View Full Version : Please help meh, I'm bored! Ty

08-06-2010, 11:19 PM
YO hommies, this is your friend vontar, calling down from the south side in mars. I need yo help GMs because meh account got scammed by some scammer as implied. this is an outrage! we, the american people, shall not stand for this, jk lol. but no I did get scammed and any help regarding this issue would be greatly APPRECIATED. so Plox if you have ANY TIME would you help me GMs, now I know I'm not as important as like RebornSaz. or anything. I'm a low lvl nub with no life UNTIL HE HAS HIS GEAR becuz I can't do anything if you could help I'd appreciate it as this matter must be resolved!:cool::(:confused:

08-06-2010, 11:21 PM
what happened? How'd you get scammerd?

08-06-2010, 11:26 PM
well a wizzy blinked in front of me, took off my clothes using magical *ur naked* buff and then bam, my life came to an end. but nah, it happened because of my religion god was all like do unto others as you would to yourself and I was ok, ok I can do this. so this guy was like ima, ima ima be, be, ima be, wait, I want oyu tobe bringer and I was like hmm, cool. and he was like so yeah I quit and I'd like to help you and i was liek srsly and he was like all convincing and I was like ok sure. so like a good fellow I give him half my gear and he runs off with it and i am like wtF at the end but then i cried and cut myself which helped.