View Full Version : sell Wi 192, hr 14; archidium epaulet of sage, orb sig 15/24, ex1

01-01-2016, 04:21 PM
i WTS 1 Wi lv 192,hr 14 full ring/ pet SP; full rune (not max all)/ basic 5k1/ have set archi 7amp(suilt, boot,glove +7-10); archidium epaulet of sage (char bin)/ orb sig 15/24 ex 1 (charbin). have seana and doring 76def// ophia amulet 6dmg, 3 amp mcr +3%// avanta santa 40mg att... = 10b for all. (if you don't buy with orb, i can unbin orb and sell char with 5.5b)
pm zzhoatuzz in game