View Full Version : Will render rank-up help services.

08-06-2010, 12:25 AM
Just thinking of random, new, ideas for making business. Maybe this will start a trend and see more of this from others.

Anyway, I was thinking of offering my aid to those needing rank up help for levels 100-140. (This level cap is based on levels 100+ requiring running a dungeon and or war-zone maps to complete the rank up. Level 140 is the highest I can help with really because I am only level 14x myself.)

The fee: The cost I have come up with can be discussed and negotiated but I was thinking 100% of the total entry cost. (The customer supplies his/her entry as well as mine+ 100% of whatever the entry total is. This includes having to possibly run a dungeon a 2nd time due to not being able to finish/complete the task in 1 run. This applies mostly for Frozen Tower B2f Part 1) For example: If you need help with the 120 rank up (of course I will help with the Lakeside portion as well) and the current cost on Seal of Darkness is 3 million alz each, you would buy your entry and mine+ 100% of what the entries cost you. So if the total came to 6 million alz, the alz payment would be 6 million alz. This price may seem steep for some, which is why I am up for negotiations. This is just a brainstorm, but I figured it should be made worth the while for the time put in to supply this service. In return, those who have no other means for help can help the economy by paying for the service of being aided with these rank ups. (Not by just me, I'm sure when others see this idea they will offer their services as well.)

Drops: Considering that drops are all pretty much random and there is no telling what can and will drop, drops should be split evenly. This is mostly something that has to be agreed/negotiated on. However, considering I am a nice person I will let you pick up all drops with the exception of possibly splitting 50% of the Upgrade Core (High). In the event a rare/valuable item should drop, (which it probably won't happen - Lol) the item should be either rolled for or sold, splitting the profits. This is the only fair way I can think of, and of course this is completely up to making an agreement before actually going through with the rank up. Please PM me if you're interested or leave comments if you like this idea. :) Please, no flaming. Thank you for your time.

08-06-2010, 07:47 AM
wrong section ?

08-06-2010, 08:17 AM
wrong section ?


And there is already a similar system to find people to help in rank ups. It's called a guild.

08-06-2010, 09:00 AM

08-06-2010, 11:50 AM
I said no flaming please, I am lvl'd up. I'm not lvling to 170 to do this, I can do plenty at 140. If you don't like it don't post. :/

08-06-2010, 11:50 AM
If you knew how to read I said that this was a service supplied to those who have NO OTHER MEANS. AKA a guild. Kthnxbai.

08-06-2010, 11:51 AM
Nope, this is a service with a cost...so therefor it would be considered a trade. Wrong English lessons?

08-06-2010, 01:22 PM
can u help me with 110 rnk up, i gib u 1b alz k?

08-06-2010, 01:35 PM
How many people from 100-140 are NOT in a Guild?
Besides, everyone has friends to help them with these things, I doubt there's anyone who's so desperate to do their Rank, that they'd pay you to help them.
Nothing personal, free bump.

08-06-2010, 02:29 PM
I'd be willing to offer these services for free.

Just good conversation. ^^

Edit: that wasn't very clear, lol. I mean the only cost would be keeping me not bored ie sharing stories or talking about best combos etc.

08-06-2010, 04:05 PM
Atleast charge an entry item you unselfish bastard

Why would I? I'll just take enough drops to make up the entry price. No loss and a little EXP to boot.

08-06-2010, 04:33 PM
that's assuming that all 100-140 players belong to a guild. Not all people have friends, and if they do, they may not always be on-line or available/able to help.
How many people from 100-140 are NOT in a Guild?
Besides, everyone has friends to help them with these things, I doubt there's anyone who's so desperate to do their Rank, that they'd pay you to help them.
Nothing personal, free bump.

08-06-2010, 04:34 PM
Come on now...
can u help me with 110 rnk up, i gib u 1b alz k?

08-06-2010, 04:37 PM
Doing it for free is not business...and getting drops isn't doing it for free anyway. And you're willing to pay for the entry item even if it's 4m and not get drops? Have fun. lol
I'd be willing to offer these services for free.

Just good conversation. ^^

Edit: that wasn't very clear, lol. I mean the only cost would be keeping me not bored ie sharing stories or talking about best combos etc.

08-06-2010, 04:39 PM
Atleast charge an entry item you unselfish bastard

No wonder you got blocked. The coin was tails... you got blocked for being a douche and making stupid comments on people's trade forums. Good day.

08-06-2010, 04:42 PM
Doing it for free is not business...and getting drops isn't doing it for free anyway. And you're willing to pay for the entry item even if it's 4m and not get drops? Have fun. lol

My point is, you're trying to get profit out of something that is easy to do by yourself or as part of a legit run with people you know.

08-06-2010, 08:53 PM
Point is, this was experimental. There is nothing wrong with trying to make profit. ''Easy'' is a relative term. What may be easu to you may not be easy for others. I see plenty of 100+'s asking for help with rank ups. Please read English carefully before you talk. All I was saying was for those who NEED help and have no other means for getting it, can contact me for aid. Now kindly leave my thread if you're not going to talk business.
My point is, you're trying to get profit out of something that is easy to do by yourself or as part of a legit run with people you know.

08-06-2010, 09:37 PM
It's not a bad idea, but as people say thats what a guild is for. Also if people don't have a guild, they usually do it with friends. You never know when someone might need help with a rank up and are willing to pay some alz. Good Luck! and i hope it runs well.

08-06-2010, 10:08 PM
This thread fails.

08-06-2010, 10:22 PM
charging 100% like that is wayyyyyyyy too much. maybe 25% or say that you keep all the drops from whichever dungeon it might be, but that SoD thing is ridiculous. I'd personally rather quit than accept such an offer. It's a good idea, but needs a LOT of refining. Although I just do it free myself and run it like any other dungeon and share drops, etc while helping them, even if they're a total stranger ^-^ as long as they're a good person and not an ass or a demanding self proclaimed pro, then im all for helping anybody lol great way to make new friends =)

08-08-2010, 03:54 PM
sooo nice i need rank up help ^_^