View Full Version : Not only me with this issue (GM cmon seriously)

Immortal Dilemma
06-18-2010, 03:08 PM
Ticket No. 5647
(it says opened now can i get a reply and get unblocked plz i would hate to stop playing this game b/c of this misunderstanding)

Hello and to whom it may concern...i sent a ticket in about two weeks ago..and i still haven't gotten a message back in my e-mail or cabal account.

i was wondering when it was going to be answered My account got blocked for no reason and....

This happened when i wasn't online and this happened to one of my friends not to long ago.

Im not known ed to bot,hack or any terms that would get violated in the code of conduct of this game.

So i sent this message to try and see if i can get a reason and recover my account back.

Please can u send me a message as soon as possible.


06-18-2010, 04:25 PM
Ticket No. 5647
(it says opened now can i get a reply and get unblocked plz i would hate to stop playing this game b/c of this misunderstanding)

Hello and to whom it may concern...i sent a ticket in about two weeks ago..and i still haven't gotten a message back in my e-mail or cabal account.

i was wondering when it was going to be answered My account got blocked for no reason and....

This happened when i wasn't online and this happened to one of my friends not to long ago.

Im not known ed to bot,hack or any terms that would get violated in the code of conduct of this game.

So i sent this message to try and see if i can get a reason and recover my account back.

Please can u send me a message as soon as possible.


just hang it up man and make another account same thing happend to me so just leave it along they want do anything about it only wasign your time

[GM] DaisY
06-18-2010, 09:30 PM
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We will investigate on your case and let you know the result through the ticket.
Please be patient and do wait.
Thank you.
CABAL Support Team