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Thread: Another problems

  1. #1

    Another problems

    I can play CABAL.......about 2 minutes later.....my laptop suddenly off....how to solve this problem?

  2. #2
    Shadow Titanium SilverIceForum's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
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    Ummm, that, hate to say, is generally first sign of the CPU overheating.

    1) CPU Cooler fan is not shifting to a higher speed when underload (Bad Fan)
    2) Heat Sink is clogged with dust (Check both the intake and exhaust ports for super large dust bunnies collected, try to clean them out as best you can, toothpick works good without opening the case up)
    3) Intake Vent or Exhaust Vent blocked (Make Sure these have the most space clear around them and not blocked)
    4) Thermal Paste/Adhesive Compound between the CPU and Heatsink is not the best, cracked, you have a gap from improper manufacturing setting (Unless you know what you are doing inside, this will require a tech shop to examine the compound integrity and such, laptops are not like desktops being everything is crammed in so tightly :/)

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