View Full Version : Anything to do with cabal setup messes up my computer

09-06-2010, 08:48 PM
I downloaded the setup.exe And anytime I try to open, run, or access the properties of the file in windows explorer Nothing happens at all(left it for over an hour one time) and then everything on my computer slows to a crawl. All my programs start to become unresponsive and I'm forced to restart my computer, sometimes manually because nothing works. If I manage to close the windows explorer window, I try to reopen "My Computer" and no drives or anything show up and all the side bars just show a magnifying glass moving around, saying "searching".

Here's some specs if it helps, my brother also runs a very similar laptop with same OS and his Cabal works fine.
Using an HP Pavilion dv6 laptop with windows 7 64 bit.
Microsoft security essentials and malwarebytes are only 2 antivirus programs
Nvidia GeForce G105M
Intel core i3 M330
Fairly new computer(6 months old)
I run regular virus scans, defrags, and I use cc cleaner.
All my drivers are up to date, got lots and lots of hard drive space left(300+ GB)
4 GB of RAM

I've looked around the forums and I really have NO idea wtf is causing these problems. The confusing part is why it affects my entire computer and why my drives and everything in my computer go missing the second I click on the Cabal setup. Im going to try doing some virus scans to see if I picked something up by accident today.

09-07-2010, 03:33 PM
OK, I read your post and I am going to do a bit of experimentation. I will get back to you sometime tonight with a list of possible issues and solutions.


09-07-2010, 06:43 PM
K thanks for the feedback at least. I completed the scan and everything came back clean.

09-08-2010, 01:54 PM
Here's another scenario lol. I took the Cabal Online(US) file from "User" on my friends computer and put it on my computer using a USB stick(16 GB stick). I tried running CabalMain and the mouse looked like it was loading but then nothing happened. I went into properties and changed compatibility to windows xp service pack 3 and it still didnt work. I tried using the Cabal icon and it opened a window that said 100 loaded with a start game button. I hit start game, and nothing again. Just sits there looking like its loading for a bit then stops. I play lots of other games that work fine btw. Im not sure if this would matter but I used to play Maplestory which uses Gameguard and Hackshield, but I doubt thats the problem because 2 of my friends and my brother all have the files still on their computer and their Cabal works fine.

More help is appreciated :P

09-08-2010, 04:13 PM
OK, I can rule out a few things because of that. I have one more theory. I'm sorry for the horrible response time, but with the school year starting up, things are pretty hectic around here.


09-08-2010, 04:55 PM
Yeah I understand lol, I'm just happy someone answered me.

EDIT: I opened the Cabal(not CabalMain) file and when the interface showed up I ran the check file thing and it said everything was ok. So I hit start game and yet again nothing.

09-08-2010, 09:00 PM
I tried deleting the set up just now and it wont move from the download folder. I tried using File assassin from inside MalwareBytes and it just froze the program and said not responding. I dunno if I got some kind of super virus from downloading it lol? It came named 0902_cabal_setup. Not sure how a stupid program like that can cause so many problems.

09-09-2010, 05:39 PM
Well, what it SOUNDS like is a registry issue alright, except the reverse of what I've been dealing with. I suspect that your registry may be lacking some important line of some program or another. I really have no way to tell which, but you should reinstall/update all programs such as drivers, Java, Flash player, Microsoft framework, etc. Sorry to put you through so much trouble, but that's about all I can come up with. CCleaner might be slightly over-aggressive, so in the future I will remember to warn people to be careful what they tell it to delete.
