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View Full Version : lotto system

07-22-2010, 11:47 AM
since the ah is taking alz out of the game why not take the alz ah makes and put it into a a weekly lotto drawing. Each player gets 1 entry per week for the drawing 1 winner a week and each week lets says 50%- 75% of the alz ah makes is given to the winner

07-22-2010, 11:51 AM
since the ah is taking alz out of the game why not take the alz ah makes and put it into a a weekly lotto drawing. Each player gets 1 entry per week for the drawing 1 winner a week and each week lets says 50%- 75% of the alz ah makes is given to the winner

AH was made as a sink to take alz out of the economy. if they did ure lottery they would prolly need to charge 10% of selling price to keep it as a sink

07-22-2010, 09:57 PM
bad idea. -1

everyoe will make a billion account so they have a billion entry stupid.

07-24-2010, 12:49 AM
they already give out free alz from monster kills, granted its not much, but it comes from somewhere

08-01-2010, 07:18 AM
I like the idea, but only if there is someway to keep the economy in check and, like ilu was referring to, to keep 1 player from gaining an unfair advantage from the lotto. There needs to be a highly serious level of control to govern over this kind of update, and, if it was ever to be made a reality, I pray that it wouldn't screw up AH anymore than it already is.

First of all, there would need to be a long, thorough analyzation of all the probable cons & breakthrough points of this system. A limitation to 1 entry per account or IP address might suffice if properly monitored. The entries could be done via quest, event or online the official website.

A reward placement of no higher than 50% of the money taken out through taxes by AH to be distributed to the winner, AND/OR perhaps stretching out the earnings to a lucky few instead of a lucky one(for control purposes). Something like 3-5 different lotto winners in setups such as these...

One Winner
1st - 50% of Taxed Alz
more or less. Determined by the game designers.

Three Winners
1st - 40% of Taxed Alz
2nd - 35% of Taxed Alz
3rd - 25% of Taxed Alz
or an even 33.33% to all.

Four Winners
1st - 40% of Taxed Alz
2nd - 30% of Taxed Alz
3rd - 20% of Taxed Alz
4th - 10% of Taxed Alz
or an even 25% to all.

Five Winners
1st - 30% of Taxed Alz
2nd - 25% of Taxed Alz
3rd - 20% of Taxed Alz
4th - 15% of Taxed Alz
5th - 10% of Taxed Alz
or an even 20% to all.

Hopefully, you get the idea. If they could in someway manipulate the amount of entries and get it to a safe procedure, we could see a 6-way winning lotto where they choose 1 winner from each class, but then again, that runs into the problem that ilu stated. Either way it is implemented, I wouldn't approve of placing any more than 50% of the total AH tax earnings into the hands of 1 person. With multiple winners, the idea is much more secure, suspenseful, and fun for all parties involved.

I assume the lottery would take place in a time period from once every week to a month starting and ending with the beginning of every Sunday. The money would be sent directly to the player's designated in-game inbox and an alert would be made to them saying that they've won a place in the last lottery when they log back in, if they were offline. All the other little features can be worked out simply easy and don't have to be gone into detail for in this thread.

As long as no negative changes occur to the current game play and economy along with this new lottery system(such as Spur has mention), than I see great promise in it for many individuals to come. In some way or another, this might even help intrigue new people to try out the game.

08-03-2010, 01:10 AM

08-03-2010, 07:29 AM
its been 2 weeks and things have actually changed lol. the introduction of the VIP card which negates AH tax for its users kinda makes this system totally pointless cause i think they rather sell more VIP cards

08-04-2010, 03:47 AM
A VIP card? Sounds interesting. I'll have to look into it, but thank you, Spur. I guess that defeats the purpose of lottery system now "/