Okay, this has been happening on and off my time playing Cabal, but when it happens it REALLY annoys me. I'd be questing or dungeon...ing and all of a sudden the monsters stop attacking, I can't attack anything (and if I do there's no damage number; basically it's like the monster doesn't get hit), and sometimes I'm glued to my spot on the ground and I can only change direction and not move anywhere.

At some points, the game would resume (after loading all of these monster's attacks and causing my eardrums to bleed from the amount of sound coming out of the speakers) and I'd get over it, but today I was doing EOD and it completely just stopped running right at the Frozen Prime Knight Zombie, and I had to quit out of the entire game. When I relogged, I was in Bloody Ice and it happened AGAIN, this time it also froze the chatbox and I couldn't click or move at all.

Has anyone else had this problem? =( Idk what's wrong with my game.