Every player isn't the same...
Every WI isn't the same...
Every playstyle isn't the same...
Not all players have the gear or have changed their stats to take advantage of the new changes...

Therefore, some people will have a tougher time playing WI than others...

Lastly, stop with the elitist attitudes please, it ruins the community and people lose respect for such players...calling people names and acting like your so great of a player just makes you look bad...try helping people instead, this community is really taken a turn for the worst in recent years...all you see is crap comments like these in this post...never helping, just ridicule, hate and pure trolling....seriously if I were a mod, I'd be swinging the temporary ban hammer on a lot of these stupid responses people make lately...

But of course once you spend time in other game communities that are 200% more nicer and friendlier, then come back to cabal, you get a broad picture of how bad this community can seem and feel...maybe that's where I am at....

Either way, stop assuming everyone who struggles with things are incompetent or whatever...for those who claim they are so great, how about you help others get better.