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Thread: New ideas for weapons, skills, and other misc. stuff thats needs to be improved

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    Thumbs up New ideas for weapons, skills, and other misc. stuff thats needs to be improved

    hi my name is xenobus_2006 from Georgia, USA. I'm a DJ and im a loyal fan to your wonderful and fun action of cabal. I'm currently using a Force archer. I notice you have skin weapons for your bladers and warriors. This is only an opinion of what I've been playing and seeing. Loyal cabal fans plz give your ideas as well on this subject. In which i know u will.

    More weapons for FA:

    I was wondering if you could make a skin or a permanent weapon of gungrave weapons or similiar idea of guns for the Force Archer . the website here has a picture of what I'm refering to: http://th05.deviantart.com/fs12/300W..._by_SkyWay.jpg
    To a certain lvl you're able to get bm2 ability. But how about permanent guns for the FA with more stats.
    or Hellsing cerebrus weapons :http://www.yourprops.com/norm-440151...282002%29.jpeg
    Both of these guns pack a punch. Have effects like Def down, HP decrease from internal wounds, holy bullets,etc.

    a bazooka/gunlike weapon for a FA would be nice kinda like gokudera-kun from the anime titled Hitman reborn : http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs41/f/20...y_siguredo.jpg
    I know you thinking like why i say this because most ppl pick warriors or bladers. My question is how come the FA's ability to wield a sword isnt that good. yes theyre superb in archery but they should also have diff skill in swords or blades in its own class unlike their brother FB. both use magic one for blades and one for archers. I think both use magic should be versatile in both aspects. but saying for FA they should have their own particular sword that can heal the wielder. I know there weak when it comes to close attackers. prob should make a fist ability or gauntlet ability for FA to strengthen there lack of close combat prowess.
    U should have a skill that turns FA bow into a bow blade. When u hit the same magic attack twice it moves in direction of the enemy. then it attacks with the bow until the time of the skill restores itself. Either it could be a skill or make a better bow that gives that bow that ability to strike similar to a sword to cause damage like stun foe or some other side effect like confusion.
    u should also have a skill called rapid fire so it would make the time limit on skills restore faster

    Another char:

    another good char would be a Force Brawler. U have all char here that uses weapons how about a char that don't use weapons but his fists and feet. I know it would be kinda of clicheissh. but any mmo i played I havent seen a brawler unless u was playing a pocket fighter games. but even still they have their own skill set.
    *NEM=NAture elemental magic
    Skills should be like grand knuckle punch(huge high energy blast to the face)*, groundbreaker(breaks the ground)*, fistburst attack(multiple hits to the body of enemy) (similar to the ryo multi hit attack from capcom vs snk 2 on ps2.), Dash punch, uppercutfrom hell(two hit combo of natures elements or two combined NEM that makes more damage than the avg uppercut)*, combo-breaker(i know yall can run with this idea. Killer-instinct babe), BM1 would be berserker mode(still take damage but more hit damage with attacks without any NEM and also cancels out all his NEM skills just using his regular skills, Bm2 (invincible armor or somewhat god-like mode, no damage, gives damage and then some side effect to foe)<<dont know about this one because in war it would be annoying. IT would probably be berserker mode 2 that take less damage and dish out more damage to foe with NEM.
    costumes should be a whole lot better. some of those costumes are . only ones i like was the yuan one. You guys should have costumes popular like from anime shows or video games char. or somewhat similar to their idea.
    now with the bikes and board. I havent seen a bike to be purchased in the item shop. u have all boards why is that. I want a cool bike to or make a miniture version of the bike. But if too many ppl have bikes i guess it would be laggy a lil bit. make some more cool color of the boards i like the red and black, but make an all black and blue version and all black w/ red in it.

    sorry for rambling. but thnx for listening cabal. I will post more in this same item threat if i come up with more ideas. Now i gotta go get something to eat at Wendy's, bacanator YEAAA!!
    Last edited by xenobus_2006; 04-29-2010 at 10:35 AM.

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