do recall how we all use to pk and freestyle friendly convos and no drama not to mention I barely hung around him I was mostly with Cloud, Karl or Cathy & Johnny. So I'm just curious again is to why the over night btch swing and then the audacity to call me two faced. How many insults does it take for before I hurt his feeling online? IF you don't know lets just move on and let him feel good being a eThug. okay I had to throw in the ethug thing its a habit now to throw in an insult.

Destiny on Xbone anyone? i been doing hard mode kings fall NO PROBLEM

I don't even know why you brought up XB...You KNOW XB is lame! *So is the cowboys*

Couldn't resist. I'm Sorry!

10-25-2015, 03:55 PM
Still no ps4 I don't even have my ps3 Ash has it. I'm pretty sure its just being used for hulu or Netflix. I left Sei a few months ago. Some think i's because of Manbear but he himself should be able to cosign that I have thought about leaving or just quitting cabal a long time ago. He just prolonged that when we were friends. I can honestly count my friends who I can really call my friends and not "cabal coworkers' there. I'll still say this again though, ever since members like Jath, Shadow, Kobi, Dranzer, Ely, and my list will go on Sei is not the same for me.... but I barely play so I just moved my FA to my old guild and log in from time to time. What they do I have no association with. I don't hate you because you say zero is the best FA. I just don't agree and I might roll my eyes at you and say klol okay! Didn't see anything that stood out. I would say you or Cathy not just because we were friends but the things I seen him do you 2 did also while we all rocked osm/shadow titanium.. Dungeons? IDK... But maybe you can clear this up. Because I don't even think he knows why himself and he doesn't give a straight answers. Why is he so fixated on me? LOL, it's like he switched over night. I do recall how we all use to pk and freestyle friendly convos and no drama not to mention I barely hung around him I was mostly with Cloud, Karl or Cathy & Johnny. So I'm just curious again is to why the over night btch swing and then the audacity to call me two faced. How many insults does it take for before I hurt his feeling online? IF you don't know lets just move on and let him feel good being a eThug. okay I had to throw in the ethug thing its a habit now to throw in an insult.

I don't even know why you brought up XB...You KNOW XB is lame! *So is the cowboys*

Couldn't resist. I'm Sorry!
I outgeared you and you got salty end of story. Btw try changing up how you talk on soorite, notice how 2 people corrected you and your alt about "your". Also some commas are needed when you talk lol, so obvious it's you. You built like obelisk the tormentor irl chill lul. Deny all you want but when I played I was top scoring in war, best in mission battle and freestyle, even my fellow terrorist hash agreed. P.S People said I hacked because I clapped aruba in osm/stit pce

10-25-2015, 05:02 PM
I outgeared you and you got salty end of story. Btw try changing up how you talk on soorite, notice how 2 people corrected you and your alt about "your". Also some commas are needed when you talk lol, so obvious it's you. You built like obelisk the tormentor irl chill lul. Deny all you want but when I played I was top scoring in war, best in mission battle and freestyle, even my fellow terrorist hash agreed. P.S People said I hacked because I clapped aruba in osm/stit pce

I never cared of what you had zero. Regardless I still freestyled with you. Do you know how many people who had/has better gear than me but out of all I became salty with you? Get outta here with that. Must have been something deeper. And still nothing special to me sorry. Unless you would have pulled a Celija move and take Bringer when you were 181 then maybe.. But did you forget when caught you and the guy who robbed your gears build for you then you line it up and pewpew..

But anyways zero I'm so sorry for the pain I put you through and i excuse your raging bytch fits about me. You can continue to be a fan of mine but at some point you just gotta let it all go. Like this. Pce

10-25-2015, 06:51 PM
Destiny Ps4? I'm a Hard Mode fan! With proof. Hah!


10-25-2015, 07:10 PM
Cabal is poop. Skill on Cabal is poop. Gear on Cabal is poop. Scores/ranking/anything related to trying to say you're "great" on Cabal is poop.

Also Destiny is poop. Play FFXIV okay.

10-25-2015, 08:31 PM
Destiny Ps4? I'm a Hard Mode fan! With proof. Hah!


Destiny xbone, i have only gotten the 313 sniper, 316 ghost so far off the hard, havent passed the sisters

10-25-2015, 08:51 PM
Bro, just cause you got gear doesn't make you a good player.

Let me correct your logic.

"gear > skill"

I'm not complaining, about people spending USD but come on man.. dont talk shet about the people who don't. I'ts pathetic.

Fixing grammar for the grammar warriors*
Yes you outgear 99% of the people but that doesn't make them garbage. You just got the USD to waste or maybe you dont, maybe you just prefer to spend your life spendings on a game thats nearly dead. Who knows.

Get off your high horse , dude. You aren't nothing special.

People ride your dik cuz uve got the gear but lets be honest, ur garbage.

Please explain the tirade of your words above.... Nowhere in my 4 lined comment do I make any reference to my game play, my gear, USD, or a horse. I made a troll comment to Doomer... end of story. I talk to quite a few spartans on a regular basis. I hold no ill will of them, as there are just like all of us, trying to enjoy a little time playing a game siting at a computer. Make whatever you want of it, but you will never hear me say that I am the best, or ever have been. Sorry, you feel the need to create drama... but don't make shiet up. Your jealousy and immaturity wont get you far.....

10-25-2015, 09:02 PM
Why even talk, when your skills on a fa are the same as lightone on a blader = absent. The reason Cabal didn't die as fast as it should of was solely due to the small community, look at everyone befriending or hating each other. Lol and freestyle, I truly haven't witnessed anyone that is simply amazing or too pro. Yea, I've seen decent freestylers but nothing an average player could come up with, with a decent net speed and fps. Also don't wazte tyme correcting my gramar miztakes because I never intended to play cabal to learn engrish. Why act so great, when its your gear that covers up your weak gameplay. I was never intimidated, I just laughed when I freestyled you on Train and you called backup cause you couldn't face me 1 v 1. Nice bringer title. I don't think your a bad guy, you raise a family and everything which I have deep respect for, but your in over your head if you think you were the best FA lol. I'll remember you as the best geared FA for sure, but skillwise most players I witnessed quit and went to other private servers cause they hated farming or players like Tenrai who lost interest in the game.

Wow, the forums are just filled of idiots wanting to see things that aren't there. Read my previous post, as it can also be applied to your lengthy rant. On a side note, I haven't free styled anyone in well over a year since no one does it anymore. And I don't care enough about dying in a pvp to ever call for back up. Not once have I needed it. Hate all you want, your words are just pixels on a screen. It amuses me that some people want to see things that just aren't there.

10-25-2015, 09:41 PM
I never cared of what you had zero. Regardless I still freestyled with you. Do you know how many people who had/has better gear than me but out of all I became salty with you? Get outta here with that. Must have been something deeper. And still nothing special to me sorry. Unless you would have pulled a Celija move and take Bringer when you were 181 then maybe.. But did you forget when caught you and the guy who robbed your gears build for you then you line it up and pewpew..

But anyways zero I'm so sorry for the pain I put you through and i excuse your raging bytch fits about me. You can continue to be a fan of mine but at some point you just gotta let it all go. Like this. Pce
You're my pet, you're the one who keeps bringing me up silly ape

10-26-2015, 02:02 AM
If that makes you feel better. You clearly have some growing up to do. The nana thing was a first sign. But what else Zero, let it all out.

10-26-2015, 03:55 AM
Destiny xbone, i have only gotten the 313 sniper, 316 ghost so far off the hard, havent passed the sisters

Ah, You can do the deathsinger sisters, Touch of Malice finishes the job. Just camp on that platform where the first btch dies when killing the second btch.Very good angle to fk her up. It's big guy Oryx you have to brace for, you will need a good team that can perform a perfect execution. -.- gl

10-26-2015, 07:42 AM
If that makes you feel better. You clearly have some growing up to do. The nana thing was a first sign. But what else Zero, let it all out.
It's cute you and soorite talk about my "nana" since you guys are.. you know.. different people

10-26-2015, 08:45 AM
As I recall I started saying nana/grams then rite started imitating me. And as for your little grammar checks there's 3 other people who's talking the same way I am. But omg zero just st.f.u and move on! I didn't even mention you. You and Soorite brought up my name in this thread. This constant bytching is killing my vibe after I tried apologizing to you. Hoping you can finally transform into a grown man and chill out. I hope you have this kind of persistence getting a job well nvm you would have had one by now

Lord Kronius
10-26-2015, 09:22 AM
Accepting all freestyles!!
Tonight 10pm Cabal time.
bi ch12!!

Bizu #1 fa atm.

10-26-2015, 09:55 AM
Accepting all freestyles!!
Tonight 10pm Cabal time.
bi ch12!!

Bizu #1 fa atm.

Sit down kid!

Lord Kronius
10-26-2015, 09:57 AM
Sit down kid!

10-26-2015, 10:26 AM
Accepting all freestyles!!
Tonight 10pm Cabal time.
bi ch12!!

Bizu #1 fa atm.

Someone is about to get 1 shot ! !

Lord Kronius
10-26-2015, 10:34 AM
Someone is about to get 1 shot ! !
Comeatme ik your weaknesses. Your armor is weak at the neck and under the arms.

10-26-2015, 10:58 AM
As I recall I started saying nana/grams then rite started imitating me. And as for your little grammar checks there's 3 other people who's talking the same way I am. But omg zero just st.f.u and move on! I didn't even mention you. You and Soorite brought up my name in this thread. This constant bytching is killing my vibe after I tried apologizing to you. Hoping you can finally transform into a grown man and chill out. I hope you have this kind of persistence getting a job well nvm you would have had one by now
Be a good pet and I'll teach you more tricks! who's a good boy?

10-26-2015, 11:03 AM
Ah, You can do the deathsinger sisters, Touch of Malice finishes the job. Just camp on that platform where the first btch dies when killing the second btch.Very good angle to fk her up. It's big guy Oryx you have to brace for, you will need a good team that can perform a perfect execution. -.- gl

have u killed oryx?

10-26-2015, 11:05 AM
Be a good pet and I'll teach you more tricks! who's a good boy?

Just sad.
Welcome to my VIP list.

So bizu has been slapping you around now Dawk? Tell him to keep up the good work until I get back! If that...

10-26-2015, 11:11 AM
That last hellish 30 minutes of work + this thread = time travel. Grassyass erybody. Also cloud just cause 3 on xballs is the future. 10 years of destiny is a lie.

10-26-2015, 11:40 AM
have u killed oryx?

Lord Kronius
10-26-2015, 11:45 AM
Just sad.
Welcome to my VIP list.

So bizu has been slapping you around now Dawk? Tell him to keep up the good work until I get back! If that...

Lol... whoaa, i didn't intend to put the assumption of Bizu slapping me around in your head. Never that.

What I ment by #1 Fa atm, is not that he could beat me in a freestyle(ctfu) but that he knows his class pretty well.

As far as being slapped around goes, you, me nostalgia forest 8 pm cabal time. 1on1 wassup?

10-26-2015, 12:10 PM
Lol... whoaa, i didn't intend to put the assumption of Bizu slapping me around in your head. Never that.

What I ment by #1 Fa atm, is not that he could beat me in a freestyle(ctfu) but that he knows his class pretty well.

As far as being slapped around goes, you, me nostalgia forest 8 pm cabal time. 1on1 wassup?

Not tonight with this new schedule I should be asleep by then. i accept your challenge just make it another day.

10-26-2015, 12:51 PM

I will come at you,hard!

Seriously tho ppl still try hard in this game?

10-26-2015, 12:53 PM
Not tonight with this new schedule I should be asleep by then. i accept your challenge just make it another day.

Saturday,and some1 frap.i bet 20b dawk will win.
Serious bet btw!

10-26-2015, 02:23 PM
Saturday,and some1 frap.i bet 20b dawk will win.
Serious bet btw!

Omg I thought you went bankrupt! I didn't know you still played. Hii! ^_^And it won't be Saturday either.

Lord Kronius
10-26-2015, 02:28 PM
Saturday,and some1 frap.i bet 20b dawk will win.
Serious bet btw!

People go very hard on this still. Have you seen Fives successes with the GL? P legit.

As for Cassey and your bet goes.... I'm down to frap, and we can get it on whenever shes ready to quit ducking.

10-26-2015, 02:42 PM
Omg I thought you went bankrupt! I didn't know you still played. Hii! ^_^And it won't be Saturday either.
LOL bankrupt?

People go very hard on this still. Have you seen Fives successes with the GL? P legit.

As for Cassey and your bet goes.... I'm down to frap, and we can get it on whenever shes ready to quit ducking.

No i dont talk with any1 from spartans,but good for him.
Anyways yall need to set up a date, also some1 else should frap, i dont wanna see no "ah i was lagging due to fraps BS..." 20b is on the table !

10-26-2015, 04:35 PM
Hey I said I accept its just a matter of when j decide j want to log in. I'm not an active player anymore. And why didn't you tell me you know how to frap! All our spares could have been published! LoL

10-26-2015, 04:36 PM
@Rafa isn't Spartans your guild? Have I been offline that long?

Lord Kronius
10-26-2015, 05:13 PM
Hey I said I accept its just a matter of when j decide j want to log in. I'm not an active player anymore. And why didn't you tell me you know how to frap! All our spares could have been published! LoL

Never thought of it, ya geez i should frap some.

10-26-2015, 05:15 PM
@Rafa isn't Spartans your guild? Have I been offline that long?

I cant frap,never could lol
Spartan wasnt my guild anymore the moment i decided to quit lol *erase memory *
I have like 23b sitting on my char with some gears i think and i dont need any of it so whoever wins freestyle 10/10 wins everyting :o

Lord Kronius
10-26-2015, 05:35 PM
I cant frap,never could lol
Spartan wasnt my guild anymore the moment i decided to quit lol *erase memory *
I have like 23b sitting on my char with some gears i think and i dont need any of it so whoever wins freestyle 10/10 wins everyting :o

oh hell yeah!

10-26-2015, 06:07 PM
I cant frap,never could lol
Spartan wasnt my guild anymore the moment i decided to quit lol *erase memory *
I have like 23b sitting on my char with some gears i think and i dont need any of it so whoever wins freestyle 10/10 wins everyting :o

Hmmm still one of the best trollers I see.

But I'll see. School and work.. I don't feel like doing much of anything or when I do I'm babysitting and cleaning. I can't wait until December.

10-27-2015, 12:41 AM
Woah alz for free. For real?

10-27-2015, 07:16 AM
Woah alz for free. For real?

Not free,have to freestyle @_@

10-27-2015, 07:40 AM
So giving it to whoever wins. Damn

10-27-2015, 08:28 AM
So giving it to whoever wins. Damn

Let's go along with this for a second

And it's just for me or Dawk right?!

10-27-2015, 09:33 AM
Let's go along with this for a second

And it's just for me or Dawk right?!

Pretty much

10-27-2015, 09:57 AM
why give it away free, instead of contributing to establishing the first GL bringer in cabal???
help me get to 150k in eod3 rafa <3!!

10-27-2015, 12:50 PM
why give it away free, instead of contributing to establishing the first GL bringer in cabal???
help me get to 150k in eod3 rafa <3!!

You can do it gogogo!
On a side note i loged on cabal today and realized i have 30b instead of 23 so there it is 30b for the winner!

Lord Kronius
10-27-2015, 01:25 PM
Sounds like i'm about to make some money.

10-27-2015, 02:25 PM
Sounds like i'm about to make some money.

This was a while back but when you and blast had to try and jump me to kill me =)
Wait that didn't work it was when nuve suppressed me. That was a fun night You know, with your selective memory and all. But seriously if we are gonna do this can you two hold off? >.<

10-27-2015, 07:24 PM
lemme dl cabal and get in this, it's a gods time

10-28-2015, 07:18 AM
This was a while back but when you and blast had to try and jump me to kill me =)
Wait that didn't work it was when nuve suppressed me. That was a fun night You know, with your selective memory and all. But seriously if we are gonna do this can you two hold off? >.<

Im flying to Greece in 2 weeks for 2 months for new year's eve, so better hurry up.

Lord Kronius
10-28-2015, 08:35 AM
This was a while back but when you and blast had to try and jump me to kill me =)
Wait that didn't work it was when nuve suppressed me. That was a fun night You know, with your selective memory and all. But seriously if we are gonna do this can you two hold off? >.<
Heh, yeah i remember. And i could have handled ijt myself, but others wanted in on some action.

lemme dl cabal and get in this, it's a gods time
Lol RIP!

Im flying to Greece in 2 weeks for 2 months for new year's eve, so better hurry up.
Yeah ugh, cass can u plz hurry q.q

10-28-2015, 09:05 AM
Count me in Rafa.. This should be interesting

10-28-2015, 09:40 AM
Count me in Rafa.. This should be interesting

U got no competition to participate ,who r u gonna pvp ?urself? @_@

10-28-2015, 10:09 AM
Why are people trying to make it a event.. He said Dawk and I. LoL

10-28-2015, 01:54 PM
quality thread. cabal NA community ladies and gents.

10-28-2015, 02:26 PM
quality thread. cabal NA community ladies and gents.


10-28-2015, 05:03 PM
quality thread. cabal NA community ladies and gents.
surprised cabal even has a community

10-29-2015, 01:57 PM
Why are people trying to make it a event.. He said Dawk and I. LoL

Just dawk vs cas fighting for 30b +w/e gears-items i have left. :o

10-29-2015, 06:12 PM
+ 541 *************

10-29-2015, 10:50 PM
When? Probably not gonna happen. -.-

Lord Kronius
10-31-2015, 12:39 PM
Oh it's gonna happen.

To help Cass quicken the pace.... I will also be willing to Pay 1b of my own personal expense to her if she wins.

Lets get it on!

Lord Kronius
10-31-2015, 01:38 PM
+ 541 *************

I should have recorded our freestyle last night haha.

10-31-2015, 02:15 PM
Oh it's gonna happen.

To help Cass quicken the pace.... I will also be willing to Pay 1b of my own personal expense to her if she wins.

Lets get it on!

Yall have till the 14th

10-31-2015, 09:19 PM
wait whaaaaat 30b for freestyle winner?!?!?!?!

Can i get in on this????

What are rules, can i please play???????

best out of ?

11-01-2015, 12:43 AM
wait whaaaaat 30b for freestyle winner?!?!?!?!

Can i get in on this????

What are rules, can i please play???????

best out of ?

Just dawk vs cas fighting for 30b +w/e gears-items i have left. :o

Um Dawk we may have to hurry...I think people are seeing 30b then forgetting how to read o.O

Rafa do we just message you to log in and watch or ?

Nvm Dawk has the frapping down

11-01-2015, 01:36 AM
Um Dawk we may have to hurry...I think people are seeing 30b then forgetting how to read o.O

Rafa do we just message you to log in and watch or ?

Nvm Dawk has the frapping down

Thought you dont even play why are you even trying to get 30b lol??????????????????????

I want freeee alzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, make this winner takes all :D

11-01-2015, 08:24 AM
Um Dawk we may have to hurry...I think people are seeing 30b then forgetting how to read o.O

Rafa do we just message you to log in and watch or ?

Nvm Dawk has the frapping down

Edit: already downloaded cabal and this is all i have 31b and 2 lvl 10 pets if whoever wins wanna transfer.

PS: i wanna be online when you 2 pvp so let me know day and time.


Lord Kronius
11-01-2015, 01:46 PM
U deleted ur facebook? How do i msg u?

We are just going to do it now. ill send u the fraps ^^

11-01-2015, 03:30 PM
send it to me also

11-01-2015, 03:34 PM
mrw people think this 30b bet is real

Lord Kronius
11-01-2015, 07:10 PM
I WON ^_^ im uploading it as we speak. Get ready.

11-01-2015, 07:48 PM
U deleted ur facebook? How do i msg u?

We are just going to do it now. ill send u the fraps ^^

Yeah,that fb acc was only for cabal,im done so its gone together with my account after i send you guys the alz.
Still waiting for the fraps tho @_@
PS: im sending 1.5b to cass and rest of the alz to you.

11-01-2015, 07:54 PM
Post your char'd name so i can send you.

11-02-2015, 05:21 AM

Lord Kronius
11-02-2015, 06:46 AM
v.v The video is 35 mins long.... So ill be uploading it 10 hours from now.

11-02-2015, 07:25 AM

Since dawk is getting 30b,i still have 2 lvl 10 pets,weapon skins,acc bind pots and some other stuffs left,if u want them just gotta pay transfer,up to u,after im done everyting will be deleted/npc.

11-02-2015, 08:20 AM
What weapon skin? And I called Draco

11-02-2015, 10:41 AM
Since dawk is getting 30b,i still have 2 lvl 10 pets,weapon skins,acc bind pots and some other stuffs left,if u want them just gotta pay transfer,up to u,after im done everyting will be deleted/npc.

wtf rafa. i said include me -_-'

me vs winner now :D

Lord Kronius
11-02-2015, 01:20 PM

11-02-2015, 03:30 PM
This hot thread, let me bathe in it.

Its getting cold outside :S

Ooo0ooO0o0ooo comfy.

Lord Kronius
11-02-2015, 05:44 PM
The video is on its way to be uploaded atm.

Still not happy with the final result... but im not a movie maker.

11-02-2015, 07:31 PM
The video is on its way to be uploaded atm.

Still not happy with the final result... but im not a movie maker.


11-03-2015, 07:17 AM
Really Dawk? What happened to the video?

11-03-2015, 07:19 AM
Really Dawk? What happened to the video?

^this,i think hes uploading it with a toaster... @_@

Lord Kronius
11-03-2015, 10:29 AM
Ready for the worst quality in the world?

Lord Kronius
11-03-2015, 10:58 AM
Make sure u watch the deleted scenes at the end of the video ^^

11-03-2015, 12:48 PM
Lol i cant see sht o.0

Edit: dawk check ur msgs...

11-03-2015, 12:53 PM
Stop fkng around Dawk.

11-03-2015, 01:50 PM
Smh smh

Lord Kronius
11-03-2015, 08:46 PM
So yeah, uploaded it with a song that doesnt allow to be used in non licensed videos, so it took them like 4 hours to tell me they cant take the song out of the video. zzz
So im re uploading it now... should be up by tomorrw.

11-03-2015, 10:38 PM
i still wanna be included in this. dafuq

11-04-2015, 11:05 AM
So yeah, uploaded it with a song that doesnt allow to be used in non licensed videos, so it took them like 4 hours to tell me they cant take the song out of the video. zzz
So im re uploading it now... should be up by tomorrw.

make sure that in your video description you say that you did not make the song, that you bought the song, and say that you recommend the viewers buy the song too, then also give estSOft credit for making the game and that u did not make the game, and provide a link to where u can play it, and you should be 100% fine.

11-04-2015, 11:16 AM
Videos out. You can find it on his YouTube channel - Dawk Awkinz. Not bad just lame girly bg music. Dawk I expected better taste of music

Lord Kronius
11-04-2015, 11:42 AM
HAHAHA, hey my songs were at the end!! But yeah.. that video wasnt supposed to be up YET!!
You leaked!!

I remade it with diff music. The new video should be up in 2 hours Tops.

Be patient yall dang

11-04-2015, 11:46 AM
Good hide it and change the music. Fkin Katy Perry song when you playing a male character? The fk is wrong wid u

Lord Kronius
11-04-2015, 11:49 AM
Good hide it and change the music. Fkin Katy Perry song when you playing a male character? The fk is wrong wid u

xDDDDD those are cass's songs.

I didn't want to make it all about me.

It worked out perfectly cuz... first part of the video she is kicking my ass, so all of her songs fit. But 2nd part is where I go ham on her. So thats where my songs kick in. Its a perfect video, because it's all in order of how it went down...she was undefeated for like the first 4 fights, then i go on to finish it off.

Lord Kronius
11-04-2015, 11:51 AM
I like how she jumps the gun in the beginning. Just straight up shoots me to start it off.

11-04-2015, 12:17 PM
Video isn't worth waiting for imo. 37 minutes full of so called 1080p when it's 480p with an annoying color changing effect and as others have mentioned, strange taste in music. It's 2015, who hides their bar then continue to attempt and right click their skills?
Correct me if I'm wrong but as I was skipping through the video and watching a few seconds here and there, I didn't see anything that stood out. Constant z spamming, dashing into walls, futile combo plays. Range sword skill>random magic skill>dash out in combo still within FA range>debuff>break? Like what. You can do better =(

I love the turn out of this thread btw and highly surprised that it is not closed by now for how many times its been derailed.

Lord Kronius
11-04-2015, 01:48 PM
Video isn't worth waiting for imo. 37 minutes full of so called 1080p when it's 480p with an annoying color changing effect and as others have mentioned, strange taste in music. It's 2015, who hides their bar then continue to attempt and right click their skills?
Correct me if I'm wrong but as I was skipping through the video and watching a few seconds here and there, I didn't see anything that stood out. Constant z spamming, dashing into walls, futile combo plays. Range sword skill>random magic skill>dash out in combo still within FA range>debuff>break? Like what. You can do better =(

I love the turn out of this thread btw and highly surprised that it is not closed by now for how many times its been derailed.

well obv,u think im not that good . But what about cass? lol was she any good? More feedback plz =b

also.. i didnt mean to say the video was in 1080.. i said to watch it in 1080 cuz i think it looks better q.q idk...
multiple times i said I'm not a movie maker lol.

and i have uploaded a video without the color effect ^^

Lord Kronius
11-04-2015, 01:53 PM
also throughout the video i kept getting the "loading" thing q.q idk wut was up.

[GM] Wotan
11-04-2015, 02:18 PM
Fyi: Alz selling and buying for real money is illegal and ends up with a ban. Please refrain from it. Play the game like a pro! No shortcuts!

11-04-2015, 02:20 PM
Wotan;447923']Fyi: Alz selling and buying for real money is illegal and ends up with a ban. Please refrain from it. Play the game like a pro! No shortcuts!

Fyi: im giving the alz free.

[GM] Wotan
11-04-2015, 02:21 PM
For your information: Alz selling and buying for real money is illegal and ends up with a ban. Please refrain from it. Play the game like a pro! No shortcuts!

11-04-2015, 02:50 PM
Wotan;447925']For your information: Alz selling and buying for real money is illegal and ends up with a ban. Please refrain from it. Play the game like a pro! No shortcuts!

For your information: before going around making assumptions you should at least read previous comments, alz isnt free nor being bought or sold, they pvped and won it.

11-04-2015, 02:57 PM
For your information: before going around making assumptions you should at least read previous comments, alz isnt free nor being bought or sold, they pvped and won it.
rafa wtfffff man. lemme in on this -_-'

11-04-2015, 02:59 PM
rafa wtfffff man. lemme in on this -_-'

u were too late, they already pvped and everything @_@
get spartans to help u with ur gear :o

11-04-2015, 03:03 PM
well obv,u think im not that good . But what about cass? lol was she any good? More feedback plz =b
I have no comment as to whether Cass was good or not as my expertise is not in the FA class.

and i have uploaded a video without the color effect ^^

Wotan;447923']Fyi: Alz selling and buying for real money is illegal and ends up with a ban. Please refrain from it. Play the game like a pro! No shortcuts!
Why you always lyin'? :| A good amount of people would have been banned already if this was the case. Unless you forgot to add the part "from illegal website sources."

For your information: before going around making assumptions you should at least read previous comments, alz isnt free nor being bought or sold, they pvped and won it.
...or maybe the GM is just answering the question asked by the original poster before people starting derailing the thread? Defensive much :L

11-04-2015, 03:11 PM
u were too late, they already pvped and everything @_@
get spartans to help u with ur gear :o

ive been askin to get involved in this since before they pvp'd

11-04-2015, 03:12 PM
lemme go against dawk tmr.
you be the judge.

11-04-2015, 03:17 PM
I like how she jumps the gun in the beginning. Just straight up shoots me to start it off.

you said "bow" that started it off.. lol

Wotan;447923']Fyi: Alz selling and buying for real money is illegal and ends up with a ban. Please refrain from it. Play the game like a pro! No shortcuts!

smh again

I have no comment as to whether Cass was good or not as my expertise is not in the FA class.

Noona soo nice =)

11-04-2015, 03:19 PM
Forgot to mention how both of you were in a party so retargetting was like null lol

11-04-2015, 03:23 PM
Forgot to mention how both of you were in a party so retargetting was like null lol

omg I saw him using party to retarget... yepp I was scoping out the video ^-^

11-04-2015, 03:24 PM
won't lie, I tried using z like the first 2 matches

11-04-2015, 03:30 PM
well obv,u think im not that good . But what about cass? lol was she any good? More feedback plz =b

you both need to work on mouse retarget not freaking z/party.
also i would of liked more freestyle in pvp so theres no healing (imo thats what real freestyle is),why in the name of god would you use round cut or w/e its name at 8:21 o.0 i dont wanan judge but mind explaining? idk if skills have changed sicne last time i was a fb lol

11-04-2015, 03:30 PM
won't lie, I tried using z like the first 2 matches
Pretty normal for a pk freestyle. Would have been more interesting to watch if you guys did PvP freestyles without being in a party. Too late now though as I think the both of you are quite busy since it already took this long just to get a video posted :c\

you both need to work on mouse retarget not freaking z/party.
also i would of liked more freestyle in pvp so theres no healing (imo thats what real freestyle is),why in the name of god would you use round cut or w/e its name at 8:21 o.0 i dont wanan judge but mind explaining? idk if skills have changed sicne last time i was a fb lol
He probably wanted to use a filler skill even though you can loop force assault>force slash>impact stab indefinitely now. Honestly don't see why he would use other skills such as round cut, lances, cannons, etc.

11-04-2015, 03:32 PM
interesting video

Lord Kronius
11-04-2015, 04:36 PM
you both need to work on mouse retarget not freaking z/party.
also i would of liked more freestyle in pvp so theres no healing (imo thats what real freestyle is),why in the name of god would you use round cut or w/e its name at 8:21 o.0 i dont wanan judge but mind explaining? idk if skills have changed sicne last time i was a fb lol

I hit the wrong button ^^ i use round cut as a final hit skill.. so its on my bars.

11-04-2015, 04:38 PM
Force Impact.

Lord Kronius
11-04-2015, 04:49 PM

heres the video without color

11-04-2015, 10:51 PM
spam z and party retarg okay wtf and dawk clicking skills? -_-

11-04-2015, 11:14 PM
Lemme point out everything wrong for you guys to help you feel
Dawk: using root at bad times, pressure him and when hes about to run away then root him. debuffing in combo before you go to your enemy is just a waste of 1 combo, just debuff --> fade back then confront. Only way you're gonna kill an fa is burst dps or they'll run away and heal hl --> sod --> burst dmg kill
Cass: just terrible healing in combo didnt exist using mobs to dash away in combo and using range didn't exist, root + aos didn't exist lol you wonder why I call you bad

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 06:49 AM
Lemme point out everything wrong for you guys to help you feel
Dawk: using root at bad times, pressure him and when hes about to run away then root him. debuffing in combo before you go to your enemy is just a waste of 1 combo, just debuff --> fade back then confront. Only way you're gonna kill an fa is burst dps or they'll run away and heal hl --> sod --> burst dmg kill
Cass: just terrible healing in combo didnt exist using mobs to dash away in combo and using range didn't exist, root + aos didn't exist lol you wonder why I call you bad

let me write this down =D..thanks!

But hey , dont judge me on the first 15mins of this video... i was plyng like crap,

11-05-2015, 08:34 AM
Lemme point out everything wrong for you guys to help you feel
Dawk: using root at bad times, pressure him and when hes about to run away then root him. debuffing in combo before you go to your enemy is just a waste of 1 combo, just debuff --> fade back then confront. Only way you're gonna kill an fa is burst dps or they'll run away and heal hl --> sod --> burst dmg kill
Cass: just terrible healing in combo didnt exist using mobs to dash away in combo and using range didn't exist, root + aos didn't exist lol you wonder why I call you bad

First off idc what you call me if you haven't comprehended it at this point. Healing in combo exist no keep up. And as for using range in and using mobs to escape, you have done that before many times? You didn't get away because of your dashing skills...

11-05-2015, 09:28 AM
First off idc what you call me if you haven't comprehended it at this point. Healing in combo exist no keep up. And as for using range in and using mobs to escape, you have done that before many times? You didn't get away because of your dashing skills...
Healing in combo exist no keep up? I actually can't comprehend what that means lol. And wtf do you mean if I use mobs to escape many times? I do it 24/7 lol
p.s You can heal in combo and continue right? they put that in a while ago no? @teaparty

11-05-2015, 09:37 AM
yep :o pretty fun to do in a pk

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 10:31 AM
ANyways, p crazy how it al lwent down. ...started off as her on a 4 win streak... i thought i had lost... but then i went on a 4 win streak xDD haha and then she 1 one and then i won 1. so we ended it at 5/5 ...
we lost track of score... but through the logic of the text... i would have won cuz some where we thought i had 5 wins , but i really only had 4.

11-05-2015, 12:08 PM
Dawk a billionaire? Damn

11-05-2015, 12:22 PM
I'll give you that one. Edited the message and left something out (failed) I know you can heal in combo you seen me doing it in the video, clown....

But anyways @Mia yes... O.o he will be able to kill me even if I heal now.

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 12:33 PM
I'm the greatest!!

11-05-2015, 01:01 PM
Dont think input matters anymore when you get 30b. By the way dawk, bribe me back into playing best fran billionaire playboy. :>>>>

11-05-2015, 02:34 PM
But anyways @Mia yes... O.o he will be able to kill me even if I heal now.

I do not think that Dawk outgeared you on this one. You could have landed first free hits on him if you were patient. You just had to wait for those crisp 800+ crit damage to kick in before you begin your combo mode and attempt for a chase. Shooting Star and GD are very predictable skills, it was pointless to begin with them, we have been using these skills as finishers since back in the days. This is not a WA/FS on shorts you're fighting with so why begin w/ Shooting Star?

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 02:46 PM
i tried to rely on so many crits... but no dice when i wanted them.. i swear her rr is up...

In the beginning i was messing up so bad... i couldnt believe she won 4 times in a row...

i stopped relying on the crits so much and then i did better.

thought i was gonna lose lol.. then in the end... i pulled out 5 big wins... my pullout game is strong.

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 02:46 PM
Dont think input matters anymore when you get 30b. By the way dawk, bribe me back into playing best fran billionaire playboy. :>>>>

Come back dawg q.q tf u doing!

11-05-2015, 03:00 PM
Come back dawg q.q tf u doing!

get ur ass online!

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 03:11 PM
i'm off work in like 2 1/2 hours. issaid 9pm cabal time q.q

11-05-2015, 03:22 PM
i'm off work in like 2 1/2 hours. issaid 9pm cabal time q.q


11-05-2015, 03:54 PM
closed the video after taylor swift + party retargetting

11-05-2015, 04:11 PM
I do not think that Dawk outgeared you on this one. You could have landed first free hits on him if you were patient. You just had to wait for those crisp 800+ crit damage to kick in before you begin your combo mode and attempt for a chase. Shooting Star and GD are very predictable skills, it was pointless to begin with them, we have been using these skills as finishers since back in the days. This is not a WA/FS on shorts you're fighting with so why begin w/ Shooting Star?

LoL people cannot help themselves with this video. I did not say anything about him out gearing me in this video. You made a comment asking if he's a billionaire and I responded to that. If he does has 30b he will out gear. As for the critique Mia. I may even attempt to listen to yours. But you haven't played in how long? But what you're stating fits more in a pvp freestyle which we were not in. I could've easily picked apart you vs skylar or you vs 541 when he was a warrior.

Can a current FA critique me please.. It's just past fa going off past spares which theres like a year between that.

11-05-2015, 04:26 PM
closed the video after taylor swift + party retargetting

As if you don't like Taylor swift. A little birdy told me.

11-05-2015, 04:35 PM
You lack the deception in your moves.

11-05-2015, 04:45 PM
Then we have something else in common

11-05-2015, 04:53 PM
closed the video after taylor swift + party retargetting

^^ that was depressing.

Can't believe 30b was given for that...

Would have been more interesting to raffle the alz.

11-05-2015, 05:00 PM
Just pointing out the obvious. You could've played better

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 05:08 PM
closed the video after taylor swift + party retargetting

aww wtf BR! i put in the Discrip. that her songs were first. listen to soemthing else and watch it lmao...

u dont have ot pay attention to my gameplay... watch hers and make comments about hers if mine is so bad q.q

11-05-2015, 06:24 PM
Dawkinz: see ur out of sp
Cass: -quickly uses fury pot- no it's not lol. . . smooth

Anyways, my two cents on critiquing. Only watched a few minutes here and there so grain of salt.
Dawk: Needs more practice. Party retargetting >_>. Possibly bar rearrangements so you don't have to right click your important skills/debuffs often. Get rid of those silly magic spells on your bars, the cringe when you started your combos with a magic skill when cass was like 2 range away. Repeated mistakes, Cass is clearly mf resistant even with delvl and mf.

Cass: Hard to critique since the video is not from your POV; can't tell if party retargetting. Remembered nothing other than running to heal when hp was low, something you would see in a freestyle pk from your typical FA, not that it's bad but just gets boring to watch. More reason why this should have been a pvp freestyle instead. Some good calls on using GD at the right times. Don't understand early usage of SS, maybe if you were up against an fs or even a warrior, that would seem like a logical choice to break through their defense but on a fb, cannons should suffice. Also, maybe if your base was high, cannons would be a viable option on fs or warriors.

All in all, I would say this could have served as a glorified practice "Legendary Cass VS Super Saiyan Dawkinz" pls. Again, would have been better/interesting to watch without the pt retargetting and pvp freestyle instead of pk.

11-05-2015, 06:32 PM
Aight, they both got their alz and i hope they make good use of it(specially dawk since he got most of it)
Enjoy while you can and have fun, rafa out for the last time :D

11-05-2015, 06:38 PM
^that's very cool of you to do something like that. Gl to future endeavors

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 06:43 PM
damn thanks bro!!!

11-05-2015, 06:48 PM
Thank you Tea!

Thanks again for choosing us and giving us an opportunity, although we need work.
Bye Rafa enjoy life

11-05-2015, 06:53 PM
Can't believe this was real, definitely not worth for what was shown lol. Oh well, not my alz. Good luck in your future endeavors, Rafa. And congrats to the winners.

11-05-2015, 09:52 PM
damnit dawkinz, do i have to come back and teach you tips and tricks bro???
party retargeting, get rid of that bad habit. do what i did, completely took off z target off my cabal controls, and pvp freestyled with no party, as well as did dungeons without z target, trust me it works.
turn auto attack off
because you're fighting an FA, open up with SOD, because of its range and cdr down debuff
and the biggest thing i try to tell everyone, do not make your moves readable, you have to pretend you're not in combo, when you really are, never just stand in one spot.
Cass has a tendency of going for big hits while out of combo, thats when you capitalize, u chill out of combo till she slips and breaks then u move in with SOD.

And another thing, please bro, master the art of pvp freestyle, when you become a retarget master, you'll never need to use mobs, try not to use them.

btw send me a pic of your bar, i wanna see your dps bar and big skill bar. you should also be switching between those, depending on the situation, never just have a "set" combo for everything. i know you can be better bro

in terms of cass's gameplay, she already knows what i would tell her lol.

11-05-2015, 10:02 PM
Okay, Rafa was nice enough to request that Dawk and myself make a freestyle video and whoever wins gets 30b. Half of the people posting are either trying to get in on it or critizing so it seems (if you feel I'm not directing this message to you then keep on reading and move around) but I don't really mind the constructive criticism but some are doing it to be a$$ holes who are seriously coming off as haters also. Whether you liked the video or not it was still Rafa's decision. He still felt that dawk still deserved it which he does since he fulfilled his request. Dawk and myself had fun which we always have done when pk/piping each other. Not saying it couldn't have been better. So ofc all of you opinions are cute abd maybe even considered about the video. But if dawk, Rafa(mainly), and myself liked the video all of your comments are irrelevant.

11-05-2015, 10:04 PM
And @nuve yeah I know =/ lol

Lord Kronius
11-05-2015, 10:18 PM
=] yeah i know i can become better and i will, in time..

I got some interesting upgrading to be doing ^^

11-05-2015, 10:20 PM
=] yeah i know i can become better and i will, in time..

I got some interesting upgrading to be doing ^^

cool cool

11-06-2015, 01:56 AM
cool cool

Maybe if you would log in sometimes to help dawk bc you know I don't listen to you sometimes.. I just atk lol

11-06-2015, 04:39 AM
Okay, Rafa was nice enough to request that Dawk and myself make a freestyle video and whoever wins gets 30b. Half of the people posting are either trying to get in on it or critizing so it seems (if you feel I'm not directing this message to you then keep on reading and move around) but I don't really mind the constructive criticism but some are doing it to be a$$ holes who are seriously coming off as haters also. Whether you liked the video or not it was still Rafa's decision. He still felt that dawk still deserved it which he does since he fulfilled his request. Dawk and myself had fun which we always have done when pk/piping each other. Not saying it couldn't have been better. So ofc all of you opinions are cute abd maybe even considered about the video. But if dawk, Rafa(mainly), and myself liked the video all of your comments are irrelevant.

You need to chill. This has been an interesting thread because one person decided to give his alz on a bet. For us retired, we could care less about who wins it or not. If you can't handle these feedbacks then dont create threads like these. This is a forum board and of all people, you should know how the boards work. You think you have a lot of haters? Lmao you're thread is nothing compared to most of mines. Learn how to f.ck back or stop with the publicity stunt.

11-06-2015, 05:36 AM
You need to chill. This has been an interesting thread because one person decided to give his alz on a bet. For us retired, we could care less about who wins it or not. If you can't handle these feedbacks then dont create threads like these. This is a forum board and of all people, you should know how the boards work. You think you have a lot of haters? Lmao you're thread is nothing compared to most of mines. Learn how to f.ck back or stop with the publicity stunt.

This reply was a publicity stunt because apparently you felt as if I was talking to you the person who I was people who I was directing it at didn't even reply. so now I am talking to you Miavii since you feel left out. If you could have read I said I didn't mind the constructive criticism but there were others just commenting to be a$$ holes. If it wasn't you Mia then you can simply st.f.u

Kk Hun.

11-06-2015, 06:02 AM
Just say F.uck you Miavii. No need for longer paragraphs. >.>
Just sayin, creating a thread on a different forum account seemed like a publicity stunt to me.

11-06-2015, 08:26 AM
Just say F.uck you Miavii. No need for longer paragraphs. >.>
Just sayin, creating a thread on a different forum account seemed like a publicity stunt to me.

I'm not to that point yet... All of your btchy comments lately I've been letting you slide. And here is this bs again. I'm not the one who created this thread. But if you could accuse me of knowing who it is then that's a different story.

P.s te first paragraph wasn't even for YOU. But that craving for attention just takes over you. I should known but then again.. Well.

11-06-2015, 08:47 AM
Uuhuh, right. Well good thread nevertheless

11-06-2015, 11:03 AM
Uuhuh, right. Well good thread nevertheless

Whatever Miavii

11-06-2015, 11:56 AM
^kr gif so I can fit in.

lets free in BI for fuuuuuuuuuun. What happen to this freestyle thing turco was tryna setup.

11-06-2015, 12:36 PM
^kr gif so I can fit in.

lets free in BI for fuuuuuuuuuun. What happen to this freestyle thing turco was tryna setup.

that kr chick p kyute. lol GL dude, if this happens ill come to watch

11-06-2015, 02:08 PM
deng I don't feel like renewing my wtfast. I also don't feel like logging on cabal.
