View Full Version : Selling alot of gears wiz/wa/fa/fs

12-14-2015, 01:10 PM
FA gears >
Aqua orb +15 40/7
Fc craftsman coat +10 and +11
Fc craftsman gloves +12
eppy sage +8

FS gears >
Fc craftsman gauntlets +8
fc craftsman greaves +9
Fc craftsman plate +9
Shadowtit boots of amp +15 11amp
Redos blade of annihil +11 40cd

WIZ gears >
sig suit of outrage +7
sig hand of outrage +11
sig shoes craftsman +9
Osmium headpiece of deathblow +11 34cd 7rate

WA gears >
Redos daik +15 60cd 14rate
hellforge weapon greatsword skin

IGN : CrazySh0t leave offers here or mail me in game ty.