View Full Version : Buying FA Items!

12-20-2015, 12:02 AM
Looking for:
8/40 Craftman Sig Orb pref 3/3 extreme maybe forci or higher? depends on price
Multi Amp/MCR gloves Looking for Craftman Sig but let me know what u have.

message me here

12-21-2015, 09:33 AM
dead community, no one buys/sells

12-21-2015, 10:16 AM
or maybe you're expecting items that are uncommon what's the rush anyways, can't wait to reroll for the 100th time? : ^)

12-21-2015, 10:19 AM
The rush is to play the new class.. who doesn't wish for a speedy reroll? I like rerollin, you like weird pictures/gifs of Asian girls that I don't understand.. Whats the problem? (:

12-21-2015, 10:25 AM
uh what class haven't you played by now lmfao
how can you even compare rerolling to the gifs i use. also, just because i post those gifs doesn't necessarily mean i like them. kappa

12-21-2015, 11:20 AM
Lol.. thought I made the connection pretty well.. "I like rerolling, you like weird asian gifs" people like what they like.. i haven't played GL or BL because that just doesn't interest me..
btw what is up with your avi? is she having an org@sm or just sneezing or what? this i'm just highly curious of..

12-21-2015, 11:57 AM
i did not imply that you rerolling is a problem, which is why i dont understand why you made the "connections" in the first place. all i asked was why your in a rush to buy all these uncommon items then continues to say the community is dead when no1 sells you the item your looking for in like 10 hours. you answered just that...with an extra unnecessary "connection"

it's a derp face; caught in the right moment of a music video. you can think whatever you want though : ^)

12-21-2015, 12:57 PM
why dont we make babies instead?

12-27-2015, 01:47 AM

12-27-2015, 01:17 PM
bought suit/boots.. new orb up