Quote Originally Posted by xFear View Post
i did spend usd to gear up,thats not a secret,but i dont do it anymore cuz its not worth it;usd was never a prob and it isnt,so me not having forcy 30 amp or any of that shiz is cuz game is 100% dead.
lol dont you have a life like every1 else? or the only thing u do to "feel joy" is pathetically trying to flame on other ppl? lol thats just sad man,wonder if u got any friends in real life cuz ur life must really .
The whole reason this game is slowly dying is because of the amp scroll event. So in other words, you're basically saying that if no one had enough alz to even get one scroll during this event, you would have continued to spend usd?

Also, just to clarify, TomO and TomA are two different people.