View Full Version : guys i need a little help

08-01-2010, 08:47 AM
First thank you Lethal for the blader help. I now want to try a warrior. As i like the big swords. But my problem is. What is a good build for him. I look on the warrior section and did not see a build. I just want to make sure i train him right. So what stats should i go. What skills etc. IM really sorry to bug you guys again. Many thanks for reading.

08-01-2010, 09:49 AM
Warriors are pretty much just like bladers , except better. WA are the most Over powered class in the game, because of the NA fighting style.

They have the most HP, defense, and attack, and they're the easiest to apply stats to.

Basicly, you should end up with

Str: A ton
Int: 70

Again, never use the auto set button, do it yourself. I mean, 95% of the time you'll just be adding points to str anyway. The stat points you get from the rank ups will be plenty, and in some cases, too much.

08-01-2010, 09:50 AM

08-01-2010, 09:55 AM

The red ensquared area shows the growth requierment, needed every ten levels. After level 60 or so, it stands still and you already have like triple the stats it says for you to have. You need to do the growth quest and have those stats to be able to get things like, longer buff durations, aura, bm2, bm1, combo mode, etc.
Like I said, it's only annoying the first 50 levels or so.

Since you're going to be a warrior, you should look for items and weapons and such with amp http://i977.photobucket.com/albums/ae259/Album_00/amp.jpg, and critical damage and rate. You can only have a max of 50% rate, so 40 and above will be fine. Rate is shown as blue, damage is shown as yellow/orange.http://i977.photobucket.com/albums/ae259/Album_00/CD.jpg

Warriors do not get any additional rate from their skills/buffs, so you'll need to have some deathblow crafted items with rate as the craft to achieve that 40-45%+ rate.

08-01-2010, 09:57 AM
As i like the big swords.


08-01-2010, 09:57 AM
Deathblow crafts, as you know, can be of rate or damage.

Since the warriors only weapon choice is two handed, the crafts are doubled.

The name goes something like "_________ Great Sword of Deathblow +7 (For example)

The crafted damage is shown in a different color text, in this case, it's yellow.
The damage crafts are 12%, 14%, 20%, and 32% as perfect craft. Needless to say, they're expensive.

Slots are also double that of Orbs/katanas/crystals/deathblow. (20%)

If you got a perfect crafted damage greatsword with 40% damage in both the slots, it would be 72% CD. That's pretty beast.

Example: http://i613.photobucket.com/albums/tt211/WiII_photos/ampgs-1.jpg

If it was a blade it would have half the attack and craft.

For rate crafting, it's pretty much the same. The crafts are 6,8,10, and 16.
Here's an example:

Amp crafts are the same yet again, and they go like, 6,10, and 14
It can be either magic amp craft, or sword, so watch out.
Obviously you want sword.

08-01-2010, 10:12 AM
You want the same upgrades for your warrior as you did for your blader.


Skill ranks are


Each time you get new skills and new skill slots, and with each rank up, you get more stats, increasing in value every time you rank up

If you notice the magic points you need to skill up are half of what you need for sword, but they go up twice as slow. They're even, so you'll always be "Dual Expert/DualTrans".

Also, with each rank up, you get more upgrades for purchase. These are annoying and exspensive but utterly necessary.
For a blader, you should end up with:
Vitality mastery
Offensive sense
Defensive sense
Damage absorb
Impact control
Sixth sense (All maxed out in level)

I can tell you that if you aren't the highest skill rank you can be at all times, you won't stand a chance. I can't tell you that from experience though, because I never lose at whatever I do.

It's not hard to skill up, you get points every time you attack a monster.
You can also attack Training dummies while you're away. Just make sure you have auto attack on. (Ctrl+A is the hotkey)
You don't get more skill exp for stronger moves or amount of monsters you hit.

Pic related, it's a couple training dummies.
I advise you to keep impact stab or a low costing MP move in addition to Magic arrow, for faster casts and easier skill ups.

You can also get adept gear to skill faster. It helps, do it!
Crafts are +2 skill, +3 skill, +4 skill.
Aramid is the cheapest and most common. You won't need a higher grade because you won't be getting gang banged by monsters when you're skilling. Unless you're doing it wrong. Your skill bar moves as slow as oprah at the bostom marathon without adept.

Can't find any pictures, but it's a craft and it's pretty simple to find in the agent shop.

08-01-2010, 10:14 AM
thank you for the help.

08-01-2010, 10:15 AM
Pretty much it for warriors, you want amp everything except your sword and helmet, which should be deathblow.

The other guide is here if you want to check back at it

08-01-2010, 12:42 PM
I smell copy/paste....

But if not, good work. Lawl. You sure go all out for strangers...

08-01-2010, 12:56 PM
I smell copy/paste....

But if not, good work. Lawl. You sure go all out for strangers...

Copy and paste by my own guide that I made? Yeah.

08-01-2010, 12:57 PM
Put it in WA class discussion. Should be helpful to nubs...

08-01-2010, 01:00 PM
Put it in WA class discussion. Should be helpful to nubs...

Click the link in #9, it was a blader guide to start with.

08-01-2010, 01:02 PM
Warriors are pretty much just like bladers , except better. WA are the most Over powered class in the game, because of the NA fighting style.

They have the most HP, defense, and attack, and they're the easiest to apply stats to.

Basicly, you should end up with

Str: A ton
Int: 70

Again, never use the auto set button, do it yourself. I mean, 95% of the time you'll just be adding points to str anyway. The stat points you get from the rank ups will be plenty, and in some cases, too much.

ahh shut up lethal i wann do this one

08-01-2010, 01:40 PM
First thank you Lethal for the blader help. I now want to try a warrior. As i like the big swords. But my problem is. What is a good build for him. I look on the warrior section and did not see a build. I just want to make sure i train him right. So what stats should i go. What skills etc. IM really sorry to bug you guys again. Many thanks for reading.

well there two kinds of builds for warriors crit rate and crit dmg. For crit rate you would have atleast 43 crit rate and 110 dmg. For dmg build you would have atleast 38 rate and 115 crit dmg, but it realy depend on the weapon you have and do you mwar alot. If u like to war alot u should do dmg build cause your rate is gonna come from your aura. If u like to pvp rate build cause most ppl dont go aura in pvps unless they bored-_-. And lastly i may be wrong on this one but if u use daik do sig-forcium gear like boots gloves and helm(those are expensive) for more defense to make up for the lack of attack . If you use gs most ppl use st-sig and all there extra stats go to strength(more attack) to make up for some of the def you may have. Did that help you out abit o_0?

08-01-2010, 09:26 PM
'Brilliant', 'Quite Good', 'What?', these are just some of the comments made recently in the press regarding help. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of help. Remarkably help is heralded by shopkeepers and investment bankers alike, leading many to state that its influence on western cinema has not been given proper recognition. The juxtapositioning of help with fundamental economic, social and political strategic conflict draws criticism from global commercial enterprises, whom I can say no more about due to legal restrictions. In the light of this I will break down the issues in order to give each of them the thought that they fully deserve

Social Factors

As Reflected in classical mythology society is complicated. Upon Peter Pinkleton-PishPosh's return to Britain he remarked 'class will refelect the inner hero' [1], he created a monster which society has been attempting to tame ever since. Much has been said about the influence of the media on help. Observers claim it is quite good.

Nothing represents every day life better than help, and I mean nothing. It breaks the mould, shattering man's misunderstanding of man.

Economic Factors

Derived from 'oikonomikos,' which means skilled in household management, the word economics is synonymous with help. We will primarily be focusing on the Lead-a-Duck-to-Water model, a complex but ultimately rewarding system. Oil


The statistics make it clear that help is a major market factor. In spite of the best efforts of The World Bank oil prices will continue to follow help for the foreseeable future. Many analysts fear a subsequent depression.

Political Factors

Politics, we all agree, is a fact of life. Placing theory on the scales of justice and weighing it against practice can produce similar results to contrasting the vote of the man in the street with that of one more accustomed to help.

Let us consider the words of that silver tongued orator, a legend in their own life time, Elijah B. Adger 'consciousness complicates a myriad of progressions.' [2] He was first introduced to help by his mother. Perhaps the word which sums up the importance of help to politics is 'participation'.

One thing's certain. The Human species liberally desires help, and what's more human than politics?

To reiterate, help has, and will continue to be a major building block for the world in which we live. It questions, brings glamour to an unglamorous time and is a joy to behold.

As a parting shot here are the words of super-star Nicole Spielberg: 'I demand help, nothing more nothing less.' [3]