View Full Version : Another Event Rant That Will Fall on Deaf Ears

08-04-2016, 08:26 PM
I will preface this rant by acknowledging the obvious, the fact that this is ultimately a business and that end goal of EST is to make money. Even so their decisions have hampered their ability to maximize on the prospect of a larger player base of which they could generate more money, and have thus hurt their profits which is their end goal.

If it where up to me scroll amp events like this one would have never occurred in the first place, I think if they had not occurred the game would have been much better off to be honest. Sadly they did happen and therefore there are players that are ridiculously over-geared compared to the average player. That means that their only hope of ever being on an even playing field and having at chance to succeed comes once or twice a year when EST decides to give the population a chance to close the gear gap. My issue is that these last two events (this one and the new years one) have been utterly ridiculous. People don't have the opportunity to close to the gear gap because getting event items for the items that you need has become harder and harder. I know players that have alz saved from last event because they couldn't buy any stars as they became harder to get than ever before and now people have to collect 3 different items that drop in 3 different groups of dungeons just to get a medal to try and get 1/1000 of those plaques that we need to close the gear gap? This is bad management mainly because you guys already opened Pandora box its over there are 15-30 people in the game that 50 average players can gang up on they still wouldn't leave a scratch. The only way to increase the population and keep it is to make the game more fun for more people and you do that by making it more competitive. Not by making it near impossible to stand a chance against the lucky few old players of the game.

I hear from other players that in the beginning of the amp events people could just go on and buy event items from the NPC for 800mil! But now we don't get the same opportunities as those people? Now we gotta bite the bullet and pray to the RNG gods just so that these items even come to existence? All I ask is for fairness if you guys gave the opportunity to those older players to get as overpowered as they are its only fair to allow new players to try and put themselves in a position to compete. The main reason I play this game is because I like the skill animations but when i get killed in 3 seconds by an overpowered person i don't really get to see them. Instead of crying about it I tried to save my alz slowly just to get a chance at making things interesting in war so that the game would be more fun, but nope every event where I think this is my chance to catch up it turns out that you guys made it harder just so that you could squeeze money from the population buying those super expensive medals from the cash shop (trust me we all know they are going to be there soon). This is just sad now, you guys have no intention of making this game more competitive or increasing the population of it all you guys want is to keep milking those old cash cows.

08-05-2016, 07:39 AM
This + adding more wind pots to the mix. Ahhh fun wars, fun wars indeed... Right when peoples wind potions were depleting EST decides to throw more in as a filler. TrollZzz...

And did GM lower the rate of event items? Yesterday was getting about 15-20 drops per dungeons, today im getting 10-15.

Whats going on back there GM? Why doesn't the drop rate apply to event items like they used to. Every event keeps getting worst. Just shut the game down already if your intention is to kill it.

i sell stuff
08-09-2016, 02:31 PM
I feel like they waste their time on the MOBA style game play and this makes it unbalanced. Like Super at 30% is probably stronger than most 180's and 190's at 70%. If they made it so that gear+skill mattered in war and then pure skill in this moba the game would be a little more fun to play.