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Thread: Nation War: The Eternal Struggle

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    Smile Nation War: The Eternal Struggle

    *Event Type: In-Game
    *Event Title: Nation War: The Eternal Struggle
    *Event Summary: Procyons' and Cappellas' endless struggle to reign supreme over Neverath.

    This event should be used to motivate more players to attend nation war, as well as benefiting fellow war goers with improved bonuses during the event.

    - 50% WEXP boost to all players that attend war and recieve 30 pts.
    - Bonus 50% WEXP boost to the nation that wins the current war.
    - Bonus 100% (on top of other 2 bonuses listed) for nation that wins the bonus saturday war.
    - 50-100% AXP boost in war
    - Additional Daily AXP quests to help players recieve axp even quicker
    Ex. Quest 1 ( Standard quest): Kill S. And M. Legacy Guard= 7 mil axp
    Quest 2: Kill M. and L. Legacy Guard= 14 mil axp
    Quest 3: Kill L. and Ensign= 20 mil axp
    - For lower level tiers (1 and 2) a temporary special shop can be made where they may exchange wexp for prizes
    Ex. Tier 1 Shop: Stit Cubes: Char binding stit Armor and Weapons that can allow you to recieve 2 slot shadowtitanium with a random epic craft. (also chance of overcrafted gears)
    Tier 2 Shop: Osm Cubes: Same as stit cubes but in osm form.
    - All tiers will also have a "Mystery Nation Box" in thier shop. These boxes will be in 4 forms
    Ex. Mystery box (Bronze)= 250 wexp
    Mystery box (Silver )= 500 wexp
    Mystery box (Gold)= 1000 wexp
    Mystery box (Diamond)= 2000 wexp

    As the mystery box increases in level, so does the rarity of the items you can obtain.
    the items obtainable are respective for each tier

    Ex. Tier 1 Mystery Boxes= Upgrade Core Low, Perfect Core Low (Account Bind) Slot Extender Low( Account Bind), Upgrade Core Medium, Perfect Core Medium( Account Bind) Slot Extender Medium(Account Bind), Astral Boards (K Red , K Sky, K Black and crystals, all 1-30 days temp, account bind), Astral Boards (perm, very rare chance,) account bind), War Costume Epaulets of respective nation (1-30 days Account bind) and perm versions as well. Also Includes Weapon/Armor Option Scroll Low of all kinds (including rate) Blue bikes crystal and reg obtainable 1-30 day and perm (rare chance)
    Tier 2 Mystery Boxes= Same as t1, but also include RW3 Bikes(crystal as well) within Mystery Boxes(14-30 days) and perm as well. Also includes Upgrade Core High and Perfect Core High ( Account Bind). Includes Weapon/Armor Option Scroll Medium of all Kinds (including rate)
    Tier 3 Mystery Boxes= Same as t2, disregarding all medium grade items, Slot Extender High (Account Bind), and Upgrade Core Highests. Includes Weapon/Armor Option scroll Medium/High of all kinds (includes). Also Chance of EoX+7, Sig EoX7 (1-30 day and Perm)
    Tier 4 Mystery Boxes= Same as t3 but includes Perfect Core Highest( Account Bind) and Slot Extender Highest ( Account Bind) as well Includes Weapon/Armor Option Scroll High of all kinds. Also chance of EoX and SigEoX+7 and EoX8 (1-30 days) and perm
    Tier 5 Mystery Boxes= Same as t4 but include Armor/Weapon Option Scroll Highest of all kind. . Chance of Eox 7, SigEox 7, and eox 8 (1-30 days ) and perm

    **All Scrolls will be character bind**
    **All perm items listed will be very rare to obtain (pretty obvious)**

    - Guardian titles should be re- added during event. The highest scorers of every class, (2nd highest scorer for class which bringer is in) will receive the Guardian titles. Guardian titles ( for players who are new) are titles which also display your name in war channel. It also added Hp, and resist for unmovable,stun,knock back, and down. In some instances guardian titles are better then bringer. It also allows the blue texted global shout in during war.


    - If possible, add a new nation war map!!!. It seems quite blunt to constantly play one nation war map. Every other day we can possiblly play the new map to keep things a little more good and fun.

    Above is the picture of the Cabal World Map, along with 1 existing map, 1 retired map, and 2 new maps I've come up with ( I believe Gloriosa and Bruto are in the accurate places). Not only are there new maps, but I think it would be interesting to add different objectives for victory as well within each map. Here are some of my ideas.

    Ex. Tierra Gloriosa ("The Glorious War") (current war map)- Both Nations struggle for victory by gaining the trust of powerful legacy guardians whilst capturing bases to decimate thier foes and reign supreme.

    Tierra Del Bruto ("The Brutal War") (retired war map)- Both nations come in pure hand to hand brutal combat in a open arena. Will you survive?

    Tierra Del Umbra (" The Shadow War") ( new war map idea)- In a secret and dark territory in the distant Nevarath, a strange and mysterious force prepares a massive army to exterminate all human beings. Halt the advancing forces while fighting the opposing nation in this chaotic war zone. Can both sides come to an armistice for world peace? Or will everything end in utter chaos? ( both sides will fight incoming waves of forces that spawn at certain points of the map. The objective is to for the nations to recieve points by killing as many of these mobs as they can while at the same time, having to fight each other. Legacy Weapons will drop from special named mobs that spawn accordingly throughout the map. The nation with the most points by time's end is the winner.)

    Tierra Impermissus ("The Forbidden War") (new war map idea)- On a uninhabited island far off the coast of Nevarath, a hidden excavation site contains a powerful Ancient Legacy Weapon with enough power to control all who stands before you. However Lady Capella and Lord Procyon learn of this powerful device and send their forces to occupy the territory. Will the end of this conflict finally show which leader will control Neverath? ( both sides will start off at 2 camps on opposite sides of the map. These camps are UNCAPTURABLE AND MERELY SERVE AS RESURRECTION/SHOP AREAS. They will then have to race to the center, where there will be a large base ( similar to home base but on a larger scale) where the nations destroy a Ensign to capture the base. The Stronghold will have multiple accessways (war gates) as well as large amounts of tower building areas, where exclusive towers can be built specifically to attack the opposing nation( powerful silos, cannons, etc.). There will also be default attack towers during the 1st base capture to attack both sides. (Like a security system for "intruders".) All accessways are open by default until first capture. Once the base is captured by a respective nation, all attack/defense towers will be destroyed (except for a few) and all members of the opposite nation will be warped back to camp where they may access Legacy Weapons (only 1 can be obtained in your inventory) via NPC to assist them in Stronghold Invasion. The Nation that has possession of the Stronghold WILL NOT receive legacy weapons, but will get slight stat boosts (via power of "ancient Legacy Weapon". Once an access way is down and you've successfully infiltrated enemy base, you must destroy thier Ensign (weaker then the default Ensign) and you will recieve possession of the Stronghold. The Team that is possession of the strong hold by times end is the winner.)

    - Discounts on Black Transmuters for easier nation changing.

    - Nation War BB/Premium packages. should include a variety of blessing beads at a discounted price to improve players' war experience and rewards.

    -Lastly winning war bonus will be increased to 20% rather then the standard 10% ( somewhat motivating? XD)

    Please feel free to add any suggestions, as well as adding your feedback to make this even better.
    Last edited by psykl0n; 09-19-2011 at 07:39 PM. Reason: edited sum rewards

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