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Thread: So sad...

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by truely false View Post
    I agree, Cabal NA has evolved into a P2W MMO for adult players. This was not always the case, I remember ep1 open beta and ep2 back then it was Cabal OGP. The only players who had an advantage were premium players(players who paid to play). Thier advantage was they could skill grind on dummies so you could have a level 10 trans. I think things really started to change with ep3 and evolve into the Cabal we have today. Good or bad I can't say for sure because I'm still a very dedicated player. Sure there are some changes I wish EST had not made but oh well such is the will of the almighty EST Developers...

    If you played at the beginning of cabal you should know that level10 couldn't skill on dummies. You had to be level 90+ AND premium.

  2. #32
    Only thing hard in cabal is getting money, which just got even harder after this update.

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Flit View Post
    Only thing hard in cabal is getting money, which just got even harder after this update.
    This must be a joke

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    It's ultimately cheaper to just buy alz, saves weeks of grinding tedious dungeons praying for a decent drop.
    A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Mishon View Post
    It's ultimately cheaper to just buy alz, saves weeks of grinding tedious dungeons praying for a decent drop.
    Indeed I'm starting to think the same as of late.
    After you grind to 190, after you max out all runes, after you've run thousand of dungeons already (with only 2 real party dungeon: FT2 and MO), keep doing that again and again you start to realize is much better to live your life and spend some bucks on cabal, rather than waste all your life there and still ending up spending money on it nonetheless.
    One party dungeon every 1 year looks ok, np. We will have fun running HV solo meanwhile, also np.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Finally some people get it! Cathy ur Wow example and Cabal example is bad...there are MANY more games like cabal or better where lvling is easier: Vindictus, maple story, dragon nest...Plus Wow is a pay to play game which is sad in itself. Not saying make this game easier by giving us PC drops left and right but start at the core of the issue that is lvling and gear dependencies that some classes have. Its easier to gear a fs compared to a wa or wi. IK whatever i say here wouldn't make a difference to gm's so...we should prob forget bout this thread and many others cuz it pointless to waste time on useless conversations. (that fact alone is sad)

    So im gona shut up and enjoy my 1-2h of cabal with its sh1ty drops and big mouth ppl like cathy which make my gaming experience so much better ;D

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Cathy View Post
    The point is that you're wrong about that. This game is MUCH less time consuming compared to other MMO's.

    Compare WoW and Cabal for a sec.

    How long does it take to get lv.80 in WoW compared to getting lv.180 in Cabal?

    How long does a dungeon in WoW take and how long does a dungeon in Cabal take?
    yeah but what do you get in 1 wow dungeon run, and what do you get in 1 cabal dungeon run?

    I never (luckily) played WOW but I play cabal and can tell you from 90% of runs all you will get is npc crap and cores, or little drops worth almost nothing.
    To make real alz without buying ecoins you gotta run 20-30 dungeons daily (during our EU free entry event I used to play 30 hours cabal-5hours sleep-repeat to pay for safeguards). Without playing 15/24 hours daily you won't go past basic set, unless you are lucky and get a big drop every dungeon you run, which is unlikely.

    big mouth ppl like cathy
    that's interesting in a different point of view o.o

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sandulf View Post
    Finally some people get it! Cathy ur Wow example and Cabal example is bad...there are MANY more games like cabal or better where lvling is easier: Vindictus, maple story, dragon nest...Plus Wow is a pay to play game which is sad in itself. Not saying make this game easier by giving us PC drops left and right but start at the core of the issue that is lvling and gear dependencies that some classes have. Its easier to gear a fs compared to a wa or wi. IK whatever i say here wouldn't make a difference to gm's so...we should prob forget bout this thread and many others cuz it pointless to waste time on useless conversations. (that fact alone is sad)

    So im gona shut up and enjoy my 1-2h of cabal with its sh1ty drops and big mouth ppl like cathy which make my gaming experience so much better ;D
    So what your trying to say is your lazy?? in 2 hours of play i can get 4-5 IC1'S done in a duo OR get 1-2 lvls. And you only get sh1ty drops because your to lazy to work for anything in a game. might as well play a p.servers.

    You'r logic for saying gear is everything is flawed. I know a lot of people who are all gear no brain get owned by players in much less gear. It's just about how you play your class and how much you know about the game. Yes gear does make a difference, but not as much as you think. And isn't 99% of MMO's gear based?

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ROFLwiz View Post
    And you only get sh1ty drops because your to lazy to work for anything in a game.
    rofl ive ran 100 ic1s, all junk lycans and npc crap and cores, 200+eods 0 merg drops, round 50ish ic2 1 bof+6, 89 aos1 few crap braces 1 tradeable 1 magic attack rune 1 8amp 2 slot WA helm... and much more dungs. now is ur excuse here i didnt spend enough time playing or was i lazy?

    cabals drops are ed up, period. any other game, if u kill a boss, for a quest EXPECIALLY, u get the boss drop.

    just like how new update was all "tradeable lycan, drei, etc etc" yet everytime i do the dungs, still character bound junk.

    guess my 16hr a day, 70ish ap daily on cabal wasnt enough :/ im too lazy.

  10. #40
    SIGMetal xFaLL3NxAng3L's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    At your funeral
    All Im hearing from you guys are Q.Q and Complaining
    "QQ OMG Dungeon so boring" blah blah blah "Leveling Is Hard " Q_Q

    so u guys think that dungeons should drop u whatever you want whenever you want?
    then when u get crappy drop you cry like a 5yro kid

    all i got to tell u guys is grow the up =___=
    cabal isnt supposed to be easy and duh u gonna get crap drops

    cabal is way more easier than it was back in the day
    these new players don't even understand what us veteran players had to go through all these years of playing
    then they have the nerve to complain about stuff thats dumb ugh

    lvling is so much ez today than back in the day
    nowadays u can just firetrap/pi till 180 then AT till 190
    back in the day all we had was PF and the exp was trash

    and back in the day when if u had pc tit blades u was considered pro
    or had a bike

    all new players have it easy
    and u guys can buy characters now?
    we had to make our own characters from scratch and we actually had to work hard on them lawl

    idk why new players QQ yall got it made

    Now RETIRED after 5 years of Cabal Service
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