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View Full Version : Epic Blader opinion

06-17-2010, 02:16 PM
just wanted to know if i FAILED as a blader my
im a lvl 16X blader
+7 osm pc rate helm 20% damage 8% rate
+7 mystic gloves 7% s.amp
+7mystic boot 7% s.amp
+7 osm armor suit 7% s.amp 50hp
i use 2 critical damage rings +2 , merg ring, and a ring of figther +9(btw merg ring is the only rate ring i use )

i also have a 40% damage +7 osm kat and a 12/24 titanium kat( out dated weapon but i still use it )
i own bof+3 sloted but i like using bof+ 5 for some odd reason
i also own 2 Vamp earrings +6
my hp is 3600 with buff
def is 898 buff
base attack is 952
crit damge is 147( 157 with skills )
40% rate ( 50% with some skills )
-,- and my shame 38% amp because i use bof+5 ( i own bof+3 sloted but i just dont use them )
soooo any one willing to tell me how i can aprove on my blader set and help me out or

06-17-2010, 03:00 PM
Sup DivineSeeker.

06-17-2010, 03:02 PM

06-18-2010, 03:36 AM
nope matri that isnt divine, he uses a pc martial suit not armor... wait lemme guess i got trolled?

06-18-2010, 06:58 AM
I wouldnt say FAIL, but you cand do better... Use your BoF+3 slot, get rid of that titanium crap and get forcy amped to pair with your Osm 40%...

06-19-2010, 06:44 PM
I wouldnt say FAIL, but you cand do better... Use your BoF+3 slot, get rid of that titanium crap and get forcy amped to pair with your Osm 40%...

im gonna be honest here u shouldnt be giving out advice =/ ur builds pretty wack

06-19-2010, 06:47 PM
oh i think this is the guy that bought imuramasa's blader lawl

06-19-2010, 07:23 PM
hollowichigo? @_@

06-19-2010, 09:00 PM
nop this is glen's blader

06-20-2010, 08:22 AM
Who's Glen?

06-20-2010, 11:24 AM
Who's Glen?

the guy marti named
i murasama or somthign like that
sorry call him that since ex elemental

06-25-2010, 09:08 AM
=.= WOW u guys are not even closes to knowing who i am ( no one should really care) well maybe Beowolf is close but none of you guys are lol

06-25-2010, 09:25 AM
just wanted to know if i FAILED as a blader my
im a lvl 16X blader
+7 osm pc rate helm 20% damage 8% rate
+7 mystic gloves 7% s.amp
+7mystic boot 7% s.amp
+7 osm armor suit 7% s.amp 50hp
i use 2 critical damage rings +2 , merg ring, and a ring of figther +9(btw merg ring is the only rate ring i use )

i also have a 40% damage +7 osm kat and a 12/24 titanium kat( out dated weapon but i still use it )
i own bof+3 sloted but i like using bof+ 5 for some odd reason
i also own 2 Vamp earrings +6
my hp is 3600 with buff
def is 898 buff
base attack is 952
crit damge is 147( 157 with skills )
40% rate ( 50% with some skills )
-,- and my shame 38% amp because i use bof+5 ( i own bof+3 sloted but i just dont use them )
soooo any one willing to tell me how i can aprove on my blader set and help me out or

1. use those bof 3 slot >_>
2. swap out that pc rate helm for a dmg one.
3. get rid of that rof9 and replace with a rol.
4. get rid of that tit kat and replace it with a forcy amp +6/7 or another pc

06-25-2010, 10:06 AM
=.= WOW u guys are not even closes to knowing who i am ( no one should really care) well maybe Beowolf is close but none of you guys are lol

zomg i knwo
i actually know
safe with me mengz >.>

06-25-2010, 10:13 AM
since im that epic blader opinion that you're looking for imma have to tell you to shut the f uck up son

06-25-2010, 10:17 AM
according to matri u can never be epic unless u equip a 8rate 10cd+7 forcy blade