Quote Originally Posted by Leonhart View Post
Yea, I already brought up being American as well.

Fully aware the sport is not popular here in the United States. I wrote an analysis of that my freshman year in College and it mentioned the truthful points that you have stated in this thread. But there is a significant support of the sport.

It's a decent sized crowd they have an outdoor patio area with a large TV. I'm a few blocks away so the sound has to be somewhat significant. I will admit that my school does attract a lot of international students though since we have some of the top Academic programs in the nation.

I may just be in a more diverse area. I've seen a lot of US Jerseys around today. And my Facebook has been flooded with comments about the game. Also Google displays the match in their Doodle today as well. I wasn't aware of the game initially either until I heard all the cheering lol. We're usually in the cup we just never Win.

Posted by one of my friends: "Fun fact: approximately half of the US team speaks English as a second language"
Just like how half the NHL is Canadian lol.

Soccer is popular with the young kids. And I believe the main reason is parents do not want their kids playing football. I have 4 friends who refuse to let their kids play football, but will let them play soccer. I played football for 11 years and I can understand why they refuse to let their kids play. It is definitely not a sport for the faint of heart.