View Full Version : FS is the most nerfed/useless class

12-09-2015, 10:33 PM
Been playing FS since the very start. I also have other class chars (except GL). Never in the history of FS has it been this weak, especially in NW. There was a time FS can equalize things with a single crit, which is the only real equalizer it has. Now it is nerfed so bad that even it's once vaunted CD is weak and it's once top defense is useless. AOD is useless, reduces it to a punching bag that a BL can crack easily. Other classes have better overall defense. How can you damage a BL when you can't hit it? FA has tons of evasion as well and heals fast. Same with WI, with the added bonus that it basically stuns you forever and blinks away. WA regens fast and probably has the highest overall defense as well. FB has evasion and basically just debuffs, roots you to get out of trouble. Not familiar with GL yet. FS has no defense against debuffs, healing is horrible. Unless you have really good gear, damage is pitiful in any BM. BM1 + aura has higher damage when used with the 3 top skills compared to bm2 and bm3 with aura. Cabal should rebalance everything since everything is so skewed against FS. The same thing happened to BL a few years ago where it was so badly nerfed, BL players quit left and right.

The Scrub
12-10-2015, 12:12 AM
u r bad

12-10-2015, 08:42 AM
Well, if you're playing top tier...everyone is geared up now so you can't expect to keep up with them in the gerneric gears. Also...don't FS have surpress?

12-10-2015, 09:01 AM
I wish classes made for tanking and support did more tanking and support. You need to reconsider your build

12-10-2015, 03:48 PM
I wish classes made for tanking and support did more tanking and support. You need to reconsider your build

Well, I have been playing this FS since Feb. 1, 2008, which is the FIRST day Cabal US officially opened. The FS in the past is the ultimate tanking class ( I don't know about support, other classes have always been better at this). This is because the way STATS affect the class. STR in FS before gave more def than WA; now it only gives damage reduction and because WA has way more STR in stats, it actually has more damage reduction. Damage has been nerfed a lot; after a major update in 2012 ( I think), FS players noticed they can't even crack an egg while critting.
I know a lot of players are better geared but I'm talking about classes that are geared equally. Nowadays, with EQUAL gear, FB can actually tank better than FS. FA can even tank better with evasion and heal. Blader, you know how it is when you start comboing on them and discover you are just missing. WA, better damage redux, Knock down, and massive regen.

12-10-2015, 03:50 PM
"u r bad"

Very constructive and insightful. Thanks for your comment.

12-10-2015, 03:57 PM
Well, if you're playing top tier...everyone is geared up now so you can't expect to keep up with them in the gerneric gears. Also...don't FS have surpress?

BM2 suppress buys you time, delays them. Or annoy your opponents. My gear is not that generic, but I'm talking about if classes are equally geared.

12-10-2015, 08:45 PM

12-10-2015, 11:42 PM
"omg omg im a tank class with lower dmg than dmg dealers" #FSCrap #Nerf #Crymeariver.jpg

12-11-2015, 07:18 AM
"omg omg im a tank class with lower dmg than dmg dealers" #FSCrap #Nerf #Crymeariver.jpg

If you know your CABAL history, FS used to have the highest spike damage of any class. So your supposedly smug, smart-ass comment just makes you ...clueless.

12-11-2015, 09:39 AM
You're correct in that at one point in CABAL history, FS had the highest spike damage. Not sure whatever happened to that, probably had to do with the Rising Force update where everything was "rebalanced." However, you can't really blame the developers for such changes since a tank class is meant to tank, obviously.

However, where you've gone wrong is claiming that FS has 0 tanking capabilities and are completely useless. First of all, as others have said, it just might be because CABAL has progressed so far now that everyone is in epic gears so you stating that you are unable to tank says a lot about your gears or how you built your character (merit trees). Not sure how easy it is for BL to out damage AoD but there are ways to counter them when they pop AoF such as your charge suppression, or if they're not in combo, evasion pots. BL has immortality for 1x seconds? BLs typically use intuition when they're low on hp, perhaps you could time when you should suppress them with charge. FA has too much evasion? Combo. WI has stun lock and can blink away? Infinite stun, what? You're the only class that retained resist immunity while it got removed from every other class, use it. I'm pretty sure warriors do not have more overall defense than FS do. FB can tank more than FS? Lol, maybe in bm1, highly doubt it otherwise. Yes, they have root but there are so many ways to counter that now...honor 20, holy water pots, panda epaulet, etc. How about we talk about how FBs are nerfed and how completely useless their mana freeze is, even when coupled with Field of Enervation?

In terms of PvE (end game dungeons), FS are probably the most useful since they have Shadow Shield, BM2 Suppression and charge suppression.

12-11-2015, 12:56 PM
man i had a 191 fs hr 14 with no rr gears i barely would die and still manage to score 900's its the most boring class ever! but i must admit their dps is low but still could hit people for 6-10 k with mb
play fs better ull be fine the class is OP (tank wise)

12-11-2015, 10:23 PM
Well, I have been playing this FS since Feb. 1, 2008, which is the FIRST day Cabal US officially opened. The FS in the past is the ultimate tanking class ( I don't know about support, other classes have always been better at this). This is because the way STATS affect the class. STR in FS before gave more def than WA; now it only gives damage reduction and because WA has way more STR in stats, it actually has more damage reduction. Damage has been nerfed a lot; after a major update in 2012 ( I think), FS players noticed they can't even crack an egg while critting.
I know a lot of players are better geared but I'm talking about classes that are geared equally. Nowadays, with EQUAL gear, FB can actually tank better than FS. FA can even tank better with evasion and heal. Blader, you know how it is when you start comboing on them and discover you are just missing. WA, better damage redux, Knock down, and massive regen.

So what are you complaining about? There is no way a correctly built fs is going to tank better than fb/fa/wa LOL.

" Blader, you know how it is when you start comboing on them and discover you are just missing."
lemme tell you this is only possible in intuition which is a short mmk

I'm not saying you're wrong in fs needing a buff (they kind of do need a damage buff) but they have good assets.

12-11-2015, 11:49 PM
FS gear is so cheap now take that to your advantage. 20b FS should have superior stats than 20b FB, WI. The problem with FS is that when people start getting their HN20 and resist rate like cake now, FS can't crit which is why FS damage is weak now. You need to build more max rate as FS your rate should be like 70/75 or something. (I am WI and my max crit rate can be 68 with 2x 3 max rate gear and no max rate on bike so as FS you should have a lot more use max rate bike if your feel needed it is not bad as it seems)
FS defense is still strong (I think you complaint about FS defense because FS doesn't have a way to run out and heal up like BL, FA does but your SS is pretty good and if you make use of AOD good enough you should not be dead) and your suppression is OP too.
Overall, the market price auto adjust and make up for unbalance between classes and FS is still in a way better position than BL back then.

12-12-2015, 05:05 AM
MeH I break their AoD with my FA back in the old days. Never really was a threat except for WULA and SeraVeritas. My least favorite class. I guess it really s haha

12-12-2015, 06:06 AM
Well the fact that there were FS that according to you "a threat" mean that FS were not bad :)

12-12-2015, 10:58 AM
That goes with every class. It all comes down to how well you control them. And not a lot of FS here are that great sorry to say, a lot of great gears but only few FS have that explosive playstyle. So....w/e

12-12-2015, 12:11 PM
"So what are you complaining about? There is no way a correctly built fs is going to tank better than fb/fa/wa LOL."

That's exactly my complaint. A correctly built 'tanking-class' cannot tank better than the classes you just mentioned.

12-12-2015, 12:18 PM
FS gear is so cheap now take that to your advantage. 20b FS should have superior stats than 20b FB, WI. The problem with FS is that when people start getting their HN20 and resist rate like cake now, FS can't crit which is why FS damage is weak now. You need to build more max rate as FS your rate should be like 70/75 or something. (I am WI and my max crit rate can be 68 with 2x 3 max rate gear and no max rate on bike so as FS you should have a lot more use max rate bike if your feel needed it is not bad as it seems)
FS defense is still strong (I think you complaint about FS defense because FS doesn't have a way to run out and heal up like BL, FA does but your SS is pretty good and if you make use of AOD good enough you should not be dead) and your suppression is OP too.
Overall, the market price auto adjust and make up for unbalance between classes and FS is still in a way better position than BL back then.

It's just not about the base stats, it's about the overall package of gear, attack skills, debuffs, buffs, shorts in a class. A WI has low def/HP but when you add up the healing, stuns/damage, etc..a WI ends up EFFECTIVE having more def and HP. Same applies to FB, by the time he finishes debuffing you, you end up several levels lower, cannot move, much lower def, etc. An FB has more effective def than an FS.

12-12-2015, 12:22 PM
That goes with every class. It all comes down to how well you control them. And not a lot of FS here are that great sorry to say, a lot of great gears but only few FS have that explosive playstyle. So....w/e

That's what makes an FS 'explosive' in the past, that spike damage. It's gone now and the only way you can be 'explosive' nowadays is to have epic gears. If you don't have the gears, the only way you can really score high in NW is to die as many times as possible, lol.

12-12-2015, 12:27 PM
FS gear is so cheap now take that to your advantage. 20b FS should have superior stats than 20b FB, WI. The problem with FS is that when people start getting their HN20 and resist rate like cake now, FS can't crit which is why FS damage is weak now. You need to build more max rate as FS your rate should be like 70/75 or something. (I am WI and my max crit rate can be 68 with 2x 3 max rate gear and no max rate on bike so as FS you should have a lot more use max rate bike if your feel needed it is not bad as it seems)
FS defense is still strong (I think you complaint about FS defense because FS doesn't have a way to run out and heal up like BL, FA does but your SS is pretty good and if you make use of AOD good enough you should not be dead) and your suppression is OP too.
Overall, the market price auto adjust and make up for unbalance between classes and FS is still in a way better position than BL back then.

The problem is that FS is nerfed. Period. Even Tea knows this. Back then FS, has the highest crit rate and the highest CD out of any class. Now, FB has more rate. Even if you crit nowadays, it's not the same as before. It was painfully evident after that update a few years ago. People were complaining just a day AFTER that update that what normally takes 2 crits now takes 5-6 crits to kill in PVP.

12-12-2015, 12:31 PM
"You're correct in that at one point in CABAL history, FS had the highest spike damage. Not sure whatever happened to that, probably had to do with the Rising Force update where everything was "rebalanced." However, you can't really blame the developers for such changes since a tank class is meant to tank, obviously.

However, where you've gone wrong is claiming that FS has 0 tanking capabilities and are completely useless. First of all, as others have said, it just might be because CABAL has progressed so far now that everyone is in epic gears so you stating that you are unable to tank says a lot about your gears or how you built your character (merit trees). Not sure how easy it is for BL to out damage AoD but there are ways to counter them when they pop AoF such as your charge suppression, or if they're not in combo, evasion pots. BL has immortality for 1x seconds? BLs typically use intuition when they're low on hp, perhaps you could time when you should suppress them with charge. FA has too much evasion? Combo. WI has stun lock and can blink away? Infinite stun, what? You're the only class that retained resist immunity while it got removed from every other class, use it. I'm pretty sure warriors do not have more overall defense than FS do. FB can tank more than FS? Lol, maybe in bm1, highly doubt it otherwise. Yes, they have root but there are so many ways to counter that now...honor 20, holy water pots, panda epaulet, etc. How about we talk about how FBs are nerfed and how completely useless their mana freeze is, even when coupled with Field of Enervation?

In terms of PvE (end game dungeons), FS are probably the most useful since they have Shadow Shield, BM2 Suppression and charge suppression".

I'm not saying '0' tanking abilities. I'm saying that other classes are more EFFECTIVE at tanking than FS. And FB still has way more debuffs and other options at their disposal. What debuff does an FS have? DEF rate down.....nuff said.

12-12-2015, 01:07 PM
I haven't played an MMO where the good stuff don't get nerfed. Lololol

12-12-2015, 06:16 PM
WI can't be tankier than FS in any way. If you count every defensive skill WI has in you need to count AOD and SS too. The classes that you can argue is tankier than FS is BL but BL suffer with low aoe BM. Each class have their weakness. But if you try to argue that FS is not as tank as other class, it is just totally wrong. An in game proof is that FS can jump in 20 enemies and tank for like 30-40 sec (with aod) before getting killed. None other class can do that.
And obviously FS is the only tanking choice for high level dungeon.

12-12-2015, 06:19 PM
WI can't be tankier than FS in any way. If you count every defensive skill WI has in you need to count AOD and SS too. The classes that you can argue is tankier than FS is BL but BL suffer with low aoe BM. Each class have their weakness. But if you try to argue that FS is not as tank as other class, it is just totally wrong. A real world proof is that FS can jump in 20 enemies and tank for like 30-40 sec (with aod) before getting killed. None other class can do that.
And obviously FS is the only tanking choice for high level dungeon.

12-12-2015, 06:38 PM
That I fixed happy =.=

12-12-2015, 07:36 PM
I'm not saying '0' tanking abilities. I'm saying that other classes are more EFFECTIVE at tanking than FS. And FB still has way more debuffs and other options at their disposal. What debuff does an FS have? DEF rate down.....nuff said.
My mistake, I read 'useless' and that got to my head. But again, I'll emphasize that FS is not a useless class; they've been changed into the most wanted class in (end game) dungeons. Back then, FS was obsolete in party dungeons since a 4k shadow shield honestly didn't do anything. Their dps was also pretty crappy in their old bm2 normal attack animation...which they ended up making faster. Tell me what other class can aggro bosses, be able to tank, and keep the rest of their party alive simultaneously. Nowadays, if a FS fks up in an end game dungeon, the whole party gets wiped out (most of the time).

Now to get to my point, not everything "is so skewed against FS" because every class had an equal dosage of nerfs and buffs. I have years of "Cabal history" if you'd like to further discuss this.
Please try to run more dungeons or somehow change your play style and I'm sure your opinions will change about the FS class. Any class can be great if played correctly.

An in game proof is that FS can jump in 20 enemies and tank for like 30-40 sec (with aod) before getting killed. None other class can do that.
Right, cause 20 people, all at the same time, will decide to tickle an fs for the entire duration of AoD. With this example, you're actually proving konakona's point that fs tanking in pvp is somewhat ineffective since people can simply avoid you altogether ;x

12-12-2015, 08:25 PM
"So what are you complaining about? There is no way a correctly built fs is going to tank better than fb/fa/wa LOL."

That's exactly my complaint. A correctly built 'tanking-class' cannot tank better than the classes you just mentioned.

I don't think you've seen how well enso's fs can tank

12-12-2015, 11:18 PM
Just bm2 and jump in and break their melee line (when they attacking guard) You need to know when to use aod. That would slow them down a lot. The more people the war has, the more important FS is. I would say FS is bad overall if the war is like 20 vs 20 or less. BTW SS is good too make use of it, FS perform best when they have a partner :)
It is just how the class is designed the most important piece in pve and defense support role in pvp and never a dps class. They can't make you the king in both front :) (even though FB is kinda king in both front but that why it is OP :) )
BTW it is impossible to make classes to be balanced. For now i think it is the most balanced since cabal started.

12-14-2015, 10:34 AM
no crit? no problem

just wear rr gear and ignore fs like boss

12-14-2015, 04:05 PM
Just bm2 and jump in and break their melee line (when they attacking guard) You need to know when to use aod. That would slow them down a lot. The more people the war has, the more important FS is. I would say FS is bad overall if the war is like 20 vs 20 or less. BTW SS is good too make use of it, FS perform best when they have a partner :)
It is just how the class is designed the most important piece in pve and defense support role in pvp and never a dps class. They can't make you the king in both front :) (even though FB is kinda king in both front but that why it is OP :) )
BTW it is impossible to make classes to be balanced. For now i think it is the most balanced since cabal started.
Then we will have a new thread complaining that FB is not solo King

12-16-2015, 07:04 PM
FB is trash


12-16-2015, 08:23 PM
Them BL too op too remove them from game pls