View Full Version : I require some assistance =)

09-19-2010, 10:25 PM
Hello all, I was an OGP player and I had two accounts, I've been having trouble transfering my accounts, I managed to transfer one but no luck on the other. So as I was entering my info from OG planet I realized that I forgot my accounts' passwords. I visited OG planet and changed them but once I tried to transfer on this site, it said it was still incorrect for both accounts. I searched my email that one account was registered in and found a forgot password verification that dated 07/27/09 and found that it did work, Odd.

So my question is that if you change your Ogplanet password now, will it not work for using the account transfer, meaning that you need the password you had before Ogplanet switched owners?

Sorry for the lengthy post, and Thanks.