I forget where I saw this, i think it was on the facebook page that someone posted on about it

But basically they said about making a "Guild war channel" were say if im in guild "A" i would go into the guild channel, then all the people that arent in my guild are hostile regardless of their nation or not.

But also say if im in guild A, and guild A has a guild alliance with guild B, then when members of guild A and B are in the same guild channel, then they'll be friendly and will be able to kill members of other guilds. This would be a good thing to implement in the game, it could raise competition and "fun" in game, considering that most of the time theres "guild rivalry" more then just "nations vs nations" like in the war channel. half the time im in the war channel with my guildies/friends and we lure the ppl outside of town to pk them if they're killing my guildies/friends XD but yeah, please consider this, it would be BADASS