View Full Version : G.Ms please ban (botting frap in link)

08-06-2010, 05:09 PM
I watched this guy for quite some time. He is in Mercury.


and then I made a small frap



I asked him 4 more times before making the frap, no response. Then I said if you don't respond I am going to report. Count down till 5.

and I waited for a while and saw this guy. Please ban. I think his name was like Rateagoren or something some 12x ish WA.

08-06-2010, 05:12 PM
You need a costume

08-06-2010, 07:33 PM
although he might be one...
not answering doesnt mean anything
a person can remain silent for a lot of reasons
he might not be proficient in english
had his chat filtered or doesnt like to use the chat system like me

why does he hav to answer you in the first place, what makes you so important that he must stop training and/or farming to chat w/ u

but then, if i was him, i would hav pk u (win lose doesnt matter)...just to show that im not botting
(again, not saying that hes botting just becuz he didnt pk u)

08-06-2010, 09:30 PM
The bot has upgrade itself and wore forcium for botting! ;)

08-06-2010, 09:56 PM
i have noticed a lot of high lvl bots lately some of them are even in guilds like the 134fa from blacklisted that's usually in ch 9 fgr
i have also noticed a lot of them appear to be old ogp players that have quit over a yr ago and now they r botting which i find interesting
like a old friend of mine who has been botting for about 1 month now and is still on friends list yet he quit cabal for good almost 2 yrs ago

08-06-2010, 09:57 PM
I watched this guy for quite some time. He is in Mercury.


and then I made a small frap



I asked him 4 more times before making the frap, no response. Then I said if you don't respond I am going to report. Count down till 5.

and I waited for a while and saw this guy. Please ban. I think his name was like Rateagoren or something some 12x ish WA.

that dont look like a bot... it look like he just ignoring you .....you should of attacked him to see if he fight back or say stop...(what if hes not a bot but sense you just posted this gonna make the gms think hes a bot and get him banned and next thing you no he will be on the forum saying why did i get banned i didnt do anythng)

08-06-2010, 10:05 PM
actually he was ranghacking WW doesn't hit that far

08-06-2010, 10:15 PM
it's a bot. for sure. NOBODY grinds at the lihorns there. i mean really, the death giants are so much better, but at 120, he shouldnt be there. and he's not the first rangehack/bot ive seen at that spot. the only times they respond is when the account holder is physically at the desk watching the game. otherwise they're usually unresponsive for hours, and for many many many PKs

08-06-2010, 10:17 PM
man you no how many ppl got good drops at lihorns.......eod drops crazy there <_< and what time on the video was he range hacking .......

08-06-2010, 10:38 PM
man you no how many ppl got good drops at lihorns.......eod drops crazy there <_< and what time on the video was he range hacking .......

the first WW is where the range hacking starts. watch the lihorn at the far right of the screen, WELL out of any WA attack skill's range and not even in range when the skill started. and every attack after, watch the lihorn at the bottom of the screen. and EoD isn't as expensive anymore (THANK GOD).....the best ive personally gotten in that area was 6 uch that bots farmed for me xD

08-06-2010, 11:05 PM
well the way i tell if its a bot is by attacking.......

08-07-2010, 02:44 PM
doesnt always work. sometimes the guy who made the bot is sitting at his computer observing or playing. so don't always count on that

08-07-2010, 03:57 PM
doesnt always work. sometimes the guy who made the bot is sitting at his computer observing or playing. so don't always count on that

That defeats the purpose of botting.

[GM] DaisY
08-08-2010, 01:57 AM
Thank you for your report.
We will manage this case by our policy.
In addition, we appreciate your great interest in CABAL.
Your report will make CABAL a better game.
Thank you! :)