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Conversation Between DeathlikeHowls and Enso

27 Visitor Messages

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  1. Lol XD I'll be on later today
  2. Killing the WA and re-rolling FA, halp.
  3. Haha it is a game isn't it?
  4. That I can do. =D
  5. Lol aight, just have fun. ^^
  6. BAH.
    I'm just gonna roll WA for a while, lol.
    Making a new char is too complicated. XD
  7. Lol sure. =]
    First order of business would be basic set of amp/orbs.
    Go for 5/20 +6 phery orbs to start, stit amp with an osm suit. And get a 5 rate or 8 rate helm.
    And of course an eos6.
    5 + 10 + 5 gives you 20 rate, so two rol+1 or a merg/a rol+1
    40 rate will do for now.
    And of course 2 cr of the highest + you can afford.
    For accessories, buy the best vamp earrings and bos you can afford.
    BoS +7 > BoS +6 = BoS +3 slotted > BoS +5 > BoS +4 Don't bother with +2 slotted it's a waste of money.
    After that's all squared away, go for better orbs, 15/24 and a 7/40 or 7/34 will land you at
    5 (base) + 15 (first orb) + 7 (second orb) + 15 (merg ring) and at that point you get a damage helm and an eos7.
    GG xP
  8. Even considering that, my CD/Rate/Base/Amp weren't nearly up to par with FB's of my lvl.
    Wanna help me roll a WI? xD
  9. Hmmm out of your characters FB is the cheapest. Because frankly it's the combo/tactics that make an FB, not its gear.
  10. I dun have a WI.
    And I'd need all that money to also pay for EXT pots. o.o
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